Sieben Personen arbeiten versammelt um einen Tisch an ihren Laptops und besprechen Dinge miteinander. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

General Management MBA Focus Marketing 4.0

Expand your leadership skills in marketing with our part-time General Management MBA with a focus on Marketing 4.0. In four semesters, you will gain in-depth management knowledge and communication skills that will qualify you for higher management and leadership roles.


  • Location:

    FH Kufstein Tirol

  • Duration:

    4 semesters: E-Learning & attendance once a month; Friday and Saturday, 09:00 - 17:30

  • Language:

    100% German
  • Academic Program:


  • Certificate:

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) with 120 ECTS credits

  • Price:

    Euro 3.950,-
  • Start:

    Summer term 2025


Program subject to approval by the Faculty Council.
The above-mentioned costs are course fees per semester: plus EUR 350,- examination fee/semester and ÖH contribution/semester. Subject to fee adjustments.


FH Kufstein Tirol von der Straßenseite. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol
Drei Personen sitzen an einem Tisch und arbeiten an ihren Laptops, während eine stehende Frau etwas mit einer sitzenden Frau bespricht. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol
Der Schriftzug "Meetingroom" ist auf der Glaswand geschrieben. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

The part-time General Management MBA program provides a broad and generalist understanding of management, enabling participants to deepen their leadership skills and qualify for higher management and leadership roles in all industries, particularly in the field of marketing.


The combination of business expertise with communication skills in internal and external relationships helps participants to recognize communicative and technical management challenges more quickly, to convey their own ideas in a way that is appropriate to the situation and thus to act more successfully in a professional context. The program bundles the core competencies in the form of an academically anchored, compact MBA program geared towards the requirements of management tasks.


In selected modules and especially from the 3rd semester onwards, the application of general theoretical concepts in the industry is deepened. Case studies from your own company and project work provide additional support for this in-depth study. Finally, the Master's thesis offers participants the opportunity to work intensively on a specific marketing management topic.

The continuous personal support throughout the entire General Management MBA is unique. Participants can also contact their personal academic advisor in the evenings and at weekends.



  • Innovative business management tools, concepts and methods
  • Sharpening your profile and developing as a manager
  • Directly applicable knowledge in practice
  • up-to-date business expertise and communication skills
  • Imparting a comprehensive, generalist understanding of management
  • Marketing skills as a specialization

Benefits for your Company

  • 360° management training with strong practical transfer

  • Important soft skills in the field of marketing

  • Entrepreneurial competence

  • Integral consideration of trends and digital aspects

  • Modern management development to promote high potentials


360° Business Strategy & Digitalization

AI in strategic management
  • Semester 1
  • 6 ECTS

• Überblick über Generative KI und ihre Anwendungsbereiche • Einführung in Large Language Models (LLM) • Anwendung von Generativen KI-Modellen in der Bild- und Textgenerierung • Ethische Überlegungen im Umgang mit Generativen Modellen • Automatisierung von (Management-)Aufgaben und Geschäftsprozessen • Kundeninteraktion und Personalisierung • Prognosen und Analytik zur Nutzung von KI im strategischen Management

Strategic Marketing Management
  • Semester 1
  • 6 ECTS

• Basics of marketing strategies (offline & online) • Digital media and tools, communication and marketing tools • Basics of social media marketing and aspects of viral marketing/digital word of mouth via social media • Overview of customer experience management and the two constituent blocks of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty • Customer journey and changing consumer behavior on the web • Strategies and possible applications of CRM for customer loyalty • Options for addressing target groups via targeting and aspects of tracking user activities (segmentation strategies) • Support options along the customer journey and linking the increasing number of customer contact points (touchpoints) • Use of artificial intelligence to personalize and automate marketing campaigns • Integration of sustainability aspects into brand communication and positioning

Strategic management and digital business models
  • Semester 1
  • 6 ECTS

Participants will learn current approaches, methods and tools of strategic management in companies. These include: • Fundamentals of Strategic Management • General Management Navigator and Business Intelligence Models • Strategy Process Models (including descriptive models and Harvard Business School model) • Design Models of Strategic Management (Business Unit Strategy) • Strategic Portfolio Management (Technology and Innovation Portfolio Development) • Evaluation Models in Strategic Management • Value Creation Processes and Value Chain Management Performance Measurement in Strategic Management • Strategic E-Business Management • Use of artificial intelligence in strategic management • Importance and application of sustainability strategies in the corporate context

