
Market Research & Methods


1st Master cycle

Learning outcomes of the courses/module

The participants: • know qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis • know the design aspects of questionnaires: Question types, scale levels, alignment and dimensionality • can evaluate questionnaires and analyze and interpret them using descriptive and simple inferential statistics: Data collection, processing and evaluation • can develop and formulate research questions and create and process research hypotheses • can create and send an online questionnaire and collect and evaluate the data accordingly • can apply inferential statistical evaluation procedures (e.g. in SPSS, Jasp, Datatab, Excel etc.) • can create an interview guideline, conduct and evaluate expert interviews • can conduct a qualitative content analysis • can perform and interpret descriptive analyses and inferential statistical tests to describe data, test hypotheses and draw generalizable conclusions • can select, apply and critically evaluate various AI-supported tools for data analysis and visualization • can adapt their research results to different target groups and communicate them effectively • can explain and apply the ethical principles of research with regard to data protection, anonymity and informed consent

Prerequisites for the course

Academic Methods

Course content

• Secondary, qualitative, quantitative research • Questionnaire development and design • Data modeling, coding and test procedure selection • Introduction to online questionnaire design: Question variants, dynamic content, sending and evaluating responses • Selected descriptive indicators, extension by inferential statistical methods • Procedure and execution of interviews, transcription, coding of texts (category formation and generalization) • The content-analytical procedure model (qualitative content analysis) • Basics of data analysis: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics • Use of AI-supported tools for research and data visualization • Presentation and communication of research results • Ethics in research: data protection, anonymity, informed consent

Recommended specialist literature

• Magerhans, A. (2016): Marktforschung, Eine praxisorientierte Einführung • Kuß, A./ Wildner, R./ Kreis, H. (2014): Marktforschung, Grundlagen der Datenerhebung und Datenanalyse • Koch, J./ Gebhardt, P. (2016): Marktforschung: Grundlagen und praktische Anwendungen • Theobald, A. (2017): Praxis Online-Marktforschung, Grundlagen - Anwendungsbereiche - Durchführung • Porst, R. (2014): Fragebogen, Ein Arbeitsbuch • Kaiser, R. (2014): Qualitative Experteninterviews, Konzeptionelle Grundlagen und praktische Durchführung • Mayring, P. (2015): Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: Grundlagen und Techniken • Cleff, T. (2015): Deskriptive Statistik und Explorative Datenanalyse • Duller, C. (2013): Einführung in die Statistik mit EXCEL und SPSS, 3. Aufl.

Assessment methods and criteria




Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

ILV (Blended Learning, Inverted Classroom)

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer


Academic year


Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course


