Integrative case study in leadership management
1. Master cycle
Learning outcomes of the courses/module
The participants apply their theoretical and practical knowledge from the first two semesters to independently work on a practice-oriented project from their chosen specialization.
The participations are able to:
• independently identify problems and tasks from a given objective
• independently collect and analyze data
• independently take on project management
• independently develop a schedule including milestones as part of a team and adhere to it
• independently develop solutions and present results
• independently develop specialist knowledge to solve specific problems and apply specialist knowledge to the situation
The participants know about the importance of:
- project communication
- self-organization
- time management
- organizational skills
- stress management and resilience
- evaluation and feedback rounds
- Stakeholder management
- Ethics and sustainability in project management
and can put this into practice
The participations are able to:
• independently identify problems and tasks from a given objective
• independently collect and analyze data
• independently take on project management
• independently develop a schedule including milestones as part of a team and adhere to it
• independently develop solutions and present results
• independently develop specialist knowledge to solve specific problems and apply specialist knowledge to the situation
The participants know about the importance of:
- project communication
- self-organization
- time management
- organizational skills
- stress management and resilience
- evaluation and feedback rounds
- Stakeholder management
- Ethics and sustainability in project management
and can put this into practice
Prerequisites for the course
Module from the 1st & 2nd Semester
Course content
Participants must carry out a project of 5 ECTS = 125 h independently in small groups. The basis for this is a set objective. In order to also build on the social skills of the students, the projects are carried out in student teams under independent leadership and team building, planning, monitoring, communication, coordination, budgeting, etc.). The role of the course leader is focused on coaching the students.
Depending on the practical project or integrative case study, skills such as the analysis of a business case, economically responsible decision-making competence, risk management, intercultural action competence, organizational and social competence, budget competence and project management are forced and taught. The abovementioned learning and teaching objectives are ensured by an actual implementation of the solution approach.
Exemplary presentation of the course content to be taught:
- Joint kick-off course
- Project briefing by the client
- Project development and management
- Interim presentations and final presentation
- Coaching
- Implementation and completion
- Support during implementation
- Evaluation and feedback rounds
- Follow-up reporting and documentation
- Project presentation
- Final workshop and lessons learned
Depending on the practical project or integrative case study, skills such as the analysis of a business case, economically responsible decision-making competence, risk management, intercultural action competence, organizational and social competence, budget competence and project management are forced and taught. The abovementioned learning and teaching objectives are ensured by an actual implementation of the solution approach.
Exemplary presentation of the course content to be taught:
- Joint kick-off course
- Project briefing by the client
- Project development and management
- Interim presentations and final presentation
- Coaching
- Implementation and completion
- Support during implementation
- Evaluation and feedback rounds
- Follow-up reporting and documentation
- Project presentation
- Final workshop and lessons learned
Recommended specialist literature
Patzak, G./ Rattay, G. (2017) Projektmanagement: Projekte, Projektportfolios, Programme und projektorientierte Unternehmen.
Schöneck, N. M./Voß, W. (2013) Das Forschungsprojekt: Planung, Durchführung und Auswertung einer quantitativen Studie.
Preußig, J. (2018) Agiles Projektmanagement: Agilität und Scrumim klassischen Projektumfeld.
Ahlemann, F. (2013): Strategisches Projektmanagement: Praxisleitfaden, Fallstudien und Trends
Schöneck, N. M./Voß, W. (2013) Das Forschungsprojekt: Planung, Durchführung und Auswertung einer quantitativen Studie.
Preußig, J. (2018) Agiles Projektmanagement: Agilität und Scrumim klassischen Projektumfeld.
Ahlemann, F. (2013): Strategisches Projektmanagement: Praxisleitfaden, Fallstudien und Trends
Assessment methods and criteria
Projekt work
Number of ECTS credits awarded
Share of e-learning in %
Semester hours per week
Planned teaching and learning method
ILV (Blended Learning, Inverted Classroom) und Projekt
Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered
Name of lecturer
Academic year
Key figure of the course/module
Type of course/module
Type of course