Eine Frau steht mit dem Rücken zu einer grauen Wand und blickt lächelnd in die Kamera. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Sports, Culture & Event Management

Bachelor's degree program

Our part-time bachelor's program combines business fundamentals with real-world experience, enabling you to think analytically, innovatively, and creatively. Join a forward-thinking community in the exciting fields of sport, culture and event management!


  • Qualification Level:

    Stufe 1, Bachelor
  • Price:

    Euro 363,36* (excl. Student Union-fees) each semester
  • Academic Degree:

    Bachelor of Arts in Business (BA)
  • Academic Program:

  • Language:

    60% German, 40% English
  • Remote Options:

    E-Learning min. 20 % online
  • Exchange Semester:

    Organized study trip in the 3rd semester**
  • Admission Requirements:

    General admission requirements


Employment with a company is not required for the part-time study program.
Class times: primarily from Friday afternoon to Saturday evening.
* More information for international students can be found in the Links & Downloads section.
** Travel costs must be paid by the student or covered by a grant.

Program Description

Eingang der FH Kufstein Tirol vom Gebäude B, mit dem Namen der Fachhochschule als Schriftzug darüber stehend. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol
Drei Personen sitzen an einem Tisch, und ein Mann dieser Gruppe zeigt mit seinem Stift in die Richtung der Kamera, wo sich ein Whiteboard befindet. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol
Ein Bücherregal, auf dem drei Reihen von Büchern sind. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Immerse yourself in a hands-on program with excellent career prospects. Gain specialized skills for the rapidly evolving sports, cultural and event management industries. Benefit from strong connections to the business world through hands-on projects and guest lectures.

The bachelor's degree program in Sports, Culture & Event Management offers comprehensive education for creative and motivated individuals aiming to work in the dynamic fields of sports, culture, or events. The program combines in-depth theoretical and practical management knowledge with specialized skills tailored to these industries. It covers emerging trends such as digitalization, sustainability, and AI, as well as marketing, communication, and social considerations. Partnerships with companies and organizations provide students with valuable networking opportunities early in their studies.

Study Focus

  • 29 %

    Expert knowledge in sports, culture and event management

  • 19 %

    Expert knowledge in integrative SCEM

  • 15 %

    Management skills

  • 15 %

    International as well as social and methodological skills

  • 22 %

    Practical knowledge transfer & Bachlor thesis

What You Will Learn

  • Sports management and sports science

  • Cultural management and cultural studies

  • General management and business skills

  • Economic and socio-political interrelationships

  • Event management and event sciences

  • Social skills

  • Practical experience

  • Scientific methods

Popular Occupational Fields

  • Sports management: sports marketing and sports communications agencies, sports associations, organizing committees of major sporting events, sporting goods industry and trade
  • Cultural management: cultural institutions such as museums, opera houses, theaters, concert halls; festivals, film and music industry and creative companies
  • Event management: event agencies, conference and convention centers, trade show and convention agencies, corporate marketing departments

Career Opportunities

  • EUR 45,000 average salary

    for employees in sports, culture and event management in Austria and Germany

  • over EUR 4 billion market volume

    in sports and music events in Austria and Germany

  • over 2 million employees

    Event industry in Austria and Germany

  • +11.1 % growth rate

    of events worldwide

The path to the Bachelor's Degree

Ein Weg durch den Park, welcher zur FH Kufstein Tirol führt. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

The first semesters establish a solid foundation with business-related subjects and core knowledge in sports, culture, and event management. As the program progresses, the focus shifts to integrative aspects, fostering social skills and creativity.

Students engage in hands-on projects with external partners, gaining practical experience in the fields of sports, culture, and events.

Special features:
  • Company and industry networking

  • Practical teaching

  • International Week

Recognition of Prior Learning

Students have the option to receive credit for skills and competencies they have already acquired before the start of each semester.

To apply for credit, they must submit a request directly to the Director of Studies.

