Sieben Personen arbeiten versammelt um einen Tisch an ihren Laptops und besprechen Dinge miteinander. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

IT Process management

The 4-day certificate course teaches you the essential content of IT process management. Experts from science and practice support employees from SMEs in the IT sector in particular in their further development as IT process managers.


  • Location:

    Kufstein, Rosenheim

  • Duration:

    4 Days (2 x 2 Days)

  • Language:

    100% German
  • Academic Program:


  • Certificate:

    "Certified IT Process Manager" and 3 ECTS points

  • Price:

    Euro 1.850,-
  • Start:

    Spring 2026


Registrations are possible on an ongoing basis.

Course with creditable micro-credentials (MC)


FH Kufstein Tirol von der Straßenseite. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol
Drei Personen sitzen an einem Tisch und arbeiten an ihren Laptops, während eine stehende Frau etwas mit einer sitzenden Frau bespricht. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol
Der Schriftzug "Meetingroom" ist auf der Glaswand geschrieben. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

IT process managers bridge the gap between operational business units and a company's IT services. They plan complex IT systems and align the information infrastructure with the needs of the business and customers. They also support the business units in defining their software requirements and help to avoid undesirable developments.


  • Block weekend 1
    13.03 - 14.03.2026 
    Location: Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

  • Block weekend 2
    17.04. - 18.04.2026
    Location: Kufstein Tirol University of Applied Sciences (Austria)



  • Learn methods to better understand business processes
  • The latest findings conveyed by professionals from science and practice
  • What you have learned can be put into practice immediately
  • Professional exchange among the participants
  • Recognized university certificate as proof of your qualification
  • 3 ECTS points, which can be credited for further studies

Benefits for your Company

  • IT process management in compact form (4 days)

  • Particularly valuable for providers of IT services

  • Important prerequisite for requirements elicitation

  • Expanding the scope of own services

  • Reliable academic training


DAY 1:

Survey processes

Introduction to process management
Requirements for IT from the perspective of company processes
Terminology, roles and tasks in process management
Determination of process objectives (from the customer, from the company)
Survey of processes

DAY 2:

Document processes

Types of process modeling
Documentation of processes
The language of process notation
Overview of existing software tools for process modeling

DAY 3:

Improve processes

Identifying key figures
Measuring processes
Analyzing processes for weak points
Improving processes
Visualizing process performance

DAY 4:

Implement processes

Process support through IT systems
Workflow management
Implementing new processes in the company
Change management - because the world is changing

Target Group

This program provides customized training for:

  • IT managers and specialists
  • CTOs
  • IT project managers
  • ERP project personnel
  • Migration and integration planners


  • No admission requirements necessary.


  • Proof of performance: short written/oral examination at the end of the respective course day
  • University certificate for successful participation in the course
  • Passing of 3 ECTS points


Prof. (FH) DDr. Mario Situm, MBA

Scientific Director

Georg Greiderer

Office Management

Daniela Stöckl

Office Management

Four days of practical and challenging training! I was able to refresh my knowledge of process modelling and get to know new analysis methods and documentation tools. I found the introduction to the topic of IT process management in the form of a simulation game, which repeatedly served as a central point of reference for the group during smaller exercises on the learning journey, particularly successful. The knowledge and skills I learnt in relation to the automation of business processes are particularly valuable and will be of great use to me in my future consulting work.

Martina Dickstein

BA CDC, Management Consultant

I particularly remember the appreciative exchange with like-minded people and the teamwork with a course member. The acquisition of further technical skills, such as methods for creating processes, help me in my job today. In my day-to-day work, I particularly enjoy the dialogue with process owners and employees who are involved in processes. Processes are alive, there is a continuous cycle of change, improvement and further development. The course is ideal for people who work in process management and have an interface with IT.

Katharina Rieder

Quality & Project Management FH Kufstein Tirol

Well-structured and documented processes are the basis for successful projects such as the SAP implementation in our case. Many of the participants were familiar with the problems from their companies and were able to work out specific solutions through teamwork, but also to network. I can recommend the course to anyone who is facing similar challenges and wants to learn about modern process management methods.

Bernhard Monitzer

IT Aqipa Group

The IT Process Management certification course successfully pursues the goal of providing participants with a holistic approach to this topic. The content, such as identification, design and documentation of processes, provides an optimal basis for putting the content taught into practice.

Christian Meinhart

Betonwerk Rieder GmbH