Eine Frau steht mit dem Rücken zu einer grauen Wand und blickt lächelnd in die Kamera. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Leadership & Business Management

Bachelor's degree program

Our full-time Bachelor of Leadership and Business Management program offers a strong foundation in economics while fostering entrepreneurial thinking and leadership skills. Become a driving force in the dynamic business world and take an active role in shaping the future.


  • Qualification Level:

    Stufe 1, Bachelor
  • Price:

    Euro 363,36* (excl. Student Union-fees) each semester
  • Academic Degree:

    Bachelor of Arts in Business (BA)
  • Academic Program:

  • Language:

    80% German, 20% English
  • Remote Options:

    E-Learning min. 20 % online
  • Exchange Semester:

    Organized semester abroad, 5th semester, internship in the 6th semester (also possible abroad)**
  • Admission Requirements:

    General admission requirements


* More information for international students can be found in the Links & Downloads section.
** Travel costs must be paid by the student or covered by a grant.

Program Description

Eingang der FH Kufstein Tirol vom Gebäude B, mit dem Namen der Fachhochschule als Schriftzug darüber stehend. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol
Drei Personen sitzen an einem Tisch, und ein Mann dieser Gruppe zeigt mit seinem Stift in die Richtung der Kamera, wo sich ein Whiteboard befindet. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol
Ein Bücherregal, auf dem drei Reihen von Büchern sind. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Master the art of business management. Discover how leadership, innovation, and strategic thinking work together. Launch your career as a manager, consultant, entrepreneur, or company successor. We equip you for success, whether you're pursuing self-employment, a management role, or a consulting career.

This degree program prepares students to successfully start and/or manage companies, with a focus on holistic entrepreneurial thinking. You will learn to lead businesses strategically, market-oriented, and value-driven, supported by a strong foundation of business knowledge, practical projects, and social skills. A semester abroad, business English, and an internship will further enhance your professional and intercultural competencies, offering new perspectives and opportunities.

Study Focus

  • 23 %

    International skills

  • 19 %

    Business Management I: Fundamentals and Financial Management

  • 15 %

    Social and methodological skills

  • 15 %

    Business project: knowledge transfer

  • 14 %

    Management II: Marketing & HR Management

  • 13 %

    Entrepreneurship & Start-up Management

What You Will Learn

  • Learning the basics of economics.

  • Mastering management methods

  • Utilizing market analysis tools

  • Mastering the start-up of a company

  • Embracing entrepreneurship

  • Managing companies sustainably

  • International perspectives

  • Experiencing practical projects

Popular Occupational Fields

  • Financial management
  • HR management
  • Marketing, market research and sales
  • Self-employed entrepreneurs and business founders
  • Management consulting

Career Opportunities

  • > 242,000 upcoming follow-ups

    of family businesses in Germany and Austria in the next few years (Statista, KMU Forschung Austria)

  • 119,120 employees

    in management consultancy in Germany with an upward trend and increasing demand (Statista)

  • EUR 94,900 average gross annual salary

    for employees in the management consulting industry in Germany in 2023 (Statista)

  • 8.6% shortage

    of suitable managers in Germany by 2035 (manager magazin)

  • 12.20 % women

    holding executive positions in Austria, with an upward trend (Statista).

  • 3.400 start-ups

    have been founded in Austria since 2012 (Austrian Business Agency)

The path to the Bachelor's Degree

Ein Weg durch den Park, welcher zur FH Kufstein Tirol führt. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

In the Bachelor's degree program in Leadership & Business Management, students develop essential business management skills and gain comprehensive management knowledge to thrive in the future business landscape. Through practical projects, an international environment, and cutting-edge course content, students are well-prepared for a variety of career paths.

Special features:
  • Collaborations with regionally and internationally active companies

  • Entrepreneurship competitions and real-world business projects

  • Integrated semester abroad in the 5th semester & one-week optional stay abroad in the 4th semester

Recognition of Prior Learning

Students with sufficient qualifications from Austrian commercial academies and higher occpuational profile schools with an economic focus (Germany and Austria) can receive credit for the following courses from the first semester:

  • Introduction to Business Administration
  • Introduction to Accounting and Finance

To apply for credit, they must submit a request directly to the Director of Studies.

Director of Studies

© FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Prof. (FH) DDr. Mario Situm, MBA

Director of Studies Bachelor Business Management, Bachelor Leadership & Business Management, Master Corporate Restructuring, Master Corporate Transformation Management



Introduction to Applied Economics
  • Semester 1
  • 2 ECTS

Part A: Core topics • Economic thinking and marginal analysis • Efficient allocation of scarce resources • The market model and market equilibrium • Macroeconomic variables (GDP, inflation, and unemployment) and their interrelationships Part B: Selected macroeconomics issues • Elasticity and welfare • Cost functions and optimal corporate production • Price setting and market structures • Short-term macroeconomic fluctuations: The business cycle • Money, the ECB, and inflation • Long-term economic growth • International relations and trade

