Practical Project 2
Learning outcomes of the courses/module
Practical projects primarily serve to gather field experience. The first step is to raise awareness of the problem by making practical observations and analyses. Subsequently, individual problem-solving approaches should be formulated and, if necessary, pursued, thus enabling the students to acquire solution competence.
While students can deepen and improve their subject-specific competences, complementary competences such as social competence, risk management, budgeting competence and economically responsible decision-making competence are also consolidated.
While students can deepen and improve their subject-specific competences, complementary competences such as social competence, risk management, budgeting competence and economically responsible decision-making competence are also consolidated.
Prerequisites for the course
basic subjects
Course content
To prepare the students optimally for problems in working life, practical tasks are worked on in groups, or field experiences are obtained under the guidance of the course instructors. The students contribute their acquired knowledge and compare it with observations and experiences in the context of the integrative case studies.
Based on a client briefing (by the course instructors or external partners such as associations and companies), the students work on the presented projects inde-pendently, only guided by the course instructors if necessary: Planning, coordina-tion, budgeting, control, evaluation and final reporting are in the hands of the stu-dents.
Based on a client briefing (by the course instructors or external partners such as associations and companies), the students work on the presented projects inde-pendently, only guided by the course instructors if necessary: Planning, coordina-tion, budgeting, control, evaluation and final reporting are in the hands of the stu-dents.
Recommended specialist literature
• Timinger, H. (2017). Modernes Projektmanagement: Mit traditionellem, agilem und hybridem Vorgehen zum Erfolg, Weinheim: Wiley Verlag.
• Preußig, J. (2018). Agiles Projektmanagement: Agilität und Scrum im klassischen Projektumfeld, Freiburg: Haufe Verlag.
• Preußig, J. (2018). Agiles Projektmanagement: Agilität und Scrum im klassischen Projektumfeld, Freiburg: Haufe Verlag.
Assessment methods and criteria
Project completion reports and presentation
Number of ECTS credits awarded
Share of e-learning in %
Semester hours per week
Planned teaching and learning method
Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered
Name of lecturer
English version will be available soon
Academic year
Key figure of the course/module
Type of course/module
Type of course