Director of Studies

© FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Asc. Prof. (FH) Mag. Monika Kohlhofer

Director of Studies Sports, Culture & Event Management


Sports, Culture & Events

Sports Science I
  • Semester 1
  • 4 ECTS

The concepts, theories and findings of the history of ideas and culture, of sociology and psychology - insofar as they relate to the context of sport - are dealt with and reflected against the background of potential occupational fields. Students experience the complex interplay between the individual and society in sport and its significance for sporting action and sporting structures.

Event Management I
  • Semester 1
  • 4 ECTS

The teaching content of this introductory basis is based on fundamental concepts, definitions and types of events - building on the history of development and future trends in the event business, the role of the various events within internal and external corporate communication as well as their sociological significance in society is examined. Events are subdivided into their different manifestations and their different significance in the marketing mix of the companies is shown. The phases of event organization and design are shown. Cross-event management, risk management and environmental and safety management are presented. Concepts for business events are developed, planning explained and the logistics behind events explored.

Cultural Studies I
  • Semester 1
  • 4 ECTS

Cultural Studies I introduces the fundamentals of cultural studies contexts and provides a frame of reference for cultural management. Language as an elementary as well as complex communication medium is examined by means of the basic models of semiotics and the understanding of discourse according to Michel Foucault. An introduction to media development from book printing to technology-based and digital media focuses on the influence of media on social order and communication, for example in the momentous differences between orality and writing, the changed ideas of representation and reality due to the emergence of audiovisual media, the era of mass media and the cultural industry, and interactive, individualized communication since Web 2.0. Finally, cultural constructs that serve societies as orientation aids and at the same time have socio-political implications are considered in their changes: These include the notions of “time” and “space”, the emergence of and factors influencing individual and collective identities, and the role of “memory” and “remembrance” for communities. Definitions of culture and concepts of culture as well as their changeability in the course of media development provide an important matrix for the contexts mentioned above. Recent developments such as the read-write culture (Lawrence Lessig), remix and net cultures (Felix Stalder) are taken into account.

Cultural Management I
  • Semester 2
  • 4 ECTS

Cultural Management I focuses on the cultural sector in its structures, contexts, framework conditions and modes of operation. In order to understand the structures of the cultural sector, the contexts in the art, music, theatre, literature, film and festival sectors are presented using examples: This includes the interaction between producing, mediating, exploiting and conserving institutions, the importance of supporting structures (public-law, private-law non-profit, private-law-commercial); areas of responsibility in the cultural sector (artistic directors, curators, creative and performing artists, etc.) and labor-law framework conditions, the role of interest groups, copyright regulations and the influential interrelationship between cultural management and cultural policy. Following a historical outline of the emergence of cultural institutions, the focus is on current influencing factors and concepts such as participative formats, cultural development plans, the increased consideration of human rights, cross-sectional management such as cultural tourism and forms of digital cultural production such as Remix.

Cultural Studies II
  • Semester 2
  • 4 ECTS

Cultural Studies II has two main themes: On the one hand the sociology of culture according to Pierre Bourdieu, and on the other hand forms of hybrid cultures. Cultural Studies II thus focuses on social, intercultural and transcultural issues. The latter is linked with the central approaches of Culture Studies. This forms a basis for the challenges of cultural institutions as democratic and democratizing educational institutions. The central approaches of cultural sociology according to Pierre Bourdieu are presented for the social contexts. Through his theoretical approaches, the entanglement of cultural symbolism and social action can be described as a set of rules of habitualized values and norms. Bourdieu used the field of art to describe how the taste of the bourgeoisie prevailed in the 19th century. Social and cultural imprints become recognizable as implicit prerequisites of social hierarchies. This often concerns highly cultural institutions, following on from the cultural sector. With the change of perspective on everyday and popular culture as well as the questioning of highly cultural norms, Cultural Studies called for new perspectives in cultural theory with an “interventionalist understanding” (Oliver Marchart): These concern the inclusion of mass media and pop cultural mechanisms as well as the rendering visible of minorities and marginalized groups (race, class, gender). A central concept here is representation, which is a central connection for interculturality and transculturality (hybrid cultures). The basic text on the transculturality of Welsch is linked to the “translational turn” in cultural contexts and explained using examples.

