
Smart energy systems



Learning outcomes of the courses/module

The students are able to: • Understand the basics of network planning, maintenance and operation of electricity and heating/cooling networks • Identify technical, economic and legal aspects of feed-in, transmission and con-sumption in electricity and heating/cooling networks • Present technical, economic and legal options for the logistics of primary and sec-ondary energy sources • Discuss current development trends of electricity and heating/cooling networks and the logistics of energy sources and classify them with regard to their impact

Prerequisites for the course

Fundamentals of Energy Technology (TEC.1), Renewable Energy Production (TEC.3)

Course content

Smart Grids - electricity networks: • Technical, economic and legal aspects of transmission and distribution of electrical energy (overhead line, cable) • Tasks of network operators and the function of network regulation (incentive regula-tion) • Basic principles of network planning, network maintenance and network operation • Effects of feed-in and consumption on network operation in the transmission and distribution network • Network access and network use • Current trends in electrical supply networks heating/cooling networks: • Technical, economic and legal aspects of the transmission and distribution of heat and cold (district and local heating/cooling networks, MicroGrids) • Basic principles of network planning, maintenance and operation including merit order • Current trends in heating and cooling networks Logistics of energy sources: • Technical, economic and legal aspects of logistics of primary and secondary energy sources • Basic principles of logistics planning • Tasks of logistics companies and energy suppliers • Current trends in logistics of energy sources

Recommended specialist literature

• Buchholz, B., Stycynski, Z., 2018. Smart Grids: Grundlagen und Technologien der elektrischen Netze der Zukunft. Berlin: VDE Verlag • Flosdorff, R. und G. Hilgarth, 2017. Elektrische Energieverteilung. 10. Auflage. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag • Sillaber, A., 2016. Leitfaden zur Verteilnetzplanung und Systemgestaltung - Entwicklung dezentraler Elektrizitätssysteme. Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg • Behrens, W., et al., 2009. Technisches Handbuch Fernwärme. 2. Auflage. AGFW-Projektgesellschaft für Rationalisierung • Dötsch, C., Taschenberger, J., Schönberg, I., 1998. Leitfaden Nahwärme - Band 6. Oberhausen: Fraunhofer Umsicht • Muchna, C., et al., 2017. Grundlagen der Logistik: Begriffe, Strukturen und Prozesse. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Assessment methods and criteria

Examination and portfolio



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

Blended Learning

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer

Asc. Prof. (FH) Dipl.-Ing. Christian Huber

Academic year


Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course