Product & Innovation Management
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Part A.) Fundamentals • Concept and definition of product & innovation management • Goals of product & innovation management • Tasks of product & innovation managers Part B.) Product & innovation strategies and innovation culture • Corporate product & innovation strategy • Innovation culture, innovation teams & innovation controlling • Product life cycle & portfolio technology • Industry 4.0 and digitization in product & innovation management Part C.) Innovation processes • Research & technology development • Pre-development, product development & service development • Open innovation • Lead User Method • Innovation networks • Disruptions in the innovation process Part D.) Idea management & creativity techniques • Idea collection and evaluation • Creativity and thought models (TRIZ, Mind-Mapping, 6-Hats Method, Walt-Disney Method, Morphological Box, Bionics, Osborn Checklist, Design Thinking)


international competence

Foreign Language I
  • Semester 1
  • 6 ECTS

The language modules integrated into the degree program curriculum are designed according to the methodological principles of a communicative, action-oriented approach. The competence levels of the modules are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and a central objective is that students increase their communication skills by at least one level. In addition, there is a clear focus on acquiring academic and business-oriented skills in the target language. • A1-A2 Basic communication skills • B1-B2 Advanced use of the language and communication skills • B2-C1 Independent language use to expert communication skills • C1-C2 Expert language skills to fluent, competent communication skills

Foreign Language II
  • Semester 2
  • 6 ECTS

The language modules integrated into the degree program curriculum are designed according to the methodological principles of a communicative, action-oriented approach. The competence levels of the modules are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and a central objective is that students increase their communication skills by at least one level. In addition, there is a clear focus on acquiring academic and business-oriented skills in the target language. • A1-A2 Basic communication skills • B1-B2 Advanced use of the language and communication skills • B2-C1 Independent language use to expert communication skills • C1-C2 Expert language skills to fluent, competent communication skills

Consolidation Business Management
  • Semester 5
  • 16 ECTS

Consolidation Business Management: Courses from the following three areas: 1. Management (e.g. Strategic Management, Competitive Strategies, Management of Multinational Corporations, Organizational Theory, Corporate Behavior, Corporate Culture, Knowledge Management, Management of Innovations, Business Ethics, Corporate Governance, Managerial Decision Behavior, HRM, etc.) 2. Marketing (e.g. Advanced Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, Customer Service Excellence, Global Marketing, etc.) 3. Accounting / Finance / Controlling (z.B. Financial Management, Portfolio Management, Options and Futures, International Finance, etc.)

Consolidation Social Skills
  • Semester 5
  • 8 ECTS

English version will be available soon

Consolidation Area Studies & Languages
  • Semester 5
  • 6 ECTS

Consolidation Area Studies & Languages: Courses like US and East Asia, Anthropological Perspectives on Culture and Society.


practical transfer

Academic Research I: Fundamentals
  • Semester 1
  • 2 ECTS

Part A: Fundamentals of academic research: • General rules of academic research • Ethical aspects and plagiarism / Use of artificial intelligence in the research process Part B: Aspects and techniques: • Finding a research gap • Literature research (books, journals, digital library, internet) • Introduction to literature management programs • Formulation of research hypotheses and questions • Citation and citation styles • Ensuring objectivity of research results Part C: Content and structure of an academic paper: • Structure of an academic paper • Description of problem & relevance • Presentation of the aim of the paper • Structure of the table of contents • List of figures and tables • Creation of source lists and bibliographies • Other elements of an academic paper (affidavit, abstract, appendix, etc.)

Practical Project I: Entrepreneurship
  • Semester 3
  • 4 ECTS

In this course, current and company-related case studies from the field of business start-ups, takeovers or successions are addressed in cooperation with, in particular, small and medium-sized enterprises or start-up companies. The students independently develop problem-solving approaches and strategies for problems relevant to management from business practice. Possible problem areas are: Analysis and conception of business models, preparation of business plans, processing of subtasks from the field of start-up management with special attention to a holistic-systematic reflection of the level of knowledge acquired up to then. The students contribute their acquired knowledge and compare it with observations and experiences in the context of the practical project. While students can deepen and improve their subject-specific competences, complementary competences such as social competence, risk management, budgeting competence and economically responsible decision-making competence are also solidified. Based on a client briefing (by the course instructor or external partners such as associations and companies), the students work on the presented projects independently, only guided by the course instructors if necessary: Planning, coordination, budgeting, control, evaluation and final reporting are in the hands of the students. The role of the course leader is focused on project coaching.

