
Coding 1: Software development basics



Learning outcomes of the courses/module

Students acquire basic knowledge of the principles of procedural and object-oriented programming. They will be able to independently develop solutions for typical tasks and implement these in applications. Moreover, students will be able to use the basic elements of a modern programming language.

Students will develop familiarity with basic algorithms and data structures and can select these for specific problems or adapt them independently for specific problems.

The students can
- understand approaches to procedural and object-oriented programming
- analyze and understand programming examples
- understand language elements of modern programming languages
- select, configure, and use a suitable development environment
- differentiate between algorithms and data structures in terms of their complexity
- create their own efficient algorithms and data structures

Prerequisites for the course


Course content

Introduction to programming with a focus on the web
- Detailed consideration of a specific programming language, program structure, data types, operators, flow struc-tures, modularization, object orientation
- Basics of software development and the tools used, in particular, the integrated development environments (IDE) and the typical work steps from design, implementation, and debugging to the current program
- Algorithms and data structures used in software development

Recommended specialist literature

- Ackermann, P.: JavaScript: Das umfassende Handbuch. JavaScript lernen und verstehen. Inkl. objektorientierter und funktionaler Programmierung. Reinwerk Computing, 2021
- Zakas, N.: Understanding ECMAScript6: The Definitive Guide for JavaScript Developers. No Starch Press, 2016
- Rozentals, N: Mastering TypeScript, 4th edition. Packt, 2021
- Sedgewick, R.; Wayne, K.: Algorithmen: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen - Pearson Studium. IT, 2014
- Cormen, T.; Leiserson, C.; Rivest, R.; Stein, C.; Molitor, P.: Algorithmen - Eine Einführung. De Gruyter Publishing, 2013

Assessment methods and criteria

Portfolio review



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

Presentations, group work, presentation and discussion of tasks

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer


Academic year

Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course



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