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Bachelor/Master General Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements for the Bachelor Program

Applicants must fulfill at least one of the following criteria:

  • General higher education entrance qualification
  • Respective Certificate of General Educational Development
  • Vocational Matriculation Examination (Graduation of every subject until 31.10.)
  • School leaving certificate of (at least) a three-year vocational high school or certificate of a dual education system (specified apprenticeship) including additional exams within the first semester in the subjects mathematics, German and English. Information on the additional exams are here.
  • A German qualification to study at universities of applied sciences (deutsche Fachhochschulreife) relevant to the degree program including additional exams within the first semester in the subjects mathematics, German and English. 
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  • Practical work experience is an advantage

Entrance Requirements for the Master Program

  • Completion of a Bachelor or Diploma program (at a university or a university of applied sciences) relevant to the degree program or equivalent post-secondary degree
  • Practical work experience
  • Good English skills

Admission Requirements language of instruction

All applicants, who are not native German speakers have to prove their German language skills (min. level B2).


  • Master International Business Studies (100% English)
  • Master Sports, Culture & Event Management (100% English)

Here the following entry requirements for the language level apply:


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