Competence & Talent Management /
  • Semester 4
  • 2 ECTS

Part A: Research techniques for writing a literature review: • Determining key words and researching appropriate journal articles. • Techniques for screening scholarly articles and elaborating on key findings • Developing a literature review matrix to systematically record researched journal articles • Excursus I: Proper citation of journal articles and inclusion in the bibliography (APA style, Harvard style, etc.) • Excursus II: Use of artificial intelligence for linguistic optimization, summarization of texts, presentation of data, etc. Part B: Limitations and approaches for further research • Recognition of possible limitations of a scientific paper (sample size, structure of interviewees, proof of expert status, implementation of pre-test incl. pre-test sheet and confirmations etc.) • Identifying approaches for further research (reason and purpose of approaches for further research, recognition of possible approaches, formulation of approaches) Part C: Discussion of selected best and worst practice cases: • Preparation of a scientifically oriented handout • Preparation of a scientifically oriented presentation • Preparation of a scientifically oriented literature review

Practical Project II: Business Management
  • Semester 4
  • 4 ECTS

In this course, current and company-related case studies from the field of business management are addressed in cooperation with, in particular, small and medium-sized enterprises. The students independently develop problem-solving approaches and strategies for problems relevant to management from business practice. Possible problem areas are: Financial and performance-related problems, human resources and organizational issues, with special attention to a holistic-systemic reflection of the level of knowledge acquired to date. The students contribute their acquired knowledge and compare it with observations and experiences in the context of the practical project. While students can deepen and improve their subject-specific competences, complementary competences such as social competence, risk management, budgeting competence and economically responsible decision-making competence are also solidified. Building on the experience gained in Practical Project I and on the further knowledge and skills acquired in specialist teaching events, the students have the opportunity to apply their acquired knowledge to real projects - above all, the competences in the area of project and quality management, as well as the subject-specific problem-solving competence, are to be consolidated and made applicable in this way. The students work on projects independently, only if necessary guided by the lecturer: Planning, coordination, budgeting, control, evaluation and final reporting are in the hands of the students. The role of the course leader is focused on project coaching.

Scientific Presentation
  • Semester 6
  • 1 ECTS

• Structure of an academic presentation • Creating slides for a presentation • Important technical terms (validity, reliability, representativeness, etc.) • Identification of limitations of an academic work • Argumentation, discussion and defense of one’s own results

  • Semester 6
  • 19 ECTS

The teaching content depends on the activities the students do at the internship provider. The students choose an internship independently. They can draw on the extensive range of internships offered by the Kufstein Tirol University of Applied Sciences. The Director of Studies checks the professional correspondence of the internship activities with the contents of the course and the qualification profiles of the course of studies. Subsequently, the Director of Studies checks whether the internship corresponds to the training objectives of the program and whether the student can be employed according to his/her level of qualification. A detailed internship guide supports the students in organizing their internship semester.

Bachelor Thesis
  • Semester 6
  • 10 ECTS

In the Bachelor thesis seminar the students are supervised with regard to content and method in the preparation of the Bachelor thesis. The content of the Bachelor thesis is linked to the internship. The students regularly report on the progress of their Bachelor thesis, accompanying the Bachelor thesis. The students receive instructions and templates for the preparation of their Bachelor thesis and thus the corresponding accompanying academic supervision.



Introduction to Law
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Part A: Fundamentals of Civil Law • Distinction between private law and public law • Doctrine of title and mode • Fundamentals of property law (incl. possession, holding & ownership) • The natural person (legal capacity and capacity to act) • The legal person • Personal rights • The legal transaction & the conclusion of the contract • General contract law • Representation & power of attorney • Basics of consumer protection law Part B: Corporate and Insolvency Law • Legal forms of companies (partnerships, corporations, mixed forms) • Basics of insolvency law Part C: Law & Digitalization: • Basic Data Protection Regulation & Telecommunications Law • E-commerce and e-government / electronic signature • IT law


social skills

Communication, Presentation & Rhetoric
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

The students are taught the fundamentals of social skills, speaking, reading, writing and presentation skills. They impart and present contents from business, politics, culture and history as well as intercultural contexts. Discussion skills and presentation of specific economic topics are the main focus. After a short theoretical introduction to presentation techniques and rhetoric, case studies and exercises are used to familiarize students with oral and medial communication. Particular attention is paid to the preparation of content (structure and outline) and the execution of presentations (preparation, targeted use of media). Basic information about the basic components of communicative processes is conveyed. Message and meaning as well as content and relationship aspects of human communication should be simulated. The aim of the presentation techniques is to teach the students about the effective channels (language, voice, body, space) of presentation and to gain initial experience about their effective use in order to be able to present more functional presentations.


Business and Management

Marketing (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

Teaching the fundamentals of marketing under the following aspects: • Definition and application areas of marketing • Importance and tasks of marketing in the 21st century • Social responsibility and ethics in marketing • Strategic marketing / market segmentation • Analysis of buyer behavior in consumer goods markets • Marketing mix (4P) • International marketing • Market orientation in corporate culture and leadership • Future prospects of marketing

Fundamentals of entrepreneurship
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

Part A: Conceptual basics: • Entrepreneurship and the path to it • Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship: terms and distinction • The Entrepreneur / the Intrapreneur: Characteristics, Meaning, Image • Types and forms of entrepreneurship Part B: Significance of entrepreneurial activity: • Quantitative and qualitative stocktaking in Austria/Germany. • Derivation of success factors & reasons for failure • Analysis of the general conditions for entrepreneurship Part C: Trends and developments in entrepreneurship: • Model of entrepreneurship competencies • Current concepts in entrepreneurship (Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Design, Lean Startup, Growth Hacking etc.) Part D: Sustainable Development & Social Entrepreneurship • Model of sustainable development • Sustainability as a competitive factor • Operational sustainability management: systems, concepts and instruments of sustainable corporate management in different functional areas • Definition of social entrepreneurship and overview of the subject area and its future relevance for society