Sports Management I
  • Semester 2
  • 4 ECTS

Basic concepts and theories of sport management are covered. This includes an introduction to the environment of sport management, the comparison of different sports systems, the fundamentals of organizational culture, strategic management and special features of personnel management in sport organizations. Central aspects of sports marketing, sports event management and sports tourism are also covered.

Sports Science II
  • Semester 2
  • 4 ECTS

The concepts, theories and findings of movement science, training science and sports medicine are discussed and reflected on against the background of potential occupational fields. The students experience the complex interaction of anatomical and physiological structures and processes and their significance for athletic movements and training.

Cultural Management II
  • Semester 3
  • 4 ECTS

Cultural funding is a central task because it is what makes cultural opportunities and activities possible in the first place. In view of the stagnation of public funding, scarcity of resources and density of supply, cultural funding is one of the core competencies of cultural management. This also includes younger forms such as crowdfunding or intensified national and international cooperation. Funding institutions and cooperation partners are seen as stakeholders that are also relevant for the networking and communication of cultural management. In principle, cultural funding can be considered on two levels: At the operational level, the focus is on knowledge transfer and know-how of funding procurement and processing in their various forms and sets of rules. Here, funding structures and procedural standards of the public sector as well as the special features of cultural sponsoring in the form of partnership design are taken into account to a particular degree as central pillars of cultural funding. The particular challenge of sponsorship funding lies in the reflected selection of possible sponsors, in the creation of adequate consideration and in the sustainable partnership design on an equal footing. On the idealistic and ideological level, the findings from larger contexts are decisive for acquiring critical opinion-forming and confident decision-making skills. The link between public funding and the system of cultural policy or cultural sponsoring and the system of economy requires a) an examination of the functioning and interests of these two systems and their feedback on the cultural sector and b) an understanding of the significance of dialogical structures for social action in the cultural sector. Finally, funding models such as crowdfunding and cooperation are the subject of Culture Management II.

Event Management II (E)
  • Semester 3
  • 5 ECTS

Financial accounting and budgeting: Preparation of budget and cash flow, break-even analysis Marketing of events: Segmentation, target group approach, competitive analysis, positioning, marketing mix (9Ps), integrated marketing communication strategy Follow-up phase of the event organization: Development of follow-up/postprocessing plans in the planning phase Event evaluation: Purposes, subject matter, methods and phases of event evaluation Sustainability: Definition of terms, three-pillar model of sustainable development, effects of events on the economy, society and the environment including effects on the infrastructure in the destination, influences on and evaluation methods of environmental, economic and social sustainability of events

Sports Management II
  • Semester 3
  • 4 ECTS

The students develop a basic understanding of the specifics of marketing different types of sports providers. They can understand, explain and reflect on fundamental concepts and theories (and the corresponding empirical findings) of sports marketing, sponsorship and communication in sport. They can understand technical texts and integrate them into their body of knowledge and develop an understanding of the link between marketing in and through sport and other (economic) sectors. The students are enabled to work on interdisciplinary tasks or questions and to present solutions. The students improve their ability to think critically and express themselves accordingly. They also improve their teamwork skills through group work.

Sports Management III
  • Semester 4
  • 4 ECTS

The concepts, theories and findings of sport development, control and governance research as well as sport development planning are discussed and reflected against the background of potential occupational fields. The central actors of state sports policy as well as the basic measures of state sports promotion will be reviewed. By focusing on processes of social change, students experience the complex dynamics of modern societies.

