
Cross Cultural Management (E)


First Cycle

Learning outcomes of the courses/module

Upon successful completion of the course, students will:  Have a general awareness of the existence of various international business standards  Know basic differences in international business operations  Understand and explain issues of cultural awareness when conducting international business  Understand the fundamentals of global business etiquette  Explain and apply the concept of cultural awareness  Perform an business cultural analysis (LESCANT) on a country and explain the implications of the results of the analysis

Prerequisites for the course

Basic understanding of the fundamentals of business administration

Course content

 Overview of the field of international business  Cultural dimensions of international business  Global business etiquette  Cultural awareness  LESCANT Model (David Victor) of country analysis recommended or required reading Instructor provided course materials Understanding Cross-Cultural Management, 3rd Edition by Marie-Joelle Browaeys & Rober Price (2015) Global Business Etiquette: A guide to international communication and customs by Jeanette S. Martin and Lillian H. Chaney (2008)

Recommended specialist literature

Instructor provided course materials Understanding Cross-Cultural Management, 3rd Edition by Marie-Joelle Browaeys & Rober Price (2015) Global Business Etiquette: A guide to international communication and customs by Jeanette S. Martin and Lillian H. Chaney (2008)

Assessment methods and criteria

Lecture discussion and case study participation (10%) Country Analysis – written (20%) Country Analysis – presentation (20%) Written Test (50%)



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

 In class lecture  Discussion  Case study analysis  LESCANT country analysis (group project)  Group presentations

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer

Mark Romanelli, MBA

Academic year


Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course



not applicable