Corporate Leadership & Strategic Management
  • Semester 1
  • 4 ECTS

Part A: Overview and interrelationship analysis of the most important subareas in business administration. • Characteristics of business economics and subject matter of business economics • Business decision theory or decision theory • Operational functional areas • Basics of management and ethics Part B: Fundamentals of business administration • Constitutive business decisions such as legal forms, location decision, types of mergers/mergers, and choice of business field. • Functional business decisions: Materials management, production management, marketing. • Fundamentals of business value-added processes and functions (value-added architecture and structure). • Fundamentals of market-, process-, and strategy-oriented management. Part C: Strategic management • Definition and differentiation strategy vs. business model; 5P according to Mintzberg • Strategic management process and relevant analyses (vision & mission; environmental analysis, external and internal company analysis, resource analysis and value chain according to Porter, competitor analysis, SWOT, etc.) • Strategic vs. operational goals • Generic strategies according to Porter (differentiation focus, differentiation, cost focus, cost leadership) and according to Treacy & Wiersema (product leadership, operational excellence, customer focus)

Introduction to Accounting and Finance
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

Part A: External accounting • Structure of the accounting system • Fundamentals of operational accounting: Tasks, sub-areas and basic concepts • Commercial accounting system: From inventory to opening balance sheet • Double-entry accounting system: Posting business cases to inventory and profit and loss accounts • Organization of bookkeeping (chart of accounts, sales tax, etc.) • Principle of period purity and accruals and deferrals • Generally accepted accounting principles • Valuation of balance sheet items (fixed assets, current assets, maximum and mini-mum value principle) and valuation methods (FIFO, LIFO, HIFO, KIFO, fixed value method, etc.) Part B: Internal accounting • Objectives and basic concepts of cost and revenue accounting • Fundamentals of cost and revenue accounting:: Tasks, components and subareas • Structure of cost accounting (cost elements, cost centers, cost objects) • Contribution margin accounting

Data-based business management
  • Semester 1
  • 4 ECTS

Part A: Basics of scientific work: - General rules of scientific work - Ethical aspects and plagiarism / use of artificial intelligence in the research process Part B: Aspects and techniques: - Finding a research gap - Literature research (books, journals, digital library, internet) - Introduction to literature management programs - Formulating research hypotheses and questions - Citation and citation styles - Objectification of research results Part C: Content and structure of a scientific paper: - Structure of a scientific paper - Statement of problem & relevance - Presentation of the aim of the work - Structure of the table of contents - List of figures and tables - Creating a list of sources and references - Other elements of a scientific paper (affidavit, abstract, appendix, etc.) Part D: Statistics with spreadsheets: - Setting up data and spreadsheets for statistical evaluations (data entry, automatic data generation, formatting, data structures) - Application of basic arithmetic operations to statistical data (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, powers, etc.) - Use of selected special functions (e.g. financial mathematical or statistical functions) Part E: Fundamentals of statistics - Introduction to descriptive statistics (graphical representation of data and distributions, calculation of statistical central and dispersion measures, testing for normal distribution of data) and data interpretation - Introduction to inferential statistics (difference test for nominally, ordinally and cardinally scaled data) - Introduction to correlation and factor analysis Part F: Structure of a data set and variable declaration: - Design and structure of a data set for statistical analysis using software - Determination and development of variables (dependent, independent, dummy, interaction) and scaling (nominal, ordinal, interval, cardinal) - Application of basic statistical methods using data sets The (theoretical) content is deepened through practical examples including software support.

Strategy Development & Execution
  • Semester 2
  • 4 ECTS

Part A: Corporate communications • Corporate strategies (attack and defense strategies incl. digitalization) • Development strategies (cooperation strategies, coopetition, internationalization strategies) • Divisional strategies (procurement, production, marketing, human resources, finance and R&D strategies) • Content steps of the strategic management process; strategic analysis. Part B: Content Creation • Definition of content creation and differentiation from content management • Creation of texts, blog articles, posts for social media • Creation of visual and auditory content (videos, photos, podcaststs, graphics, etc.) • Planning and management of social media profiles

Start-up Management
  • Semester 2
  • 5 ECTS

Part A: Basics of business planning: • Importance and prevalence of business plans. • Main content: Factual and financial concept • Procedure for the preparation of a business plan • Sample outlines for business plans: Tailor-made use • Tips, tools and sample templates. Part B: The factual concept: • Developing the substantive building blocks of the business plan: Executive Summary • Product and service, USP • Company & Founder • Constitutive decisions (location, legal form, company mergers, etc.) • Analysis of industry, market and competition • Marketing: market entry and marketing mix • Management & organization, implementation planning • Opportunities and risks, development scenarios Part C: In-depth topics: • Basic decisions as part of start-up planning • Special features of start-up financing • Start-up competitions and networks Part D: Agile Project Management: • Importance of project management for companies • Project definition & demarcation to the project order / project planning & organization • Roles & responsibilities in the project • Project execution and controlling / - Project closure • Success factors project management • Contents project manual • Time management & stress factors in projects • Creation of time and milestone plan with the help of software • Building an agile mindset with values and principles • Scrum and Scrum roles (product owner, development team, Scrum master) • Application of agile techniques (use cases, personas, burn up chart, cumulative flow diagram, earned value analysis) • Basics of Kanban and Scrum

