
Digital Marketing II: Budgeting & Controlling


Second cycle, Master

Learning outcomes of the courses/module

Within the context of the course “Budgeting & Controlling”, students gain comprehensive knowledge regarding the budgeting and controlling process of digital marketing measures. Students apply the process based on a (Google AdWords) case example in order to consolidate and apply the course content. An underlying fundamental understanding of the budgeting and controlling process (conception, structure, key figure determination, data interpretation, response options and optimization processes) is generally valid for digital marketing instruments.

Prerequisites for the course

Fundamentals of Classic Marketing & Controlling, Module DMB

Course content

Within the context of the course, various areas of controlling (basic knowledge in the area of accounting and controlling is assumed) are addressed with special focus on relevant themes of digital marketing. After completing the course, students possess the following abilities: - Determining the goals of digital marketing measures - Acquiring, analyzing and interpreting the market potential of digital marketing measures - Determining and managing a marketing budget for digital marketing measures - Measuring and interpreting the success of a digital marketing campaign - Deriving recommendations for action - Creating a final report

Recommended specialist literature

- Hildebrandt, T. (2016). Web-Business – Controlling und Optimierung: Wie das Web erfolgreich in Unternehmen genutzt wird. Deutscher Betriebswirte-Verlag - Haberich, R. (2012). Future Digital Business: Wie Business Intelligence und Web Analytics Online-Marketing und Converison verändern. mitp. - Ziehe, N. (2013). Marketing-Controlling. Johanna Verlag. - Brody, P., & Pureswaran, V. (2015). The next digital gold rush: how the internet of things will create liquid, transparent markets. Strategy & Leadership, 43(1), 36-41. - Hienerth, C. (2010). Kennzahlenmodell zur Erfolgsbewertung des E-Commerce : Analyse am Beispiel eines Mehrkanaleinzelhändlers, Gabler

Assessment methods and criteria

Project work



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

lecture, group work, presentation and task discussion

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer

Prof. (FH) Dr. Wolfgang Reitberger

Academic year

2. year of studies

Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course



not applicable