Neuromarketing & Behavioral Psychology
Learning outcomes of the courses/module
The students
• are familiar with the fundamentals of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, including cell structures, neuronal functions, and the neurological basis of movement and sensory systems.
• understand the principles of neuromarketing, including the differences from traditional marketing and the role of emotions in purchasing decisions.
• can apply neuromarketing techniques to analyze consumer behavior and develop effective marketing strategies.
• analyze ethical aspects of neuromarketing, identify risks, and assess the social impacts of marketing campaigns.
• evaluate the effectiveness of neuromarketing campaigns, compare them with traditional approaches, and understand their impact on consumer behavior and brand perception.
• are familiar with the fundamentals of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, including cell structures, neuronal functions, and the neurological basis of movement and sensory systems.
• understand the principles of neuromarketing, including the differences from traditional marketing and the role of emotions in purchasing decisions.
• can apply neuromarketing techniques to analyze consumer behavior and develop effective marketing strategies.
• analyze ethical aspects of neuromarketing, identify risks, and assess the social impacts of marketing campaigns.
• evaluate the effectiveness of neuromarketing campaigns, compare them with traditional approaches, and understand their impact on consumer behavior and brand perception.
Prerequisites for the course
Course content
• Functional Neuroanatomy & Neurophysiology (Cells & structures of the nervous system; Peripheral divisions; Brain waves; Functioning of neurons; Sensory systems; Movement; Brain development & plasticity; Long-term learning & memory)
• Fundamentals of Neuromarketing (Concept & Definition of Neuromarketing; Differences between traditional marketing & Neuromarketing; Consumer Neuroscience; Pros & Cons of Neuromarketing; Emotions vs. Rational thinking, Purchase decisions)
• Advanced Neuromarketing Techniques (Neuroscientific methods in marketing such as fMRI, EEG, Eye-Tracking; Influence of brands on neural pathways; Product placement and In-Store design; Advertising effectiveness; Price psychology; Online marketing and User experience)
• Deep Dives into Behavioral Psychology (Cognitive biases and purchase decisions; Emotional vs. rational decision making; Social influences on consumer behavior)
• Ethical Considerations in Neuromarketing (Ethics and data privacy; Manipulation vs. persuasion)
• Practical Applications and Case Studies (Analysis of Neuromarketing campaigns; Workshops and projects to apply learned theories and methods)
• Fundamentals of Neuromarketing (Concept & Definition of Neuromarketing; Differences between traditional marketing & Neuromarketing; Consumer Neuroscience; Pros & Cons of Neuromarketing; Emotions vs. Rational thinking, Purchase decisions)
• Advanced Neuromarketing Techniques (Neuroscientific methods in marketing such as fMRI, EEG, Eye-Tracking; Influence of brands on neural pathways; Product placement and In-Store design; Advertising effectiveness; Price psychology; Online marketing and User experience)
• Deep Dives into Behavioral Psychology (Cognitive biases and purchase decisions; Emotional vs. rational decision making; Social influences on consumer behavior)
• Ethical Considerations in Neuromarketing (Ethics and data privacy; Manipulation vs. persuasion)
• Practical Applications and Case Studies (Analysis of Neuromarketing campaigns; Workshops and projects to apply learned theories and methods)
Recommended specialist literature
• Breedlove, M. S., & Watson, N. V. (2020). Behavioral neuroscience. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
• Häusel, H.-G. (2019) (Hrsg.). Neuromarketing: Erkenntnisse der Hirnforschung für Markenführung, Werbung und Verkauf. Freiburg: Haufe.
• Horvitz, J. C., Jacobs, B. L., & Caamano Tubío, R. I. (2023). Principles of behavioral neuroscience. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
• Scheier, C., & Held, D. (2018). Wie Werbung wirkt: Erkenntnisse des Neuromarketing. Freiburg: Haufe.
• Häusel, H.-G. (2019) (Hrsg.). Neuromarketing: Erkenntnisse der Hirnforschung für Markenführung, Werbung und Verkauf. Freiburg: Haufe.
• Horvitz, J. C., Jacobs, B. L., & Caamano Tubío, R. I. (2023). Principles of behavioral neuroscience. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
• Scheier, C., & Held, D. (2018). Wie Werbung wirkt: Erkenntnisse des Neuromarketing. Freiburg: Haufe.
Assessment methods and criteria
• Quiz
• Final Exam
• Final Exam
Number of ECTS credits awarded
Share of e-learning in %
Semester hours per week
Planned teaching and learning method
20% of the course will be covered through eLearning. This will involve a combination of online phases (inductive method for independent acquisition of knowledge and practicing tasks) and face-to-face sessions (deductive method providing assistance in the learning process and imparting knowledge through lectures).
Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered
Name of lecturer
Academic year
Key figure of the course/module
Type of course/module
integrated lecture
Type of course