Market Analysis & Brand Management (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Part A: Fundamentals of market research • Definition and goals of market research and differentiation from opinion research • Phases of market research • Methods of market research (secondary market research, primary market research) • Process steps within a market research project Part B: Methods & procedures of market research • Market research methods (structural analyses, measurement of use and distribution, demand and consumption analyses, image analyses, measurement of attitudes, intentions and behavioral parameters) • Analysis methods (univariate methods [frequency counts, frequency distribution], bivariate methods [cross tables, correlation, simple regression analysis]) • Market research methods (survey and analysis of demographics, social structures, purchasing power, education, family structures; surveys; image analyses; focus groups; biometric test and measurement methods; experimental product tests; behavioral observations and analyses) Part C: Fundamentals of Brand Management • Definition of the term brand • The concept of brand equity (brand value, reputation vs. brand equity) • Measuring brand equity (measuring brand equity, brand awareness, brand association, qualitative and quantitative approaches, brand tracking, brand authenticity) Part D: Brand Management & Development. • The 8 stages of brand development • Brand positioning • Brand name, brand logo and brand elements • Brand experience and brand strategies • The 5 stages of brand extension • Co-branding • The 3 perspectives of brand innovation

Annual Statement & Analysis
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Part A: Creation of profit and loss statement • Legal basis and structure of the annual financial statements under commercial law • Generally Accepted Accounting Principles • Accounting for assets (ability to be capitalized, ability to be carried as a liability, accounting curve, accounting options) • Valuation of assets (acquisition and production costs, partial value, depreciation, accruals and deferrals, consumption sequence procedures) • Multi-tax less invoices and differentiation between commercial and tax provisions Part B: Fundamentals of annual financial statement analysis • Preparation of balance sheet analysis figures (fixed assets, current assets, gross profit, long-term and short-term liabilities, etc.) • Preparation of a movement balance • Key figures of the earnings situation, key profitability figures, employee ratios, cost & earnings ratios • Key figures for liquidity, financing and investment (investment rate & internal financing ratio, investment coverage & intensity, asset structure, capital structure) • Key figure comparisons (period comparison, plant comparison, target/actual comparison) • Calculation of selected examples with software application

Investment & Financing
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Part A: Business Mathematics • Figures or functions with one or more variables • Transforming and solving formulas and equations • Formulation of linear equations incl. graphical representation • Special mathematical functions (exponential function, logarithm etc.) • Introduction to interest calculations (simple interest, compound interest, compounding and discounting, annuity, amortization schedule) • Introduction to the concept of net present value and the net present value method Part B: Financing • Fundamentals and forms of financing at a glance • External financing instruments • Instruments of internal financing • Special features of start-up financing • Forms of financing under consideration of the company life cycle Part C: Fundamentals of financial and liquidity management • Investment & financing from the point of view of the annual financial statements and liquidity • Fundamentals of financial planning • Cash flow and cash flow statement Part D: Investment • Basic problems with investment decisions • Overview of investment calculation procedures • Cost/profit-oriented (static) investment calculations • Cash flow-oriented (dynamic) investment calculations • Qualitative investment evaluation - benefit analysis

Sales & Customer Relationship Management (E)
  • Semester 3
  • 2 ECTS

The lecture offers an overview of the topics of sales management and customer loyalty management, especially in the SME environment and with special emphasis on the following topics: • Tools and methods of sales management • Structure, organization and optimization of the sales structure • Recruitment & further development of sales employees • Sales policy objectives and strategies • Sales and negotiation process in distribution • Area of responsibility of customer relationship management • Quality and satisfaction measurement as a basis for CRM • Success factors for the introduction of a CRM system taking into account data protection aspects, digitalization and Industry 4.0

Organizational & Personnel Psychology
  • Semester 3
  • 4 ECTS

Part A: Psychological basics • Teaching psychological explanations and interpretations in the areas of: Work and leisure (work-life balance), unemployment, psychology of motivation and incentive design. • Organizational psychological approaches and methods of team building and leadership • Personnel psychological approaches and methods of management decision behavior, employee leadership and behavior control • Empirical studies and findings in business, organizational and personnel psychology Part B: Competence & Talent Management • Definition of competence & talent management • Identification of talent (measurement of talent, measurement of performance, measurement of competencies, measurement of potential) • Core elements for designing a talent management system (atttraction, development, retention, placement) • Framework for successful talent management Part C: Deepening in competence & talent management • Introduction of a talent management system • Finding talent (selection process, employer tuning) • Retaining talent (career paths, team development) • Developing and nurturing talent (coaching, mentoring, talent leadership, psychological testing) • Developing a competency & talent management strategy Part D: Instruments of competence & talent management • Competence model, competence catalog and competences (professional competence, methodological competence, social competence, personal competence) • Role catalog and role profiles • Competence diagnosis and appraisal interview • Competence development plan and maturity model • Target agreement and performance measurement • Talent and team analysis • Analysis of professional interests and assessment of cognitive abilities • 360-degree feedback and coaching • HR analytics

