
Strategy Development & Execution



Learning outcomes of the courses/module

The students • know the basics of corporate communication. • know the most important theoretical approaches as well as instruments of strategic planning and optimization of corporate communication. • can identify and apply communication-relevant measures for crisis prevention and handling. • understand how digitalization influences and changes corporate communications. • know which digital media can be used for corporate communications. • know what content creation means and can distinguish the term from content manager. • can create texts, blog articles and posts for distribution via social media. • can create videos and photos which can be used for social media. • know how to plan and manage social media profiles.

Prerequisites for the course


Course content

Part A: Corporate communications • Corporate strategies (attack and defense strategies incl. digitalization) • Development strategies (cooperation strategies, coopetition, internationalization strategies) • Divisional strategies (procurement, production, marketing, human resources, finance and R&D strategies) • Content steps of the strategic management process; strategic analysis. Part B: Content Creation • Definition of content creation and differentiation from content management • Creation of texts, blog articles, posts for social media • Creation of visual and auditory content (videos, photos, podcaststs, graphics, etc.) • Planning and management of social media profiles

Recommended specialist literature

• Berens, A., & Bolk, C. (2023). Content Creation mit KI: Das neue Buch zu ChatGPT, DALL-E, DeepL Write und Co. Einsatz im Marketing, Redaktion, Content-Erstellung, Recherche und mehr. Bonn: Rheinwerk Verlag. • Kirf, B., Eicke, K.-N., & Schömburg, S. (2020). Unternehmenskommunikation im Zeitalter der digitalen Transformation: Wie Unternehmen interne und externe Stakeholder heute und in Zukunft erreichen. Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag. • Löffler, M., & van Tübbergen, C. (2023). Content 360 Grad: Das Praxishandbuch für Content-Strategie und Content-Marketing – für alle Content-Disziplinen von Text bis Podcast. Bonn: Rheinwerk Verlag. • Salzer, E., Johannsen, K., & Reinhold, T. (2023). Erfolgsfaktor Unternehmenskommunikation: Alles, was Entscheider wissen müssen. Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag.

Assessment methods and criteria

• Seminar paper and • Project documentation



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

The course is conducted with presence phases (deductive method, in which assistance is given in the learning process and knowledge is imparted via frontal lectures). • In addition, the students will solve and present problems in group work, which will be discussed in the plenum. • Selected exercises are carried out to train the content based on real problems.

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer

English version will be available soon

Academic year


Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course



not applicable