Die Lichtprojektion eines kleinen Roboters scheint aus dem Bildschirm eines Smartphones hinaus. | © AdobeStock.VRVIRUS
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Basics Generative AI

Discover the basics of Generative AI in our one-day course! Learn hands-on how to process text, visual media and audio data with the latest AI tools.


  • Location:

    University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol; on-site at the company

  • Duration:

    1 Day

  • Language:

    100% German
  • Academic Program:


  • Certificate:

    Certificate of attendance. There is also the option of acquiring a certificate (at additional cost)from CertNexus (GenAIBIZ).

  • Price:

    Euro 990,-
  • Start:



FH Kufstein Tirol von der Straßenseite. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol
Drei Personen sitzen an einem Tisch und arbeiten an ihren Laptops, während eine stehende Frau etwas mit einer sitzenden Frau bespricht. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol
Der Schriftzug "Meetingroom" ist auf der Glaswand geschrieben. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

This one-day course introduces the basics of using generative AI tools and methods and uses practical examples to demonstrate the benefits for companies when processing text, visual media and audio data. The handling of AI tools is trained through practical application and shows step by step what can and cannot be achieved with Generative AI. The aim of the course is to provide a compact overview of AI tools and their beneficial use.

The aim of the basic course is to give participants a general understanding of the topic of generative AI. At the same time, fields of application are outlined and tried out using simple examples.



  • Basic understanding of the topic of generative AI
  • Practical examples of the use of different AI tools
  • Broad knowledge on the topic of generative AI
  • Presentation of various possible applications of generative AI tools

Benefits for your Company

  • Hands-on mentality for direct benefits in day-to-day business

  • Use of current generative AI applications

  • Practice-oriented examples


module 1


The first module deals with the basics of artificial intelligence. Basic concepts as well as different approaches in the field of artificial intelligence are presented. An overview of generative AI is also given.
Learning objectives:
- Common terms in the field of artificial intelligence
- Development of applications in the field of artificial intelligence over time and the most formative events
- Difference between different machine learning concepts

module 2


In the second module, various applications of generative AI are presented and tested using examples. Furthermore, the topic of prompt engineering for different applications is dealt with and tested using examples.
Learning objectives:
- Basic process of a prompt query
- Generation of a prompt for different tasks (e.g. text, images, code, audio, video)

module 3


In the third module, the challenges and the basic procedure for implementing generative applications in the company are presented.
Learning objectives:
- Limitations of generative AI applications
- Ethical concerns and implications of the use of generative AI on the labor market 
- Fundamental aspects for the establishment of generative AI applications in a business context
- Basic approaches to evaluating the benefits of generative AI applications.


  • There are no specific entry requirements.


  • The aim of the basic course is to give participants a general understanding of the topic of generative AI. At the same time, fields of application are outlined and tried out using simple examples.


Prof. (FH) Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Schmiedinger, PhD

Scientific management

Georg Greiderer

Office Management

Daniela Stöckl

Office Management