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© FH Kufstein Tirol

Restructuring & Reorganization Professional

The Certified Turnaround Professional (CTuP) course at the FH Kufstein Tirol offers comprehensive training in restructuring and reorganization. Experienced lecturers and practical content prepare you optimally for crisis management.


  • Location:

    FH Kufstein Tirol

  • Duration:

    3 x 3 days of 8 hours each

  • Language:

    100% German
  • Academic Program:


  • Certificate:

    Certified Restructuring and Reorganization Professional, 5 ECTS credits

  • Price:

    Euro 6.250,-
  • Start:



Payment 4 weeks before the start of the course

Course with creditable micro-credentials (MC)


FH Kufstein Tirol von der Straßenseite. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol
Drei Personen sitzen an einem Tisch und arbeiten an ihren Laptops, während eine stehende Frau etwas mit einer sitzenden Frau bespricht. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol
Der Schriftzug "Meetingroom" ist auf der Glaswand geschrieben. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

The 3 x 3-day university-certified Certified Turnaround Professional (CTuP) course at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol offers a cross-border and interdisciplinary specialization in order to professionally design change processes in complex corporate structures.

TParticipants from the fields of management, interim management, credit institutions and consulting professions acquire know-how in operational and financial restructuring as well as in the legal aspects of implementing out-of-court restructurings. The textbook "Restructuring and Turnaround Management", written by our lecturers, supports your knowledge transfer. You can choose between German and Austrian law during your participation and can take the other in the following year.

The aim is to develop best practice standards in a transnational exchange of experience with participants from Germany, Austria, South Tyrol and Switzerland. After completing the course, you will be able to recognize crisis situations at an early stage and initiate reorganization measures to ensure profitability and competitiveness.

The University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol at the gateway to the Kitzbühel Alps offers a charming ambience for professional networking and a stylish seminar and conference experience.

Services Provided

  • 9 course days with top-class lecturers
  • Conference documents on an electronic platform
  • Accompanying book "Restructuring and Turnaround Management"
  • Free participation of the "other right" in the following year
  • Examination fee
  • Welcome Dinner
  • Drinks during breaks
  • Supervision by the academic director
  • Free participation in our annual conference in the fall

Dates 2025

ModulE 1

  • 03 - 05.04.2025
    Attendance at the FH Kufstein Tirol

ModulE 2

  • 22. – 24.05.2025 

ModulE 3

  • 26. – 28.06.2025
    Attendance at the FH Kufstein Tirol


  • 25.07.2025


After completing the certificate course, crisis situations in companies can be recognized at an early stage and appropriate reorganization measures can be initiated to achieve profitability and competitiveness.



  • Experienced lecturers from the restructuring industry
  • Textbook for the course
  • Project-centered overall structure
  • Degree recognized in the industry
  • TMA certified

Benefits for your Company

  • 3 x 3 days from Thu to Sat

  • Network option

  • Free participation of the "other right" in the following year

  • interdisciplinary knowledge

  • Connection to the university with expertise in transformation and turnaround


ModulE 1: Transformation management

Mandate & company analysis

Procedure and step-by-step plan of a restructuring process
Important measures for successful projects as well as objectives and basic conditions
Differentiation between restructuring consulting and interim management

Stakeholder communication

Crisis communication in crisis PR
Different stages of communicative crisis cases
Factors of successful crisis PR

Change Management

Phase models and the individual steps of change management processes
Dealing with emotions in the change process
Success factors for successful change processes in restructuring

Business model innovation

Selecting suitable people for the business model innovation process
Designing the creative process taking megatrends into account
Evaluating the results in the target markets


Choice of German or Austrian law

Reasons for opening insolvency proceedings and measures to avert them
Course of insolvency proceedings
Restructuring in insolvency proceedings and in the run-up to insolvency
Corporate law restructuring measures
Civil and criminal liability of executive bodies
Labor law aspects
Tax law aspects Preventive restructuring framework with StaRUG (GER) and ReO (AUT)
Free participation for contents of "other law" in the following year

Financial restructuring

Financial restructuring measures for equity and debt capital
Special forms of restructuring financing
Distressed M&A and transferring restructuring


Performance-related restructuring

Causes of corporate crises
Measures to secure liquidity
Restructuring in the functional areas of the company

Integrated planning and control systems

Importance, application and instruments of analysis
Development of a reporting system and key design elements in reporting
Introduction of a "crisis cockpit" as an instrument for early crisis detection

IDW S 6 Forecast of continued existence

Basic structure based on the requirements of the credit institutions
Requirements in accordance with IDW S 6 (D) and guideline on going concern forecasts (A)
Scope of the concept and accompanying measures during implementation

Didactic Concept

The courses use current case studies of successful or failed corporate restructurings and reorganizations to develop well-founded concepts and plans in which the synthesis of legal and business perspectives is applied. Based on the current situation of a company, the contents of a restructuring concept are developed under the guidance of an interdisciplinary team of lecturers, proposals for the implementation of the concept are drawn up and controlling measures are suggested.

In the individual courses, in addition to teaching the practice-relevant content, different case studies from the lecturers are also used and discussed for in-depth study and practical application. The correspondingly designed accompanying book "Restrukturierungs- und Turnaround-Management, Exler/Situm (ed.) 2019, 2nd edition" supports your learning success.

Target Group

This program provides customized training for:

  • Specialists from banks and consulting firms
  • Interim managers
  • Insolvency administrators
  • Managing directors
  • Responsible for strategic controlling


  • Academic degree in a related discipline
  • At least 3 years of relevant professional experience or 5 years of relevant professional experience without an academic degree


  • Written final exam
  • Degree with university certificate: Certified Restructuring and Reorganization Professional (5 ECTS credits)


Prof. (FH) Dr. Markus W. Exler

Scientific Director


Every year, Markus Exler invites people to a cross-border dialogue with interesting people. When he is not lecturing at the institute in Kufstein or abroad as a visiting professor, he is a management consultant, holds advisory board positions in medium-sized companies and does not view the restructuring of companies as a flaw or a consequence of a crisis, but rather as part of normal corporate development. Markus is often booked as a speaker at conferences and corporate events. He believes that thinking about restructuring should be a constant task for every manager. He is at home in Nuremberg and Kufstein.

Georg Greiderer

Office Management

Daniela Stöckl

Office Management

9 days of intensive knowledge transfer, combined with a good exchange between participants and lecturers. Practice and content are optimally peppered with examples. It is equally suitable for consultants, managers and entrepreneurs. A truly successful qualification program for restructuring and reorganization. That's how successful turnaround works.

Klaus Rommel

Graduate of the program, Miesbach

A very exciting and practical course. It provides a comprehensive overview of the whole restructuring sector. The event is enriched by the fact that the participants and speakers come from different practice areas. The opportunity to discuss your cases or questions with a wide audience is unique.

Danja Nemec

Graduate of the program, Klagenfurt

Top-class course with competent speakers and exciting participants, a good mix of consultants, bankers, interim managers and auditors.

Steffen Heuser

Graduate of the program, Itzehoe

9 days of fun as the core restructuring topics are presented in a compact, theoretical and practical form by experts from a wide range of fields.

Thomas Biringer

Graduate of the program, Aschach an der Steyr

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