
Fundamentals of Change Management



Learning outcomes of the courses/module

The students
• are familiar with the essential strategic and operational measures for analyzing and implementing entrepreneurial change processes.
• are able to critically reflect on entrepreneurial business processes, evaluate change measures, and implement and manage change processes within the framework of the leadership approach.
• can apply selected instruments and techniques of change management.
• understand the influence of Industry 4.0 and digitalization within change projects.

Prerequisites for the course


Course content

• Definition and Relevance of Change Management
• Change Management within the Context of Industry 4.0 and Digitalization
• Organizational Learning
• Change Management Approaches according to Lewin and according to Kotter
• Typologies of Actors in the Change Management Process
• Change Managers and Change Leaders
• Success and Failure Factors in Change Management

Recommended specialist literature

• Change Management Institute (2022). The effective change manager: The change management body of knowledge. Sydney: Wills Brand Design.
• Hayes, J. (2022). The theory and practice of change management. London: Palgrave.
• Pröbstl, H. (2023). Crashkurs Change Management: Transformation erfolgreich gestalten. Freiburg: Haufe Verlag.
• Stolzenberg, K., & Heberle, K. (2021). Change Management: Veränderungsprozesse erfolgreich gestalten – Mitarbeiter mobilisieren. Vision, Kommunikation, Beteiligung, Qualifizierung. Berlin: Springer
• Vahs, D., & Weiand, A. (2022). Workbook Change Management: Methoden und Techniken. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.

Assessment methods and criteria

• Final presentation



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

• The course will be conducted with face-to-face sessions (deductive method, providing guidance in the learning process as well as imparting knowledge through lectures).
• Additionally, students will solve and present problem statements in group work, which will be discussed in the plenary.
• Selected exercises will be conducted to deepen the content of the lecture.

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer


Academic year

Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course


