
Master thesis


second cycle, Master

Learning outcomes of the courses/module

- Students are able to independently design complex research projects, to choose a suitable methodology to answer a research question they have designed themselves, and to system-atically and scientifically implement the chosen methodological approach correctly. Students can adequately present the results of their research work and the necessary theoretical foun-dations in a written paper.

Prerequisites for the course

Students bring the following requirements to the course:
- Basic principles and techniques of academic methods (Bachelor level)
- Ability to write shorter scientific papers (e.g. Bachelor thesis)

Course content

The topic of the Master thesis is to be chosen from the subject area of the Web Engineering & IT Solutions degree program. The research question is prepared based on a scientific paper - this is done independently and without external help (with the sources and aids indicated). This way of working ensures that the students are able to work on an issue in a scientific and application-oriented manner. The search for topics, structure and time planning should be developed independently by the students - this is carried out above all through critical examination of possible questions and hypotheses. The supervisors guide the students in this process. Scientific methodology and the formal design are discussed in the context of individual coaching, as are questions of time management.

The thesis can be written in German or English.

The 22 ECTS for the Master thesis are divided into 20 ECTS for the Master thesis and 2 ECTS for the final examination.

Recommended specialist literature

- Atteslander, P. (2010): Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. 13. Auflage, ESV
- Eco, U. (2003): Wie man eine wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit schreibt. 10. Auflage, C.F. Müller
-Theuerkauf, J. (2012): Schreiben im Ingenieurstudium: Effektiv und effizient zu Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorarbeit. 1. Auflage,
von Judith, UTB Verlag, ISBN: 978-3825236441
- Karmasin M.; Ribing, R. (2011): Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten. 6. Auflage, facultas WUV
- Leopold-Wildburger, U.; Schütze, J. (2002): Verfassen und Vortragen: Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten und Vorträge leicht gemacht. Springer

Assessment methods and criteria

Master's Thesis



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

The following methods are used:

- Coaching within the scope of the Master thesis preparation

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer

Prof. (FH) Dipl.-Informatiker Karsten Böhm

Academic year


Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module


Type of course



not applicable