Knowledge Management (E)
  • Semester 3
  • 3 ECTS

Part A: Knowlege Management • Characteristics and features of knowledge societies • Definition of knowledge and knowledge management • Knowledge under consideration of the resource-based-view and knowledge-based-view • Knowledge as a core resource in competition • Knowledge generation, knowledge sharing, knowledge protection • Identification and measurement of knowledge, intellectual capital reports • Basics of the learning organization • Identification and structuring of company-relevant knowledge • Design of knowledge organizations - tools and processes • Tools and instruments for knowledge workers Part B: Artificial Intelligence • Definition of Artificial Intelligence and the connection to digitalization • Overview of the development of AI (neural networks, machine learning, deep learning) • Basic applications of AI in modern business management (e.g. automated learning, analysis of data sets, etc.) and especially in knowledge management (natural language processing, natural question answering, semantic preparation of content, human-machine interaction, etc.)

International Finance & Risk Management
  • Semester 3
  • 4 ECTS

Part A: International Finance • Theory of cost of capital (trade-off Theory vs. pecking-order theory, WACC concept, tax shield, cost of equity and cost of debt) • CAPM, WACC & Enterprise Value • Equity vs. debt • Short and long-term financial instruments (overdraft, trade credit, factoring, long-term credit, leasing) • Financing costs (interest rate, interest rate structure, roll-over period, commitment fee, etc.) • Credit risk process (information asymmetry, adverse selection, moral hazard, creditworthiness, trustworthiness, rating) • Portfolio theory (risk & return, covariance & correlation, risk-return diagram, calculation of optimal portfolio) Part B: Risk Management: • Fundamentals (concept of risk, risk management, risk strategies). • Types of risks (classification of risks, description of individual risk types in detail) • Risk management process (basics, risk identification (risk inventory), risk assessment (risk map), risk evaluation, risk response, risk reporting) • Quantification of risks (risk assessment) (statistical basics, portfolio theory & Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Value-at-Risk, sensitivity analysis, Monte Carlo simulation) • Approaches or instruments for managing risks (risks in foreign trade, risks in accounts receivable management & credit risk, risks in interest rate management, risks in foreign exchange management) • Basics of resilience management (definition, measurement of resilience, approaches to implement resilience in the company).

Conflict Management, Mediation & Negotiation
  • Semester 3
  • 3 ECTS

Part A: Conflict management • Communication models and conflict theories • Phases of conflict transformation • Tools for conflict resolution and prevention • Case-related development of conflict solutions and agreements Part B: Negotiation techniques • Models, strategies and techniques of negotiation • Behavioral aspects in bargaining/negotiation • Role plays and case studies on real negotiation situations Part C: Mediation • Conflict escalation models • Deescalation and dialogue techniques • Methods of business mediation • Case study of phases of the mediation process

Digitales Marketing: E-Competence & Social Media (E)
  • Semester 3
  • 4 ECTS

Part A: Digital Marketing • Background knowledge on e-commerce (customer expectations and requirements; social, legal & ethical issues). • Online and social media marketing strategies • Online and social media goals • Digital marketing tactics (search engine optimization [SEO], content marketing, inbound marketing, social media marketing, pay-per-click, affiliate marketing, native advertising, email marketing, online PR) • e-Marketing mix and extension of the 4P in the online context • Organizational requirements for digital and online marketing • Monitoring, measurement, online reputation management & public relations Part B: Services Marketing: • Basics of B2B marketing • Buying behavior in business markets / Organizational sourcing behavior • Instruments of B2B marketing • Information acquisition & uncertainty as behavior-determining characteristics • Analysis of the buying center • Special features of services marketing • Concepts of services marketing • Information basics of services marketing • Operational services marketing & instruments

Cost accounting & calculation
  • Semester 3
  • 2 ECTS

Part A: Fundamentals of cost and revenue accounting • Tasks, components, sub-areas and systematization of accounting (ReWe) • Contribution of (internal) ReWe to business management • Basic Terms of cost and revenue accounting • Cost accounting systems Part B: Cost type accounting • Tasks and principles, systematization criteria for cost elements • Recording of the most important cost types: Material, personnel, taxes, etc. • Importance of imputed costs, conversion of expenses into costs with the works transfer form (BÜB) Part C: Cost center accounting • Tasks and principles • Systematization criteria for cost centers (main and secondary cost centers) • Operating accounting sheet (BAB) • Distribution of overhead costs to cost centers • Internal activity allocation • Calculation of cost of goods manufactured and cost of goods sold • Determination of overhead rates Part D: Cost object accounting and costing: • Tasks and contents • Calculation times and methods Part E: Contribution margin accounting: • Full cost versus direct cost accounting • Fundamentals of contribution margin accounting • Single-level and multi-level contribution margin accounting • Important forms of direct costing • Determination of the break even point and the safety margin

