
Human Resource Management


1. Master cycle

Learning outcomes of the courses/module

The participants: • know the fields of activity and sub-areas of personnel management: Are able to analyze and plan the personnel situation of a company •can analyze and plan the personnel situation of a company • are familiar with the most important concepts and tools of personnel management and are able to design the fields of activity relevant to management • know the connection between human resources work and strategic corporate development • know the basics of work, industrial and organizational psychology and its applications and sub-areas • know the goals and subject areas of personnel controlling • can apply relevant personnel controlling tools • know the co-determination and participation rights of works council, MAV and their influence on concepts and tools • are able to apply modern recruiting strategies that use digital tools and platforms to optimize the recruitment process • understand the importance of diversity management and can develop and implement strategies to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Prerequisites for the course


Course content

• Basics of human resources management and human resource management: Human resources management in the overall system of business processes: Tasks and functions of individual sub-areas of personnel management • Basics of operational and strategic personnel management • Organizational culture and development: Conflicts in organizations and organizational diagnosis • motivation theories, employee interviews as an instrument of personnel management • concepts and instruments of structural and process organization • interaction between personnel and organizational development • work structuring: Job Enrichment, Job Enlargement • Operational and Strategic Personnel Controlling • Leadership Methods, Styles and Techniques, Framework Model and Determinants of Leadership • Basics of Industrial, Organizational and Personnel Psychology • Employer Branding and Recruiting Strategies • Diversity Management and Inclusion

Recommended specialist literature

• Miebach, B. (2017): Handbuch Human Resource Management: Das Individuum und seine Potentiale für die Organisation • Bildat, L./ Warszta, T. (2017): Psychologie im Human Resource Management: Ein Lehrbuch für Hochschule und Praxis • Achouri, C. (2015): Human Resources Management: Eine praxisbasierte Einführung • Holtbrügge, D. (2018): Personalmanagement • Kaudela-Baum/ Nagel, E./ Bürkler, P./ Glanzmann, V.(2018): Führung lernen: Fallstudien zu Führung, Personalmanagement und Organisation • Stierle, J./ Glasmacher, K./ Siller, H. (2017): Praxiswissen Personalcontrolling: Erfolgreiche Strategien und interdisziplinäre Ansätze für die Ressource Mensch • Bartscher, T./ Nissen, R. (2017): Personalmanagement: Grundlagen, Handlungsfelder, Praxis • Nerdinger (2018): Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie Wegerich, C. (2015): Strategische Personalentwicklung in der Praxis: Instrumente, Erfolgsmodelle, Checklisten

Assessment methods and criteria

Portfolio work



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

ILV (Blended Learning, Inverted Classroom)

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer


Academic year


Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course