Cultural Management III
  • Semester 4
  • 4 ECTS

Digital products offered by the media industry represent a central competitor to local cultural offerings and raise the question of what role highly cultural sectors such as publicly financed theatres and museums play in the experience society. Digitization expands the reception space of cultural offerings and changes user behavior and cultural experience. Who participates in culture in what way and which cultural concepts are empirically relevant thus become the decisive research question for contemporary cultural management. The course provides an overview of the central findings of empirical audience and reception research and introduces experiential milieus, media contexts and visitor types in the cultural field. It introduces the fundamentals of cultural mediation and illustrates them with examples from various branches of the cultural industry (music, theater, exhibitions, gardens, film/TV). Various approaches to the cultural audience, such as cultural education, intercultural cultural work and audience development are discussed and the potential of participation and co-creation for the production of cultural experiences is demonstrated.

Event Sciences (E)
  • Semester 4
  • 4 ECTS

The following social science topics are addressed in this course and treated in the context of events: • Traditionen, rituals and rites • Experience and performance • Motivation • Community and society


Sports, Culture & Events integrative

Business Events (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

• Importance of meetings, congresses, corporate events and incentives • Design of corporate events and incentives taking into account the company’s vision, goals and strategies • New formats of business events • Overview of the key stakeholders of business events • Importance of corporate hospitality • Ethical aspects of business events • Trends incl. technological developments in the industry and related opportunities and challenges

Digital Trends in Sports, Culture & Events (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 5 ECTS

The digitization of the sports industry is covered. In particular, the digital staging of sport, the digital interaction and thus pluralization of communication channels with the sports consumer and the production of new digital sports products are focused on. In addition, it is discussed how the digital infrastructure and digital platform influences the competitive environment of sport. In the context of cultural management, the consequences of digitization for fictional imaginary worlds in art and culture are outlined. Examples from the fields of virtual reality and social media show the potential of digital technologies for experiencing cultural offerings and the emergence of new audiences. However, the loss of cultural diversity through the algorithmization of knowledge and cultural memory is also being discussed. In addition, the course deals with the digitization of events. Special focus is placed on the effects of digital technologies on existing and new event formats and on the visitors’ world of experience as well as on the event planning areas of marketing, security, infrastructure and event evaluation.

Current Issues in Sports, Culture & Events (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 2.5 ECTS

The course deals with the current topics and challenges of sport, such as the production of sport, the changing consumption of sport and the development of new sports products. The cultural units focus on the social challenge of participation in art and culture. An empirical survey of the group of “non-attendees” provides an overview of the research into this underexposed segment of the public and critically presents the concept of cultural competence for discussion. In addition, the course deals with current topics in the field of events, e.g. gender and diversity management, corruption and the development of new event formats.

Event Staging
  • Semester 5
  • 2.5 ECTS

The students learn: Marketing mix: Role of events in marketing mix, communication goals and target group, checklists for marketing events, program, time and cost planning Dramaturgy: The concept of dramaturgy, the inner construction form (focus on storytelling and its explanation from the point of view of neurosciences) and outer construction form (dramaturgy of construction forms with regard to suspense). Staging: Transmedia storytelling, creativity techniques for the event production, practical development of a production on the basis of group exercises, production possibilities of the event manager, self-production of the event management on site Screenplay: New forms of event staging (e.g. Events 2.0) and their emergence of new event forms, social media marketing as an event tool, further interactive events 2.0 tools

Sports, Culture & Business Venues (E)
  • Semester 5
  • 5 ECTS

Sports Venues I. General introduction to sports property management Public vs. private owners II. Planning, financing and construction of event properties Special features of the indoor sports infrastructure Special features of the outdoor sports infrastructure Monofunctional vs. multifunctional sports facilities III. Strategic and operational management of event properties Public vs. private operators Conflicts of use regarding professional vs. popular sport Acquisition of users - marketing strategies Cultural venues I. General introduction to cultural property management Public vs. private owners II. Planning, financing and construction of event properties Indoor cultural infrastructure features (museums, theatres, opera houses) Special features of the outdoor sports infrastructure (festivals, concerts, festivals) Monofunctional vs. multifunctional cultural sites Temporary vs. permanent cultural infrastructure III. Strategic and operational management of event properties Public vs. private operators Acquisition of users - marketing strategies Business venues I. General Introduction to event real estate management Public vs. private owners II. Planning, financing and construction of event properties Special features of the conference and congress infrastructure Special features of the infrastructure in the leisure industry (garden shows, waterfront development) III. Strategic and operational management of event properties Public vs. private operators Usage conflicts Acquisition of users - marketing strategies

