
Bachelor Thesis Seminar


first cycle, Bachelor

Learning outcomes of the courses/module

The students develop a basic understanding regarding the preparation of an empirical Bachelor thesis with the aim of independently defining and empirically elaborating a topic from the field of sports, cultural or event management on the basis of an appropriate question. They are able to apply fundamental concepts, theories (and the corresponding empirical findings) and empirical methods from their previous studies to their Bachelor thesis and to reflect on their approach. Self-organization, time management, research and expression skills are expanded.

Prerequisites for the course

not applicable

Course content

Within the framework of the Bachelor thesis seminar, students are taught what special features empirical work entails and how to create their own empirical work. They have the opportunity to discuss and optimize their theoretical foundation, their methodical approach and their empirical implementation in the context of the Bachelor thesis in regular exchanges with the other students. The students receive recommendations and templates for the preparation of their Bachelor thesis and thus the corresponding accompanying academic supervision.

Recommended specialist literature

Brink, A. (2007). Anfertigung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten im Bachelor-, Master- und Diplomstudium. 3. Auflage. München, Wien: Oldenbourg. Hug, T. & Poscheschnik, G. (2010). Empirisch Forschen. Konstanz: UVK (UTB). Ebster, C. & Stalzer, L. (2013). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftler. 4. Auflage. Wien: facultas wuv (UTB). Kruse, O. (2018). Lesen und Schreiben. Konstanz: UVK (UTB). Kruse, O. (2017). Kritisches Denken und Argumentieren. Konstanz: UVK (UTB). Samac, K., Prenner, M. & Schwetz, H. (2009). Die Bachelorarbeit an Universität und Fachhochschule. Wien: facultas wuv (UTB).

Assessment methods and criteria

Bachelor Thesis



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

integrated course, case studies, discussion, group work, presentations

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer


Academic year


Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module


Type of course



not applicable