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Studienjahr 2018/19

Training Blueprint for the Digital Transformation of Health and Care 19.08.2019

TBDTHC Project aims the support of health professionals in acquiring and developing high quality skills in the increasingly digital oriented working context.

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Winter Sports Congress 2020 10.07.2019

The WSC content team initially started to do research regarding content that would potentially be included in the winter sports congress 2020.

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Altstadtkonzerte Innsbruck 10.07.2019

The “Altstadtkonzerte Innsbruck”, designed in the last Winter Semester, were implemented in July and September 2019 at different public spaces in Innsbruck.

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SKVM News: Höhenflug 05.07.2019

On the 3rd of April a group of three Sports, Culture and Events Management (SCEM) students rose up to the rank of Höhenflug Facebook admins.

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SoundBude 05.07.2019

SoundBude powered by Hypo Tirol Bank AG was a business project initiated by five students of the master degree program.

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Kurzfilmfestival 2019 05.07.2019

The Kurzfilmfestival Kufstein 2019 will take place at the Festung Kufstein on November, 6th & 7th 2019.

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ÖH Sommerfest 2019 12.06.2019

Students from the full-time Master program successfully completed the business project called ÖH Sommerfest 2019, located at the Hödenauersee in Kiefersfelden.

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Insight Tour VI: Developing a spoken theater production 03.06.2019

Already for the sixth time, the Tirolean State Theater made it possible for a group of SKVM students of FH Kufstein Tirol to gain insights into theater production. The focus was on the play “Astoria” by Jura Soyfer under the direction of Elke Hartmann.

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International Week: Visiting the sports and cultural facilities in Minsk 29.05.2019

A meeting of contemporary witnesses was held in the History Workshop in Minsk during International Week of the master study program Sports, Culture & Event Management.

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Universities of applied sciences are held in high esteem by the general public 08.05.2019

In the representative IFES public survey, UAS received the best image values among all educational institutes.

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Studies focussed on smart development 26.04.2019

Additional study places have been provided for the fall of 2019 for the specialized master study program Smart Products & Solutions (SPS) at FH Kufstein Tirol – the province of Tirol is promoting further education for digitization specialists.

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Connected learning: upgrade of the learning factory completed 05.04.2019

The Learning Factory at FH Kufstein Tirol is now ready for Industry 4.0 on account of the realized lighthouse project “Smart Factories – Connected Learning” that also involved TFBS Kufstein-Rotholz.

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News of the FH Kufstein

Workshop-Reihe Unternehmen im Wandel erfolgreich abgeschlossen

Im Juli fand der zweite Workshop der Reihe Unternehmen im Wandel im Rahmen des INTERREG CE Projektes GREENE 4.0 in Kufstein statt. Diesmal behandelten das Team von GREENE 4.0, Speaker sowie die Teilnehmenden das Thema Smarte Strategien für eine nachhaltige Zukunft.

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Studierendenprojekt der FH Kufstein Tirol punktet bei der Post AG

Der von fünf Studierenden aus dem Studiengang Marketing & Kommunikationsmanagement entwickelte Rezepte-Chatbot setze sich im österreichischen Wettbewerb gegen die Konkurrenz durch. Es verbindet die beiden Zukunftsthemen Lebensmittelverschwenung und Künstliche Intelligenz.

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Rückblick: Ausstellung LGBTQ+ Identität in Kunst und Fotografie

Q+You, ein Praxisprojekt des Studiengangs Sport-, Kultur- und Veranstaltungsmanagement, inszenierte Anfang Juni 2024 eine Ausstellung. Diese zielte darauf ab, die Wertschätzung für die Darstellung von LGBTQ+ in Kunst und Fotografie zu fördern - sowohl in historischer als auch in zeitgenössischer Hinsicht.

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