Destination Management (E)
  • Semester 6
  • 5 ECTS

The course focuses on the following topics: • Tourist destination as a regional value-added system • Differentiation approaches of tourist destinations • Demand and supply structure, factor and resource disposition in tourist destinations • Competitiveness of tourist destinations • Organization of tourist destinations • Internal and external factors influencing the development of tourist destinations and the role of the various stakeholders • Function and tasks of Destination Management • Planning and governance approaches in destination management • Operational implementation of destination management • Measurement and comparison of performance of tourist destinations • (Strategic) marketing and positioning through destination branding • Trend development in destination management

International Management in Sports, Culture & Events (E)
  • Semester 6
  • 4 ECTS

The content of the course is in-depth knowledge of the complex global sports market and its various models as well as their effects, potentials and challenges for sports management. The tension between national, European and global identities calls for diversity management from cultural institutions in program design as well as in personnel management. In cultural management, internationally active cultural organizations are introduced, and the specific action potentials of cultural diversity are pointed out. In the context of the theory of transculturality, the opportunities and limits of transnational concepts such as the World Cultural Heritage and the European Capital of Culture are examined and their effects on regional cultural offerings discussed. The course also deals with the global influencing factors and effects of internationalization on the event sector and the resulting challenges for organizers. The focus is on authenticity, sustainability and event destination development.

Risk Management
  • Semester 6
  • 3.5 ECTS

• Risk management system • Risk management process: Definition of protection goals, risk identification, risk analysis, risk assessment, possibilities of risk management • Risk communication • Human behavior in an emergency (herd behavior, movement patterns, panic situations) • Methodical fundamentals and contents Safety concept • Scenario-based and scenario-independent action planning (emergency planning) incl. associated communication concept • Capacity of event areas: Calculation of area capacities, calculation of required escape route widths, admission management, circulation and downstream planning, barrier and barricade planning • Information preparation and presentation for visitors Event-specific problems, including significant influencing factors, are identified and analyzed by means of numerous case studies and videos, and proposed solutions for future prevention are developed. The course concludes with a simulation game in which situations with emergency and crisis potential are simulated. By experiencing and working through these scenarios, students develop the necessary decision-making and solution skills to manage emergencies during events.

Business Cases in SKVM
  • Semester 6
  • 5 ECTS

Presentation of international business cases by experts from the business world Practice-theory transfer: Contents, methods Development of business cases/business models Evaluation of business cases Best practice cases



Introduction to Business Administration
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

• Overview and context analysis of the most important subareas in business administration • Subject and fundamentals of business administration in the context of economics: • Business studies as science and differentiation from economics, management theory and leadership • Operational functional areas • Business decision theory • Fundamentals of Management and Ethics • Fundamentals of Human Resources and Organization • Marketing Fundamentals Fundamentals: • of the constitutive company decisions such as legal forms, location decisions, types of mergers and acquisitions and choice of business segment. • of the functional business decisions: Materials management, production management, marketing. • of business value creation processes and functions (value creation architecture and structure). • of market, process and strategy-oriented management. • Analysis and evaluation of case studies • Business specifics in the field of sports, culture and event management

