
Fundamentals of business psychology



Learning outcomes of the courses/module

The students
• are familiar with the history, development, and sub-disciplines of economic psychology, as well as the peculiarities of economic behavior and the issues surrounding rational behavior.
• understand the role of the human image in economic psychology and can explain its influence on economic psychological theories.
• can articulate the fundamental theories of economic psychology in their own words and explain their application in various economic psychological contexts.
• recognize and describe the connection between psychological concepts at the individual and interpersonal levels and their impact on organizational and economic processes.
• apply psychological concepts to macro- and microeconomic processes by analyzing the psychological aspects of economic developments such as industrialization, internationalization, and business cycles.
• develop solution strategies for real-world scenarios by applying knowledge from economic psychology.

Prerequisites for the course


Course content

• Introduction & Basics (History; Development & Subdisciplines of Economic Psychology; Specifics of Economic Behavior; Problematics of Rational Behavior; Human Image in Economic Psychology)
• Theories of Economic Psychology (Framework of Economic Psychological Research; Motivation Theories; Cognitive Theories; Interaction Theories; Field Theory; Market Psychological Approach; Culture & Cross-Cultural Psychology; Transitions & Stress Research; Cultural-Sociological Approach; Systemic Explanatory Approaches)
• Economic Psychological Concepts (Individual Level [Values, Attitudes; Feelings & Emotions; Motivation & Action; Attribution; Competence; Learning & Decision Processes; Self & Identity]; Interpersonal Level [Processes within & between Groups; Diversity; Cooperation & Competition; Conflict & Conflict Resolution; Negotiation; Trust; Power; Justice])
• Psychology of Macroeconomic Processes (Psychology of Economic Developments [Industrialization; Developing Countries; Internationalization; Economic Cycles]; Psychology of Developed Societies [Value Change; Environmental Issues; Informal Economy; Unemployment]; Psychology of Money [Value of Money; Income; Taxation; Saving; Investment])
• Psychology of Microeconomic Processes (Overview of the following topics: Work and Organizational Psychology; Market & Consumer Psychology)
• Application Fields with Examples (Processes of Buying & Selling; Mergers & Acquisitions; Consultancy in Business-Related Contexts; Unemployment; Intercultural Actions in Business Contexts; Entrepreneurial Actions & Self-Employment)

Recommended specialist literature

• Brinkmann, R. (2018) (Hrsg.). Angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie. Hallbergmoos: Pearson.
• Fichter, C. (2018) (Hrsg.). Wirtschaftspsychologie für Bachelor. Berlin: Springer.
• Wiswede, G. (2021). Einführung in die Wirtschaftspsychologie. München: Ernst Reinhardt GmbH & Co. KG.

Assessment methods and criteria

• Quiz
• Final Exam



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

20% of the course will be covered through eLearning. This will involve a combination of online phases (inductive method for independent acquisition of knowledge and practicing tasks) and face-to-face sessions (deductive method providing assistance in the learning process and imparting knowledge through lectures).

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer


Academic year

Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course



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