Qualitative methods & experimental design
Learning outcomes of the courses/module
• The students
are familiar with various survey techniques and the process of qualitative research, including exploratory and indirect methods.
• understand the conception, implementation, and evaluation of interviews, including the creation of interview guides and the application of transcription and analysis techniques.
• have knowledge of the basics and procedures of experimental research, including variable control and experiment design.
• can deepen theoretical content using practical examples and work with software support to analyze qualitative and quantitative data.
• are acquainted with the legal and ethical framework of interviews, including issues of data protection and consent.
• can apply the criteria of interviews to ensure the reliability and validity of their research.
are familiar with various survey techniques and the process of qualitative research, including exploratory and indirect methods.
• understand the conception, implementation, and evaluation of interviews, including the creation of interview guides and the application of transcription and analysis techniques.
• have knowledge of the basics and procedures of experimental research, including variable control and experiment design.
• can deepen theoretical content using practical examples and work with software support to analyze qualitative and quantitative data.
• are acquainted with the legal and ethical framework of interviews, including issues of data protection and consent.
• can apply the criteria of interviews to ensure the reliability and validity of their research.
Prerequisites for the course
Course content
• Exploratory Interview Techniques (In-depth Interviews, Narrative Interviews, Problem-Centered Interviews, Focused Interviews, Focus Group Interviews) and Indirect Interview Techniques (Associative Methods, Estrangement Techniques, Projective Methods, Nonverbal Techniques, Creativity Techniques, Ordering Techniques)
• General Process of Qualitative Research (Objectives of Knowledge and Research Planning, Method Selection and Implementation, Processing of Obtained Data, Use of Mixed-Methods for Selected Questions, Quality Criteria of Interviews [Objectivity, Reliability, Validity])
• Design and Creation of an Interview Guide (Formulation of Questions, Types of Questions, Structure of the Interview Guide)
• Planning and Execution of Interviews (Recruitment of Interviewees, Concept of Experts, Conducting Interviews and Building Relationships, Legal and Ethical Framework)
• Evaluation of Interviews (Transcription, Qualitative Content Analysis, Quantitative Text Analysis, Analysis of Nonverbal and Paraverbal Behavior)
• Basics of Experimental Research (Types of Variables, Involved Persons, Basic Principles of Controlling Extraneous Variables, Types of Experiments, Quasi-Experiments)
• General Process of Experimental Research (Operationalization and Measurement, Experimental Design, Control of Extraneous Variables, Sample, Empirical Prediction and Statistical Hypothesis, Execution, Results, Reporting)
The deepening of (theoretical) content is achieved through practical examples including software support.
• General Process of Qualitative Research (Objectives of Knowledge and Research Planning, Method Selection and Implementation, Processing of Obtained Data, Use of Mixed-Methods for Selected Questions, Quality Criteria of Interviews [Objectivity, Reliability, Validity])
• Design and Creation of an Interview Guide (Formulation of Questions, Types of Questions, Structure of the Interview Guide)
• Planning and Execution of Interviews (Recruitment of Interviewees, Concept of Experts, Conducting Interviews and Building Relationships, Legal and Ethical Framework)
• Evaluation of Interviews (Transcription, Qualitative Content Analysis, Quantitative Text Analysis, Analysis of Nonverbal and Paraverbal Behavior)
• Basics of Experimental Research (Types of Variables, Involved Persons, Basic Principles of Controlling Extraneous Variables, Types of Experiments, Quasi-Experiments)
• General Process of Experimental Research (Operationalization and Measurement, Experimental Design, Control of Extraneous Variables, Sample, Empirical Prediction and Statistical Hypothesis, Execution, Results, Reporting)
The deepening of (theoretical) content is achieved through practical examples including software support.
Recommended specialist literature
• Howitt, D. (2019). Introduction to qualitative research methods in psychology: Putting theory into practice. Harlow: Pearson.
• Huber, O. (2019). Das psychologische Experiment: Eine Einführung. Bern: Hogrefe.
• Kirchmair, R. (2022). Qualitative Forschungsmethoden: Anwendungsorientiert: vom Insider aus der Markforschung lernen. Berlin: Springer.
L• üdders, L. (2017). Qualitative Methoden und Methodenmix: Ein Handbuch für Studium und Berufspraxis. Bremen: APOLLON University Press.
• Renner, K.-H., & Jacob, N.-C. (2020). Das Interview: Grundlagen und Anwendung in Psychologie und Sozialwissenschaften. Berlin: Springer.
• Huber, O. (2019). Das psychologische Experiment: Eine Einführung. Bern: Hogrefe.
• Kirchmair, R. (2022). Qualitative Forschungsmethoden: Anwendungsorientiert: vom Insider aus der Markforschung lernen. Berlin: Springer.
L• üdders, L. (2017). Qualitative Methoden und Methodenmix: Ein Handbuch für Studium und Berufspraxis. Bremen: APOLLON University Press.
• Renner, K.-H., & Jacob, N.-C. (2020). Das Interview: Grundlagen und Anwendung in Psychologie und Sozialwissenschaften. Berlin: Springer.
Assessment methods and criteria
• Quiz
• Seminar Paper
• Seminar Paper
Number of ECTS credits awarded
Share of e-learning in %
Semester hours per week
Planned teaching and learning method
20% of the couse will be covered through eLearning. This will involve a combination of online phases (inductive method for independent acquisition of knowledge and practicing tasks) and face-to-face sessions (deductive method providing assistance in the learning process and imparting knowledge through lectures).
Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered
Name of lecturer
Academic year
Key figure of the course/module
Type of course/module
integrated lecture
Type of course