Financing, investment and Monitoring
  • Semester 1
  • 6 ECTS

• Finance, accounting and controlling as a management tool • Terms, tasks and methods of controlling as well as outlook on new controlling fields • Integrated planning, control and information system • Strategic and operative controlling incl. controlling tools • Key figure-oriented corporate management • Cost management and efficiency increase • Key points of investment and financing policy • Sustainability controlling and ecological accounting • Use of artificial intelligence in controlling for data analysis and forecasting

Market Research & Methods
  • Semester 2
  • 6 ECTS

• Secondary, qualitative, quantitative research • Questionnaire development and design • Data modeling, coding and test procedure selection • Introduction to online questionnaire design: Question variants, dynamic content, sending and evaluating responses • Selected descriptive indicators, extension by inferential statistical methods • Procedure and execution of interviews, transcription, coding of texts (category formation and generalization) • The content-analytical procedure model (qualitative content analysis) • Basics of data analysis: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics • Use of AI-supported tools for research and data visualization • Presentation and communication of research results • Ethics in research: data protection, anonymity, informed consent


Practical Transfer & Methodological Competence

Academic Methods I
  • Semester 1
  • 6 ECTS

• Formal aspects of academic papers (Master Thesis guidelines of the FH Kufstein Tirol) • Aims and components of academic papers • Development of a research question, hypothesis • The research process (literature research and literature review) • Scientific theoretical aspects and scientific discourse • Exposé, disposition and topic identification • Use of databases and scientific search engines • AI-based research and evaluation of scientific literature • Use of consistent citation styles • Writing and structuring scientific texts • Avoiding plagiarism and ethical guidelines in scientific work

Interdisciplinary project study
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

• Introduction to interdisciplinary work and project management • Definition and planning of a project in your own company • Implementation of the project including regular milestones • Final presentation and documentation of the project

Academic Methods II: Coaching & Mentoring
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

In this course, a group of students is assigned a mentor who accompanies and supports the students through the process of finding ideas for a Master Thesis topic to the implementation of an exposé. Individual mentoring, but also exchange within the group is activated, guided and encouraged. This should trigger a first process of finding ideas for topics of the Master Thesis and initiate a description of the project in the form of an exposé. • Techniques of topic identification, development, delimitation and preparation (pre-exposé) • Presentation and discussion of best practice exposés and theses • Individual coaching and mentoring on possible questions regarding the Master Thesis • Intensive exchange and promotion of creativity • Academic reviews: Digital library and research tools • Exposé creation • Application of citation and source management software • Development and presentation of a research concept • Use of feedback and peer review processes to improve the exposé

Design Thinking & Innovation
  • Semester 4
  • 6 ECTS

• Concept of Design Thinking and the customer claim (in the socio-legal triangular relationship/double customer concept) • Strategic set-up of Design Thinking projects • Design Thinking Process (What is? What if? What wows? What works?) • Ten Tools of Design Thinking (visualization, Journey Mapping, Value Chain Analysis Mind Mapping, Brainstorming, Concept Development, Assumption Testing, Rapid Prototyping, Customer Co-Creation, Learning Launch) • Developing products and services in a human-centered way; from problem to solution concept • Strategic business development • Assessing and evaluating innovation concepts • Design thinking in teams and organizations • AI-supported idea generation and concept development

Master Thesis & Kolloquium
  • Semester 4
  • 24 ECTS

Students must independently complete a Master thesis of 20 ECTS = 500 h. Regular meetings to discuss the current status and progress of the Master thesis with the accompanying academic supervision serve as support. In the context of a colloquium with the scope of 2 ECTS = 50h, the following course contents are dealt with: • independent development and elaboration of an interdisciplinary topic • finding and justifying the methodology • content-related and organizational help for the preparation of the Master's thesis • presenting and defending academic papers • leading discussions about academic papers Master Thesis: 20 ECTS Final examination: 2 ECTS Colloquium for the Master Thesis: 2 ECTS


Specialization in Marketing Management

Tools of Digital Marketing
  • Semester 3
  • 6 ECTS

• Brand and marketing in the digital age • Objectives in digital marketing management • Integrated marketing communication • Offline and online tools • Social media marketing, social media trends • Content marketing and blogging • Search engine optimization • Search engine marketing • Online advertising, website marketing • Online communication strategies and other online marketing tools • Mobile marketing and app strategies • Personalization and AI in digital marketing

