Eine Gruppe von internationalen Studierenden sitzen am Campus im Gras. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Strategy & Activities

Since its foundation, the FH Kufstein Tirol has pursued the strategic goals of internationality, mobility and multiculturalism: our international profile.


For us, internationalization means the creation of international standards, mobility and the constant renewal of knowledge. Our international orientation and regional roots are not contradictory, but complementary. At the same time, we see ourselves as an effective instrument for creating intercultural understanding, promoting diversity and supporting an inclusive society.

Our modernization and internationalization strategy focuses on student and staff mobility, the development of international research projects, and the promotion of regional internationality and integrity. As part of our mission to promote student and staff mobility, we are committed to the fundamental principles of the ECHE and to the principles of creating a European Education Area.


Internationalization at the FH Kufstein Tirol is a dynamic process that we support through a network of over 225 international partner universities. Every year, around 200-300 students from our higher education institution take the opportunity to complete their semester abroad at one of these qualified partner universities. At the same time, over 200 incoming students take part in our English-language International Program (IP), which is specially designed for them.

As part of Erasmus+, we also support internships abroad and offer our part-time students and our Master's students the opportunity to take part in study abroad weeks. Our academic and administrative staff benefit from staff mobilities, e.g. in the context of International Weeks at our partner universities.

In addition, we aim to expand our range of dual-degree programs to attract both local and international students. We also plan to sign further cooperation agreements with higher education institutions from different countries and to actively participate in international and transnational educational projects.

Our goal is to be an economically successful, diverse and international higher education institution. We promote networking, innovation and the preservation of traditions while maintaining and developing a dynamic international outlook. The Erasmus Policy Statement of the FH Kufstein Tirol underlines our commitment to internationalization.


  • Non-discrimination and equal treatment
  • Transparency
  • Supporting the participation of people with fewer opportunities
  • Full and automatic recognition of successfully completed ECTS
  • Digital mobility management
  • Achieving the priorities of the Erasmus+ program

This project was funded with support from the European Commission. Responsibility for the content of this publication lies solely with the author; the Commission is not liable for any further use of the information contained herein.