
Qualitative Research Methods (E)


4th semester Master: 1st Study cycle

Learning outcomes of the courses/module

The students:
• are able to develop a qualitative research design
• are able to develop an interview guide
• are able to create transcripts
• are able to conduct a qualitative content analysis
• are able to use computer support for the implementation of a qualitative content analysis

Prerequisites for the course

4. Semester Master: no information

Course content

I. Basics:
• Difference between qualitative and quantitative research
• Limitations of quantitative research
• Relevance of qualitative research
• Theoretical framework (positivism, constructivism, construction of knowledge, symbolic interactionism, ethnometh-odology, structuralist model, etc.)
• Types of data
• Texts and reality

II. Research design
• formulation of research questions and hypotheses
• selection and construction of research design
• planning the research process in qualitative research
• analysis of existing literature
• selection of sample/experts

III. Qualitative data analysis
• transcription and data management
• coding according to Grounded Theory
• use of software in qualitative content analysis
• presentation of results, objectification and discussion of results

Recommended specialist literature

Gläser, J. & Laudel, G. (2010) Experteninterviews und qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: als Instrument rekonstruierender Untersuchungen, Wiesbaden.
Flick, U. (2018) An introduction to qualitative research, London.
King, N., Horrocks, C. & Brooks, J. (2019) Interviews in qualitative research, London.
Kuckartz, U. (2018) Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: Methoden, Praxis, Computerunterstützung, Weinheim.
Mayring, P. (2016) Einführung in die qualitative Sozialforschung, Weinheim.

Assessment methods and criteria

• Seminar thesis



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

• The course, which is mostly dialog-oriented, usually consists of the triad of practical relevance, academic structuring, and the independent development of integrative case studies from immediate professional and consulting practice.

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer

Director of studies

Academic year


Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module


Type of course