Integrative Case Study in Marketing & Communication
  • Semester 3
  • 6 ECTS

Participants must carry out a project of 5 ECTS = 125 h independently in small groups. The basis for this is a set objective. In order to also build on the social skills of the students, the projects are carried out in student teams under independent leadership and team building, planning, monitoring, communication, coordination, budgeting, etc.). The role of the course leader is focused on coaching the students. Depending on the practical project or integrative case study, skills such as the analysis of a business case, economically responsible decision-making competence, risk management, intercultural action competence, organizational and social competence, budget competence and project management are forced and taught. The abovementioned learning and teaching objectives are ensured by an actual implementation of the solution approach. Exemplary presentation of the course content to be taught: - Joint kick-off course - Project briefing by the client - Project development and management - Interim presentations and final presentation - Coaching - Implementation and completion - Support during implementation - Evaluation and feedback rounds - Follow-up reporting and documentation - Project presentation - Final workshop and lessons learned

Trends in Marketing & Communication
  • Semester 3
  • 6 ECTS

The contents of this ILV are not fixed, but are adapted to the currently prevailing trends. Content examples may include: • Neuromarketing, Advertising and NLP • Monetary Brand Evaluation • Customer Experience Management • Social Media Marketing • Content Marketing • Data-driven Marketing • Omnichannel strategies

Performance Marketing
  • Semester 3
  • 6 ECTS

• Performance Marketing • Introduction, possibilities, success criteria, strengths, weaknesses • What performance marketing is suitable for • Examples of successful performance marketing campaigns • The most important methods of performance marketing • Modularity of advertising measures in performance marketing • Measurability and data analysis • Key performance indicators • Presentation of the most important cookie-based tracking tools • Designing a performance marketing campaign • Exercise for monitoring and controlling a performance marketing campaign • Use of artificial intelligence in performance marketing • Data protection and legal framework conditions in performance marketing


Business Management & Organizational Development

Change Management
  • Semester 2
  • 6 ECTS

- Strategy development and implementation in the context of change projects - Concepts, instruments and process models of change management and communication in the change process - Human behavior during change and leadership tasks during change - Success factors in change management (opportunity management) - Initiation, design and implementation of change processes - Fundamentals of conflict management: conflict resolution models and model process of a conflict discussion - Neutrality and leadership responsibility in a tense relationship - Mediation process and process management skills - Transformational leadership - Evaluation and control of change projects - Integration of AI into the corporate culture and structure

Law for managers
  • Semester 2
  • 6 ECTS

Fundamentals: • Distinction between private law and public law • Basics of property law • The natural and legal person (legal capacity and capacity to act) • General contract law • Basic data protection regulation • Legal forms of companies • Legal regulation of artificial intelligence • AI-supported legal advice and research Labor law & drafting of employment contracts: • Elements and drafting of the employment contract • Rights and duties of employer and employee • Co-determination, dismissal and protection against dismissal • Effects of AI on employment relationships Liability aspects of management: • Overview of corporate criminal law • Basics of liability and insurance issues • Liability avoidance and aspects of competition and corporate law • Liability for damage caused by AI systems

Human Resource Management
  • Semester 2
  • 6 ECTS

• Basics of human resources management and human resource management: Human resources management in the overall system of business processes: Tasks and functions of individual sub-areas of personnel management • Basics of operational and strategic personnel management • Organizational culture and development: Conflicts in organizations and organizational diagnosis • motivation theories, employee interviews as an instrument of personnel management • concepts and instruments of structural and process organization • interaction between personnel and organizational development • work structuring: Job Enrichment, Job Enlargement • Operational and Strategic Personnel Controlling • Leadership Methods, Styles and Techniques, Framework Model and Determinants of Leadership • Basics of Industrial, Organizational and Personnel Psychology • Employer Branding and Recruiting Strategies • Diversity Management and Inclusion

Persönlichkeitsentwicklung & Kommunikation
  • Semester 3
  • 6 ECTS

- Basics: Supervision and coaching theories with practical application - Coaching approaches for managers and promoting resilience - Rhetoric, conversation and presentation techniques - Dealing with your own limits: Recognizing beliefs and blind spots - Motivation theories - Application of the inner team in self-reflection and decision-making - Use of AI in personal development


Didactic Concept

Using a blended learning model - i.e. combining online units for self-study and compact classroom units - ensures that the course is compatible with work and family life.


  • University degree (at least 180 ECTS) and at least one year of subject-specific professional experience
  • In exceptional cases, there is a possibility of admission for persons without a first university degree, in which at least four years of relevant professional experience can be recognized as equivalent.


  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) with 120 ECTS credits


Prof. (FH) Dr. Kristina Kampfer

Scientific Director

Georg Greiderer

Office Management

Daniela Stöckl

Office Management

The MBA program with a marketing focus is perfect for all managers seeking a practice-oriented, cutting-edge marketing course with a Master's degree.

Volker Beckert

Founder and CMO der Münchner Marketing Akademie