Introduction to Accounting
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

External accounting: • Structure of the accounting system • Fundamentals of operational accounting: Tasks, sub-areas and basic concepts • Commercial accounting system: From inventory to opening balance sheet • Double-entry accounting system: Posting business cases to inventory and profit and loss accounts • Organization of bookkeeping (chart of accounts, sales tax, etc.) • Principle of period purity and accruals and deferrals Internal accounting: • Objectives and basic concepts of cost and revenue accounting • Fundamentals of cost and revenue accounting: Tasks, components and subareas • Structure of cost accounting (cost elements, cost centers, cost objects) • Contribution margin accounting Relation to sports, culture and event management: • Fundamentals of finance (terms and objectives of financing, financial and liquidity planning) • Basic forms of participation, self-financing and credit financing • Application examples for the concepts of accounting and finance • Case studies

Introduction to Economics
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

Core topics: • Economic thinking and marginal analysis • Efficient allocation of scarce resources • The market model and market equilibrium • Macroeconomic variables (GDP, inflation, and unemployment) and their interrelationships Selected macroeconomics issues: • Elasticity and welfare • Cost functions and optimal corporate production • Price setting and market structures • Short-term macroeconomic fluctuations: The business cycle • Money, the ECB, and inflation • Long-term economic growth • International relations and trade

Event Law
  • Semester 1
  • 5 ECTS

The course deals with the legal basis with regard to civil and criminal law issues with special consideration of the problems relevant to event law. The different fields of law and their relations to each other, the demarcation between public and private law and the definition of legal concepts form the basis for legal relations. Introduction to general contract law as well as the legal capacity of natural and legal persons are taken into account. Legal issues are of particular importance due to the comprehensive legal relevance as well as legal consequences in the event business. General contract and company law, the legal capacity of natural and legal persons to act, as well as provisions relating to nature conservation, the protection of minors, labor law, building regulations and other legal areas relevant to events are playing an increasingly important role in event management, in particular due to the extensive regulations relating to liability and damages.

Project Management (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 5 ECTS

The course follows the logic of the project management process, starting with the fundamentals of project management, the definition of projects and the differences that occur in reality. A general project management methodology will be introduced and specific methodologies will be examined. The students will set up model projects in groups based on standard project management practices and develop case studies, The students learn to apply planning techniques for general projects and special techniques that are applicable to the planning of event projects.

Human Resources Management (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 2 ECTS

The course deals with the following topics: historical development of personnel management, tasks of personnel management, personnel planning, recruitment, release, selection, assessment, development, incentive and remuneration systems, personnel organization and controlling. New developments in personnel management. In addition, the course deals with the role and handling of volunteers and the resulting challenges for personnel management.

  • Semester 2
  • 4 ECTS

The teaching of marketing fundamentals (definition and application of marketing, dynamics of the marketing environment, consumer behavior, marketing strategies, marketing mix, market and advertising psychology, new media) through theory and case studies. Special features of marketing for sports and cultural institutions.

Applied Marketing Planning
  • Semester 4
  • 2.5 ECTS

Strategic implications and strategic marketing statements, communication of current marketing trends, target group-oriented design of marketing instruments, modern marketing concepts for product and service marketing, networked marketing and project structures and marketing and project processes.


international competences

Study Trip (E)
  • Semester 3
  • 3 ECTS

The study trip gives part-time students the opportunity to acquire intercultural competence. Under the guidance of the lecturer, the students find out about potential study destinations, research relevant data and facts about the destination country and organize the program: The week in an international environment is marked by visits to companies and institutions, courses at partner universities as well as lectures and events in the field of social skills. The aim is to ensure that students acquire an understanding of the cultural and social mainstream of the country in question. Discussions with specialists and executives, visits to foreign trade centers, business and social associations round off the international and personality-building experiences of the study trip.


social skills

Teamwork & Communication
  • Semester 1
  • 2 ECTS

The course combines experiential learning through outdoor and indoor parts with stimulating lectures and reflection. The students see the development of teams in their formations, target perspectives and risks of conflicts and their manifestations. Team leadership, the organization of cooperation and social coherence, temporal phases and the assignment and assessment of roles and their parameters lead to a deeper understanding of success and failure parameters. Outdoor components are reflected and integrated into an overall model.

