
Cultural Management II


first cycle, Bachelor

Learning outcomes of the courses/module

The students are familiar with the interrelationships of cultural financing, especially in the areas of public funding and sponsoring, can differentiate these in their principles and present them in their respective basic context. They can explain the operational requirements for applications and requests and illustrate them using examples. They are familiar with the basic functions of more recent formats such as crowdfunding and intensified cooperation and are able to discuss and argue their potentials and limitations.

Prerequisites for the course

not applicable

Course content

Cultural funding is a central task because it is what makes cultural opportunities and activities possible in the first place. In view of the stagnation of public funding, scarcity of resources and density of supply, cultural funding is one of the core competencies of cultural management. This also includes younger forms such as crowdfunding or intensified national and international cooperation. Funding institutions and cooperation partners are seen as stakeholders that are also relevant for the networking and communication of cultural management. In principle, cultural funding can be considered on two levels: At the operational level, the focus is on knowledge transfer and know-how of funding procurement and processing in their various forms and sets of rules. Here, funding structures and procedural standards of the public sector as well as the special features of cultural sponsoring in the form of partnership design are taken into account to a particular degree as central pillars of cultural funding. The particular challenge of sponsorship funding lies in the reflected selection of possible sponsors, in the creation of adequate consideration and in the sustainable partnership design on an equal footing. On the idealistic and ideological level, the findings from larger contexts are decisive for acquiring critical opinion-forming and confident decision-making skills. The link between public funding and the system of cultural policy or cultural sponsoring and the system of economy requires a) an examination of the functioning and interests of these two systems and their feedback on the cultural sector and b) an understanding of the significance of dialogical structures for social action in the cultural sector. Finally, funding models such as crowdfunding and cooperation are the subject of Culture Management II.

Recommended specialist literature

Haltern, N. J. (2014): Jenseits des konventionellen Kultursponsorings. Chancen alternativer Kooperationen zwischen Unternehmen und Kulturorganisationen Buysere, K. et al (2012): A Framework for European Crowdfunding. Föhl, P.S. (2011): Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Kulturmanagement und Kulturpolitik: ausgewählte Grundlagen und strategische Perspektiven, VS Verlag. Gerlach-March, R. (2010): Kulturfinanzierung, VS Verlag. Heinze, T. (2002): Kultursponsoring, Museumsmarketing, Kulturtourismus. Ein Leitfaden für Kulturmanager, Westdeutscher Verlag Zelizer, V. (1995): The social meaning of money. Basic Books.

Assessment methods and criteria

written exam



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

integrated course, case studies, discussion, group work, presentations

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer


Academic year

second year of studies

Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course



not applicable