
Problem Solving in a Team


First cycle, Bachelor

Learning outcomes of the courses/module

The students are able to: • Perceive and understand group and team processes and work on team problems in practice in a solution-oriented way. • Understand team roles, assess team members and deploy them according to individual strengths. • Take responsibility for the group or the team, delegate and communicate tasks efficiently for team members. • Solve conflicts within the team in a structured way. • Understand, select and apply team-building methods for use in companies and organizations. • Analyze problems and, building on this, select and apply a suitable approach with tools/methods.

Prerequisites for the course

not applicable

Course content

• Presentation and lecture techniques • Structure and arrangement of presentations • Use of media for presentations • Exercises and video analysis

Recommended specialist literature

• Hillmer (2007): Schlüsselkompetenzen für Ingenieure & Naturwissenschaftler: Kapitel – Gestaltung von Teamprozessen von Christof Fink, 1. Aufl., Studia Universitätsbuchhandlung Innsbruck • Hillmer (2007): Schlüsselkompetenzen für Ingenieure & Naturwissenschaftler: Kapitel – Gesprächsführung und Verhandlungstechnik von Christof Fink, 1. Aufl., Studia Universitätsbuchhandlung Innsbruck • Lencioni (2008): Mein Traum-Team: oder die Kunst, Menschen zu idealer Zusammenarbeit zu führen, 1. Aufl., Campus Verlag Frankfurt/Main • Schweizer (2008): Systematisch Lösungen finden: Eine Denkschule für Praktiker, 3. Aufl., vdf Hochschulverlag Zürich • Sell, Schimweg (2013): Probleme lösen: In komplexen Zusammenhängen denken, 6. Aufl., Springer Verlag Berlin • Fischer, Pfeffel (2013): Systematische Problemlösung in Unternehmen: Ein Ansatz zur strukturierten Analyse und Lösungsentwicklung, 2. Aufl., Springer Gabler Verlag Wiesbaden

Assessment methods and criteria

project report



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

Integrated course

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer

Michael Petke, BSc, MA

Academic year

First year of studies

Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course



not applicable