Media Communication
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

In addition to press and public relations work, such as structural analyses of various PR departments, students are familiarized with agency work, network structures and virtual news management. Active (press releases, conferences) and passive (interviews, discussions) media work are discussed, practiced and prepared for real implementation using practical examples. In order to strengthen the practical relevance of the course, public relations work in crisis situations (crisis PR) is also included as teaching content. Communication within companies, foundations, associations and clubs is also discussed. In this context, the term corporate identity from the point of view of corporate communication is also presented and the challenge of integrating social media is discussed and reflected upon.

Business English I (E)
  • Semester 3
  • 6 ECTS

The language module integrated into the degree program curriculum is designed according to the methodological principles of a communicative, action-oriented approach. The competence level of the module is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and a central objective is that students increase their communication skills by at least one level. In addition, there is a clear focus on acquiring academic and business-oriented skills in the target language. B2-C1+ Independent language use to expert, fluent communication skills

Business English II (E)
  • Semester 4
  • 6 ECTS

AThe language module integrated into the degree program curriculum is designed according to the methodological principles of a communicative, action-oriented approach. The competence level of the module is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and a central objective is that students increase their communication skills by at least one level. In addition, there is a clear focus on acquiring academic and business-oriented skills in the target language. B2-C1+ Independent language use to expert, fluent communication skills

Presentation & Negotiation Techniques
  • Semester 4
  • 3 ECTS

The general presentation techniques and the forms of communication as well as the communication models are described and worked out. The characteristics of an message exchange ( message: sender - receiver) are presented. The distinction between verbal and non-verbal communication (facial expressions, gestures, rhetoric, body language, etc.) in oneself and in others is shown. Special attention is given to intercultural communication and negotiation techniques and their difficulties and traps. The principles of presentation are presented.

Creative Lab
  • Semester 5
  • 2 ECTS

The Creative Lab uses knowledge from cultural management/science and event management/science to create an innovative project idea. The students learn to develop a convincing concept for a competition in the field of art and culture and to present it to a jury. Project ideas are developed within the scope of their practical implementation and put into an application form that reflects the evaluation criteria of a sponsor both in terms of content and form. A budget plan with a simple expenditure/income structure shows the individual project activities in a comprehensible way and demonstrates the professional implementation of the idea by a project team (program, marketing, infrastructure, etc.). Targeted cooperation illustrates the synergy effects and network quality of the project. In a role play, the projects are examined on a professional basis and the criteria worked out beforehand, such as suitability for the tendering, social relevance, etc., are used for evaluation.


practical transfer

Academic Research
  • Semester 1
  • 2 ECTS

The course introduces academic research and imparts background and practical knowledge for the preparation of seminar papers. The students acquire an understanding and practical skills for the research, acquisition and evaluation of academic literature as well as the hermeneutic and rational-reconstructive processing of academic texts. In addition, they develop an understanding and practical skills for writing academic texts.

Business Project I
  • Semester 4
  • 4 ECTS

To prepare the students optimally for problems in working life, practical tasks are worked on in groups, preferably on the basis of commissions from partners from industry or public institutions, or field experiences are obtained under the guidance of the course leader. The students contribute their acquired knowledge and apply it to real projects. While the students can deepen and improve their subject-specific competences, complementary competences such as social competence, team skills, problem-solving and decision-making competence, risk management and budgeting competence are also fostered. Based on a client briefing (by the course instructor or external partners such as associations and companies), the students work on the presented projects independently, only guided by the course instructors if necessary: Planning, coordination, budgeting, control, evaluation and final reporting are in the hands of the students. The role of the course leader is focused on project coaching.

Qualitative Research Methods
  • Semester 5
  • 3 ECTS

The concepts and methods of qualitative social research (in particular observational procedures, interviewing and content analysis) are discussed and reflected on against the background of potential occupational fields. The students can understand and apply the basic methods of qualitative social research.

