
Marketingmanagement & Controlling(E)



Learning outcomes of the courses/module

In order to impart in-depth marketing knowledge, students must be able to explain the principle of marketoriented business management. They understand that marketing as a management task covers different areas such as the definition of planning, control, monitoring and coordination of all marketing activities. After completing the course Marketing Management and Controlling, students will be able to question the effectiveness and efficiency of market-oriented business management. They know how the formulated goals are achieved and whether the selected measures represent the optimal way of achieving them. In order to meas-ure the achievement of objectives, students are given an overview of possible KPIs in various areas of the company and can apply situation-relevant KPIs. The product management system is addressed as a snapshot and the associated company-internal processes are dealt with. Thus the students learn to recognize interdisciplinary, entrepreneurial connections and to represent the effect of marketing activities on the entrepreneurial success. Through the implementation and subsequent evaluation of practical tasks, the self-reflection of the students increases in relation to the situational context in which different marketing management and controlling models are applied.

Prerequisites for the course

Modul MGL

Course content

In order to impart in-depth marketing knowledge, students are taught the principle of market-oriented business management. Marketing as a management task has to cover different areas - planning, controlling, monitoring and coordination define only some of the important aspects in the area of marketing management. Marketing controlling takes on the task of questioning the effectiveness and efficiency of this already mentioned market-oriented business management. The main issue here is whether the formulated goals will be achieved or whether the selected measures represent the optimal way of achieving them. In order to measure the achievement of objectives, students are given an overview of possible KPIs in various areas of the company and can apply situation-relevant KPIs. The stu-dents should be able to ask these questions, answer them and respond to the respective results. The product management system is also addressed as a snap-shot and the associated company-internal processes are dealt with.

Recommended specialist literature

•Bendle, N.T., Reibstein, D.J., Pfeifer, P.E. & Farris, P.W. (2016). Marketing Metrics: The Definitive Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance, 2nd edition, NJ: Pearson Education. •Davis, J.A. (2013). Measuring Marketing: 110+ Key Metrics Every Marketer Needs, 2nd edition, NJ: Wiley & Sons •Hofbauer, G., and Bergmann, S. (2013). Professionelles Controlling in Marketing und Vertrieb, Berlin, Frankfurt: Publicis Verlag. •Homburg, Ch. (2017). Marketing Management, Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. •Kozielski, R. (2018). Mastering Market Analytics : Business Metrics – Practice and Application, Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited.

Assessment methods and criteria

Klausur und online test



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

Integrated course, group work, case studies, discussions, e-learning

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer

will be available soon

Academic year

Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course


