
International Economics (E)


1. Study cycle, Bachelor

Learning outcomes of the courses/module

The students are able to: • discuss major trade theories and apply them to current developments. • put the internationalization activities of companies into a theoretical framework and analyze the effects on corporate decisions. • model the effects of government interventions such as tariffs and trade quotas and draw conclusions about possible effects on growth and employment. • explain core balance of payments indicators and interpret them in relation to na-tional competitiveness. • discuss the functioning of international organizations such as the World Trade Or-ganization and critically reflect on the potential/limitations of a monetary union such as the Eurozone. • research recent globalization developments on the basis of scientific literature and reconstruct them through empirical data.

Prerequisites for the course

Courses: Managerial Economics and Political Economics

Course content

• Classical and modern trade theories • Agglomeration advantages and choice of location • Welfare effects of tariffs and trade quotas • Balance of payments, current account and capital account • Measurement and determinants of exchange rates • World Trade Organization and Monetary Union • Globalization and worldwide supply chains

Recommended specialist literature

• Feenstra, Rob; Taylor, Alan: International Economics. Worth (latest edition) • Krugman, Paul; Obstfeld, Maurice; Melitz, Marc: International Economics: Theory and Policy, Global Edition. Pearon (latest edition) • Gerber, James: International Economics. Prentice Hall (latest edition)

Assessment methods and criteria




Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

Blended Learning

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer

Gruber Stefan

Academic year

Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course


