
Real Estate Development


1. Master cycle

Learning outcomes of the courses/module

The participations are able to: • know the tasks of project development and types of project developers and to understand the framework conditions of the industries as well as to be able to point out intersections with or connections to other sub-sectors of the real estate industry • describe, evaluate and independently create methods of market, location and profitability analyses • evaluate and create simple development and utilization concepts • present milestones in the processes of the planning and construction phases • recognize building typologies as well as to analyze and create function-oriented space allocations • know and analyze typical types of real estate financing • are able to use digital planning and management software to design and manage projects more efficiently • are able to evaluate the results of AI analyses and derive well-founded recommendations for real estate investments and project developments

Prerequisites for the course


Course content

• Stakeholders and framework conditions in real estate project development, stakeholder analyses • Basics and application of feasibility studies: • Market, location and competition analyses • utilization concepts • profitability analyses • risk analysis • planning and construction processes • building typologies and room functions • real estate credit process • real estate investments/real estate investment • digitalization in real estate project development • ai-supported market and location analyses

Recommended specialist literature

• Bone-Winkel, S. und K. Schulte, 2008. Handbuch Immobilien-Projektentwicklung • Kallinger, W., Gartner,H. und W. Stingl, 2011. Bauträger & Projektentwickler: Immobilien erfolgreich Entwickeln, Sanieren und Verwerten • Klaubetz, E. et. al., 2016. Handbuch Immobilienprojektentwicklung • Schäfer, J. und G. Conzen, 2013. Praxishandbuch der Immobilien-Projektentwicklung • Teufelsdorfer, H. et al., 2015. Handbuch Immobilientransaktionen

Assessment methods and criteria

Portfolio work



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

ILV (Blended Learning, Inverted Classroom)

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer


Academic year

Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course


