
Risk management: Fundamentals



Learning outcomes of the courses/module

The students • know the tasks, methods and processes in the functional and resource area of HR management. • understand the essential problems and solution approaches of human resource management and leadership. • know the most important task fields, concepts and instruments of a modern HR management and are able to design the management-relevant task fields. • are familiar with the most important organizational and operational concepts of the and understand the connection between personnel and organizational development. • know the possibilities of digitalization in HRM. • know the basic contents of New Work and understand its significance for future HR management.

Prerequisites for the course


Course content

Part A: Personnel functions in the company: • Management and functional function • Tasks of the personnel department (personnel recruiting, personnel development, personnel maintenance)• Organization of the personnel department Part B: Personnel selection & recruiting • Requirement, ability and suitability profiles • Instruments of personnel selection (application documents, selection interviews, psychological tests, assessment centers, legal framework, digitalization in personnel recruiting) • Digitalization in personnel recruiting Part C: Personnel assessment & development • Purpose of personnel assessment • Approaches to personnel assessment (trait-oriented, activity-oriented & results-oriented approach) • Appraisal interview Part D: Employee Management • Motivation and motivation theories • Cognitive choice theories (valence, subjective probability, action motivation) • Self-regulation theories (management-by-approaches) • Need-tension theories (Maslow's pyramid, Richards & Greenlaw's motivation model, Herzberg's two-factor theory) • Maturity continuum according to Argyris • Job satisfaction and motivation • Motivating work design (job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment) • Modern working world and digitalization incl. New Work Part E: Remuneration • Basics of wage differentiation (wage rate differentiation, wage form differentiation, collective agreement) • Compensation and motivation/satisfaction

Recommended specialist literature

• Bratton, J., & Gold, J. (2022). Human resource management: A critical approach. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic. • Dessler, G. (2023). Human resource management. Essex, UK: Pearson Education Limited. • Lippold, D. (2021). Personalführung im digitalen Wandel: Von den klassischen Führungsansätzen zu den New-Work-Konzepten. Berlin/Boston: Walter De Gruyter GmbH. • Trost, A. (2020). Human resources strategies: Balancing stability and agility in times of digitization. Cham: Springer Verlag. • Wilton, N. (2022). An introduction to human resource management. London, UK: SAGE Publications.

Assessment methods and criteria

- Final presentation and - Quiz



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

50 % of the event is covered by eLearning. A combination between online phases (inductive method for the independent acquisition of knowledge and the practice of tasks) and presence phases (deductive method, in which assistance is given in the learning process and knowledge is imparted via frontal lectures) is used.

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer

Prof. (FH) Dr. Dr. Mario Situm

Academic year

Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course


