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The University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol offers a range of bachelor- and master-degree programs for future-oriented professions with excellent job perspectives. The programs are characterized by their internationality – there are more than 215 partner universities around the world that help foster student and faculty mobility – as well as a practical orientation to their respective fields.

In the full-time bachelor degree programs, students spend a mandatory semester at a university abroad; in the degree program International Business Studies students go abroad for an entire academic year. In the part-time programs, students gain international exposure through shorter study trips abroad, internships and courses in English. Furthermore, students can acquire additional qualifications by selecting a study focus which gives them specialized insights into their professional field. 

The quality of the education students receive at the FH Kufstein Tirol is ensured in a number of ways. For one, students are mentored by highly motivated faculty members and small class sizes mean that students are in intensive contact with them. Moreover, the courses have a strong practical focus and the study programs are tightly networked with the respective industries. With this solid educational background that includes many rich experiences, students can expect to find top-notch opportunities on the labor market – in fact, on average, every student receives two job offers even before graduation.

News of the FH Kufstein

Anergie-Netz: FH Kufstein Tirol und Stadtwerke Wörgl entwickeln gemeinsam innovatives Energiekonzept

In einem Praxisprojekt konnten 13 Studierende des Studiengangs Energie- & Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement an der FH Kufstein Tirol ihre im Studium erlernten Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen.

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So wird Mitarbeiter:innen-Fluktuation ein Schlüssel zum Erfolg

Mitte April 2024 fand der siebte Personalleiter:innenkreis an der FH Kufstein Tirol statt. Fluktuation von Mitarbeiter:innen kann durchaus auch eine Chance für ein Unternehmen sein - wenn man sich ernsthaft mit deren Gründen auseinandersetzt und gezielt Maßnahmen setzt.

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Erfolgreiche Prozessoptimierung im Gerätewerk Matrei

Innovative Ansätze und moderne Strategien prägen das Gerätewerk Matrei (GWM) am Brenner. Die Erfahrungsgruppe Prozessmanagement des Masterstudiengangs ERP-Systeme & Geschäftsprozessmanagement der FH Kufstein Tirol erlangte Einblicke in die Verbindung von Strategien und Prozessen.

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