
Basic Accounting


First cycle, Bachelor

Learning outcomes of the courses/module

The students are able to:
External accounting:
• Know the fundamentals of mapping business decisions in the accounting system.
• Know and understand the basic concepts and subareas of accounting.
• Understand the technology and internal structure of double-entry bookkeeping.
• Can assess the structure of an accounting system and the characteristics of different types of accounts.
• Make simple business postings to balance sheet and profit and loss accounts and create posting records.
• Recognize the significant effects of business transactions on the balance sheet and income statement.

Internal accounting:
• Are familiar with the tasks and solutions of cost and revenue accounting with its subsystems (cost element, cost center and cost unit accounting).
• Can differentiate between the terms payments - disbursements, income - expenses, income - expenses
• Can describe the organizational structure of a cost accounting system and explain its main features.
• Know the systems of cost accounting (partial and full cost accounting)

Prerequisites for the course

not applicable

Course content

External accounting:
• Structure of the accounting system
• Fundamentals of operational accounting: Tasks, subareas and basic terms
• Commercial accounting system: From inventory to opening balance sheet
• Double-entry accounting system: Posting of business cases to balance sheet and profit and loss accounts
• Organization of bookkeeping (chart of accounts, sales tax, etc.)
• Principle of period specificity and accruals and deferrals

Internal accounting:
• Objectives and basic concepts of cost and revenue accounting
• Fundamentals of cost and revenue accounting: Tasks, components and subareas
• Structure of cost accounting (cost elements, cost centers, cost objects)
• Contribution margin accounting

Recommended specialist literature

• Coenenberg, et al. (2014): Jahresabschluss und Jahresabschlussanalyse: Aufgaben und Lösungen, 15th edition, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag Stuttgart
• Buchholz (2015): Internationale Rechnungslegung: Die wesentlichen Vorschriften nach IFRS und HGB, 12th edition, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin
• Bähr, Fischer-Winkelmann, List (2006):Buchführung und Jahresabschluss, 9th edition, Gabler Verlag Wiesbaden
• Coenenberg, et al. (2014): Jahresabschluss und Jahresabschlussanalyse: Betriebswirtschaftliche, handelsrechtliche, steuerrechtliche und internationale Grundlagen, 23rd edition, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag Stuttgart
• Döring, Buchholz (2013): Buchhaltung und Jahresabschluss, 13th edition, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin
• German Commercial Code (HGB) in the latest version.
• Küting, Weber (2015): Die Bilanzanalyse, 11th edition, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag Stuttgart
• Wöhe, Döring (2013): Einführung in die Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 25th edition, Vahlen Verlag Munich
• Wöhe, Kußmaul (2015): Grundzüge der Buchführung und Bilanztechnik, 9th edition, Vahlen Verlag Munich

Assessment methods and criteria

Final written Exam



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

Integrated course

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer

Dipl.-Kfm. Marco Stephan

Academic year

Second year of studies

Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course



not applicable