  • Semester 5
  • 8 ECTS

Supplementing the theoretical knowledge of the students with practical activities and questions in practice. The work placement within the framework of a 5-week period of employment ensures that the students find their way around when entering their possibly thematically new professional life. Processes, workflows and situations in the professional environment can thus be rethought. Preparation and assistance through Career Services and support for students during their internships: Reflection, discussion of problems and success stories and/or help with problems.

Quantitative Research Methods
  • Semester 5
  • 3 ECTS

The concepts and methods (univariate and bivariate) of quantitative social research are discussed and reflected against the background of potential occupational fields. The students can understand and apply the basic methods of uni-variate and bi-variate quantitative social research.

Business Project II
  • Semester 5
  • 4 ECTS

To prepare the students optimally for problems in working life, practical tasks are worked on in groups, preferably on the basis of commissions from partners from industry or public institutions, or field experiences are obtained under the guidance of the course leader. The students bring their acquired knowledge to bear and apply it to real projects. While the students can deepen and improve their subject-specific competences, complementary competences such as social competence, team skills, problem-solving and decision-making competence, risk management and budgeting competence are also fostered. Based on a client briefing (by the course instructor or external partners such as associations and companies), the students work on the presented projects independently, only guided by the course instructors if necessary: Planning, coordination, budgeting, control, evaluation and final reporting are in the hands of the students. The role of the course leader is focused on project coaching.

Elective I in SCEM
  • Semester 5
  • 2.5 ECTS

Students can choose from a range of in-depth courses on current topics in sports, culture and event management, e.g: • Sector and R&D activities • Human resources/competences • Digital developments in the sports, culture and event industry • Development of the sports, culture and events sector • Development of developments/trends, fashions, booms • Identification of developments/trends • Evaluation of developments • Economic, political and social impacts • Leveraging developments • Planning and implementation of future-oriented, interdisciplinary projects

Bachelor Thesis Seminar
  • Semester 6
  • 10 ECTS

Within the framework of the Bachelor thesis seminar, students are taught what special features empirical work entails and how to create their own empirical work. They have the opportunity to discuss and optimize their theoretical foundation, their methodical approach and their empirical implementation in the context of the Bachelor thesis in regular exchanges with the other students. The students receive recommendations and templates for the preparation of their Bachelor thesis and thus the corresponding accompanying academic supervision.

Elective II in SCEM
  • Semester 6
  • 2.5 ECTS

Students can choose from a range of in-depth courses on current topics in sports, culture and event management, e.g: • Sector and R&D activities • Human resources/competences • Digital developments in the sports, culture and event industry • Development of the sports, culture and events sector • Development of developments/trends, fashions, booms • Identification of developments/trends • Evaluation of developments • Economic, political and social impacts • Leveraging developments • Planning and implementation of future-oriented, interdisciplinary projects

Study regulations to download

Frequently Asked Questions

When do the classes take place?

Classes are mainly held on Friday afternoons to Saturday evenings.

Do lessons take place online or in person?

About half of the courses take place online, the other half in person.

Do I have to work while studying?

No, there is no obligation to work or to be active in the industry. The course offers you the opportunity for further development, even if you are working in another profession or are not currently working.

Unlike a dual study program, there is no binding contract with a company. Many students also use the course during parental leave or for professional reorientation.

Can I count my professional activity towards the internship?

Yes, if your work overlaps with the content of your degree program.

What is the International Week?

The International Week is a 5-day trip of the degree program to a destination of your choice. Students plan and organize the program themselves.

I was already able to expand my personal network during my studies and make many contacts in the field. Not least because of this, it was never difficult for me to find a job.
© FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Jessica Ölz


They were three intensive and formative years of personal development. During this time, I had little free time and many challenges, but above all great fellow students who are still with me today.

Edith Palmanshofer


The curriculum offers a successful potpourri of interlinked disciplines, mixed with practical expertise, thus creating a strong foundation for professional development.
© FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Philipp Gamper


Studying Sport, Culture & Event Management part-time offers an excellent opportunity to combine professional practice with academic expertise.
© FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Monika Kohlhofer

Director of Studies