Zu sehen sind hübsch dekorierte Tische im Außenbereich der FH Kufstein Tirol für das Homecoming-Event. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Event series

7€ Cash

7€ Cash

In a small group and with a starting capital of EUR 7, business ideas are developed together in 7 weeks.

Banking Award 

Banking Award 

Awards for innovative and forward-looking work that sets new impulses for tomorrow's financial world.

ESG Award 

ESG Award 

Awards for innovative and forward-looking work that sets new standards in the areas of environmental, social and governance.



Benefit from first-class coaching to develop your ideas into a business model.

Family Business Day

Family Business Day

Sharing inspiring success stories and proven concepts in family businesses.

Management Forum Kufstein

Management Forum Kufstein

Our insight into current marketing and business issues, as well as strategic and operational management.

Youth Entrepreneurship Week

Youth Entrepreneurship Week

Develop a business idea that solves social problems and contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Circle of Human Resource Managers

Circle of Human Resource Managers

An exchange with partners and experts to shape the future of human resource management.