Supply Chain Management
  • Semester 3
  • 4 ECTS

Part A.) Basics: • Definition and historical development of supply chain management • Differentiation of supply chain management from related concepts (e.g. value chain, logistics chain, customer relationship management, etc.) • Structuring, tasks and objectives of supply chain management • Motives for the development of supply chains (maverick buying, transaction costs, bullwhip effect, globalization) • Material flow analysis in supply chains • Design models of supply chain management Part B.) Strategies of Supply Chain Management • Vertical and horizontal cooperation strategies • Supply strategies (e.g. Efficient Consumer Response, CRM and Mass Customization, Postponement, Sourcing strategies, Procurement strategies, E-Supply Chains) • Strategies of disposal and recycling Part C.) Supply chain management tools: • Inventory reduction tools (e.g., decomposition of inventory, movement analysis, etc.). • Instruments for freight cost reduction, information gathering, quality assurance and IT support Part D.) Industry 4.0 & Digitalization in Supply Chain Management • Key technologies in supply chain management (e.g. advanced planning systems, cyber-physical systems, embedded systems, supply chain visibility etc.) • Smart supply chain Part E.) Controlling of the Supply Chain • Basics of cost tracking • Key figure management in the supply chain • Key figure typology of the supply chain Part F: Process Modeling: • Operational requirements in information management of operational and planning tasks • Overview of the structure and functional scope of typical ERP systems (company codes, business areas, processes) • Procedure for customizing an operational information system • Tool support and practical exercises on an ERP system.

Risk management: Fundamentals
  • Semester 4
  • 3 ECTS

Part A: Personnel functions in the company: • Management and functional function • Tasks of the personnel department (personnel recruiting, personnel development, personnel maintenance)• Organization of the personnel department Part B: Personnel selection & recruiting • Requirement, ability and suitability profiles • Instruments of personnel selection (application documents, selection interviews, psychological tests, assessment centers, legal framework, digitalization in personnel recruiting) • Digitalization in personnel recruiting Part C: Personnel assessment & development • Purpose of personnel assessment • Approaches to personnel assessment (trait-oriented, activity-oriented & results-oriented approach) • Appraisal interview Part D: Employee Management • Motivation and motivation theories • Cognitive choice theories (valence, subjective probability, action motivation) • Self-regulation theories (management-by-approaches) • Need-tension theories (Maslow's pyramid, Richards & Greenlaw's motivation model, Herzberg's two-factor theory) • Maturity continuum according to Argyris • Job satisfaction and motivation • Motivating work design (job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment) • Modern working world and digitalization incl. New Work Part E: Remuneration • Basics of wage differentiation (wage rate differentiation, wage form differentiation, collective agreement) • Compensation and motivation/satisfaction

International & Cross Cultural Management (E)
  • Semester 4
  • 3 ECTS

• Forms of internationalization and globalization • Internationalization strategies • Problems and solutions of the international context dependency of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially in emerging markets • Special features of intercultural communication • Cultural Awareness • Management of international teams • Solving intercultural conflicts • Management in an intercultural context.

Value-Oriented Management Control
  • Semester 4
  • 3 ECTS

Part A: Fundamentals of business valuation: • Valuation object, valuation subject, valuation occasions and valuation purposes. • Principles of determining company values (relevance of the valuation purpose, reporting date principle, assets necessary for operations and assets not necessary for operations, transaction costs and income tax effects) • Overview of national and international standards (KFS/BW1, IDW S1, International Valuation Standards.) • Overview of business valuation methods (discounting methods: Discounted cash flow method, capitalized earnings method; multiplier method, liquidation value) and their practical application using selected examples. • Components of a valuation report (incl. documentation, working papers, declaration of completeness) Part B: Basics of trademark valuation: • Valuation object, valuation subject, valuation occasions and valuation purposes. • Principles of determining trademark values (relevance of the valuation purpose, principle of the reporting date, transaction costs and income tax effects) • Overview of national and international standards (IDW S5, ÖNORM A 6800, DIN ISO 10668.) • Special features due to integration of the financial, behavioral and legal perspectives • Overview of trademark valuation methods (market-oriented methods, capital value-oriented methods, cost-oriented methods) and their practical application using selected examples • Requirements for documentation and reporting (incl. documentation, working papers, declaration of completeness)

