
Stakeholder communication


2.Semester Master: 1st Study cycle

Learning outcomes of the courses/module

The students:
• are familiar with different communication theories
• are able to conduct a stakeholder analysis
• know the principles of crisis communication
• are able to distinguish between the essential theoretical principles of PR conception in transformation situations
• are able to apply tools and methods for successful communication
• are able to distinguish between analog and digital communication

Prerequisites for the course

2. Semester: no information

Course content

• Early recognition and early disclosure - the role of the media
• Systemic analysis within the communication strategy
• Stakeholder analysis and communication requirements of different stakeholders
• Creditor communication as a specific challenge
• Reputation management as a core task of strategic communication
• Principles of crisis communication
• Essential theoretical foundations of the PR concept Transformation situations
• Learning tools and methods for successful communication in restructuring and transformation situations
• Mechanisms and modes of action of the media, taking into account the importance of digital media
• Working through case studies

Recommended specialist literature

Merten, K. (2013) Konzeption von Kommunikation. Theorie und Praxis des strategischen Kommunikationsmanagements, Wiesbaden.
Möhrle, H. (2016) Krisen-PR: Risiken und Krisen souverän managen - Das Handbuch der Kommunikationsprofis, Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch, Frankfurt.
Schwarz, A. (2010) Krisen-PR aus Sicht der Stakeholder. Der Einfluss von Ursachen- und Verantwortungszuschreibungen auf die Reputation von Organisationen, Wiesbaden.
Stahl, H. K. & Menz, F. (2013) Handbuch Stakeholder-Kommunikation: Überzeugende Sprache in der Unternehmenspraxis, Berlin.
Stumpf, M. & Wehmeier, S. (Hrsg.) (2015) Kommunikation in Change und Risk. Wirtschaftskommunikation unter Bedingungen von Wandel und Unsicherheiten, Heidelberg.
Vogler, P. (2019) Kommunikation in der Krise, in: Exler, M. W. & Situm, M. (Hrsg.) Restrukturierungs- und Turnaround-Management: Strategien, Erfolgsfaktoren und Best Practice für die Transformation (S. 95-114), Berlin.

Assessment methods and criteria

• Seminar thesis
• Online questions



Number of ECTS credits awarded


Share of e-learning in %


Semester hours per week


Planned teaching and learning method

Blended Learning

Semester/trimester in which the course/module is offered


Name of lecturer

Sabine Enseleit, Othmar Prizovsky, Christoph Strobl

Academic year

Key figure of the course/module


Type of course/module

integrated lecture

Type of course


