
Customer Experience Management


second cycle, Master

Learning outcomes of the courses/module

Students gain knowledge of the processes of customer experience management (CEM) and the associated challenge of turning interested parties into satisfied customers and these into brand ambassadors: They understand the opportunities of CEM and are able to evaluate risks and opportunities for individual tools and strategies (see course content) and can independently develop CEM concepts. Additionally, students are familiar with the fundamental aspects of design and optimization for the usability of digital media and can perform usability analyses and deal with (analyze/use) comprehensive customer data and the fundamentals of customer relationship management (CRM/eCRM).

Prerequisites for the course

not applicable

Course content

The course provides an overview of customer experience management and of the constitutive blocks of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. These are illuminated within the context of increasingly complex customer journeys and changing consumer behavior on the web. Specifically strategies and application options of CRM for customer loyalty, fundamentals of web mining, approaches for analyzing large data volumes (big data), options for addressing target groups via targeting as well as aspects of tracking user activities are discussed. Various approaches and testing procedures for optimizing usability and thereby increasing positive customer experiences are introduced. The focus is on support options along the customer journey and linking the increasing number of customer contact points (touchpoints). Specifically communications and marketing instruments, made possible by digital media and instruments are addressed – e.g. aspects of viral marketing/digital word-of-mouth advertising via social media.

Recommended specialist literature

- Heinemann, G. (2010): Der neue Online-Handel - Erfolgsfaktoren und Best Practices. 4. Auflage, Gabler - Krüger, J. (2018): ConversionBoosting mit Website Testing. 2. Auflage, mitp - Moser, C. (2012): User Experience Design - Mit erlebniszentrierter Softwareentwicklung zu Produkten, die begeistern. Springer - Schüller, A. (2012): Touchpoints: Auf Tuchfühlung mit dem Kunden von heute - Managementstrategien für unsere neue Businesswelt. 6. Auflage, Gabal - Schmitt, B., Mangold, M. (2004): Kundenerlebnis als Wettbewerbsvorteil - Mit Customer Experience Management Marken und Märkte Gewinn bringend gestalten. Gabler- Verlag - Smith, S., Wheeler, J. (2002): Managing the Customer Experience - Turning Customers Into Advocates. Prentice Hall

Assessment methods and criteria

Seminar work



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

Lecture, group work, presentation and task discussion

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer

Prof. (FH) Dr. Wolfgang Reitberger

Academic year


Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course



not applicable