  • Semester 4
  • 4 ECTS

Part A: Spreadsheet basics • Workbooks and spreadsheets • Cells and cell ranges • Variables and data types • Basic commands (sums, statistical functions, if-then function, S and W reference, etc.) • Basic applications (creating tables and charts, importing and exporting data, pivot tables, etc.) Part B: Creation of an integrated financial plan • Creation of a sales planning, cost planning and personnel planning • Creation of an investment plan • Determination of financing requirements • Preparation of a profit and loss statement and a balance sheet • Preparation of a cash flow statement • Consolidation to an integrated financial planning • Creation of a management information system (MIS) • Carrying out sensitivity analyses Part C: Management concept controlling • Companies and their goals • Controlling as the basis for successful business management • Strategic and operational controlling • Integrated budgeting system Part D: Efficient corporate planning and budgeting • Corporate planning as a core element of controlling • Strategic planning • Operational annual planning & budgeting • Medium-term planning as a link between strategy and budget • Modern planning concepts Part E: Performance measurement and management reporting • Corporate control with key figures and key figure systems • The concept of the balanced scorecard • Operational budget control and forecasting • Management reporting • Measures to improve financial performance

Company Transfer & Succession
  • Semester 4
  • 4 ECTS

Part A: Basics • Meaning and definition of family businesses • Strengths and weaknesses of family businesses / shareholder value vs. stewardship approach • Positioning and strategy; leadership behavior in family businesses • Selected practical examples and reflection Part B: Handover and takeover process • Dynamics of family businesses based on selected models (circle model, life cycle model, familyness construct, strategic management, bulls eye approach) • Role models in the context of company handovers & successions • Company succession as a potential crisis situation for the family business • Possible forms of business succession (external vs. internal) • Success and failure factors of a successful business handover or takeover

Business Models: Analysis & Application
  • Semester 4
  • 4 ECTS

Part A: Fundamentals of business modeling: • Characteristics, elements and levels of business models • Working with current business model concepts: Business Model Canvas • Value Proposition Design • Business Model Navigator, Business Model Kit, Lean Startup, Design Thinking, Sprint, "AndersArtigkeit" etc. Part B: Analysis and development of business models: • Development and evaluation of business ideas (trend research, future industries, etc.) • Procedure for business model innovation • Special features of business model development: e.g. digital business modeling, high-tech start-ups, web-based business models, service-based business models; Part C: Examples of innovative business models Examples from the business-to-consumer sector; examples from the business-to-business sector. Examples for small and medium-sized enterprises

Leadership & Change Management (E)
  • Semester 4
  • 3 ECTS

Part A: Leadership • Definition and characteristics of leadership; Leadership vs. management; Leadership 4.0 • Overview of leadership theories; Historical genesis of leadership concepts; Systemic-integrative leadership approach • Methods: supervision; work efficiency; work effectiveness; open space; in-depth interviews • Leadership: performance; leadership success; leadership efficiency; leadership effectiveness • Environmental demands on leadership in terms of promoting performance • Implementation of leadership approaches in organizations will be discussed and reflected upon through case studies Part B: Change Management • Definition and relevance of change management • Change management in the context of Industry 4.0 and digitalization • Organizational learning • Change management approaches according to Lewin and Kotter • Typologies of actors in the change management process • Change managers and change leaders • Success and failure factors in change management

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Frequently Asked Questions

How practice-oriented is the degree program?

The degree program is characterized by a strong practical orientation. Work placements, practical projects in collaboration with companies and realistic business scenarios enable students to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice. Regular workshops and seminars with experts from the industry complement the practical training and offer valuable insights into the professional world.

Is it possible to gain experience abroad?

The degree program includes a compulsory semester abroad at one of our numerous partner universities and the opportunity to complete a twelve-week internship abroad in an international company, which promotes professional, intercultural and language skills.

In the 4th semester of the degree program, selected students are given the opportunity to complete a course with 3 ECTS as part of a short-term mobility at a foreign partner university. Most of the accommodation and travel costs are funded by the European Union. Students are supported by the International Relations Office of the FH Kufstein Tirol when applying for funding.

Where can I spend the semester abroad?

We have over 225 partner universities worldwide from which our students can choose. Some partner universities are particularly suitable for students from this degree program, as they offer further content and thus allow students to deepen their skills even further.

Can I work while studying?

Classroom teaching usually occurs from Monday to Friday, occasionally on Saturdays in blocked units. With a significant amount of self-study, students can manage their schedules independently and have the flexibility to work part-time in the industry.

Has the name of the degree program been changed?

Yes, the Business Management degree program has been renamed Leadership & Business Management. The name change reflects the further development of our degree program and also underlines the increasing internationalization.

The name change has no effect on the content and objectives of the degree program. The degree program continues to focus on the training of special entrepreneurial skills and offers a sound 360-degree business education. Knowledge and achievements already acquired remain fully recognized.

As a student, I appreciate the variety of courses and the high level of expertise of the lecturers. Particularly noteworthy is the individual support that is given to each student.
© FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Sophie Hemetsberger


The Bachelor's degree programme in Business Management offers the opportunity to work in any economic area of a company thanks to the wide range of subjects on offer.
© FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Matthias Michael Mair


In addition to the sound business education, it is above all the valuable practical insights and projects that promote the development of students into future-orientated managers.
© FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Katie Tropper


Our students are prepared for the challenges of business management in practice so that they can qualify for a wide range of positions in the areas of company management, succession and consulting.
© FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Mario Situm

Director of Studies