Resilient Tourism
Development of cross-border strategies and action plans to improve resilience for a sustainable and digital future of tourism
The "Resilient Tourism" project aims to implement initiatives to increase crisis resilience in the destinations in the project regions of Bavaria, Tyrol and Salzburg. (BA0100005)
Funding organization:
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026
Project Manager:
Prof. (FH) DDr. Mario Situm, MBA
Director of Studies Bachelor Business Management, Bachelor Business Psychology, Bachelor Leadership & Business Management, Master Corporate Transformation Management -
Project Members:
Prof. (FH) Dr. Alexandra Brunner-Sperdin
Vice Director of Studies Bachelor Marketing & Communication Management, Master Digital Marketing -
Lea Carnuth, MA
Junior Researcher Business Management, Leadership & Business Management -
Helena Gey, MSc
Research Fellow Business Management -
Prof. (FH) PD Dr. Christoph Hauser
Vice Director of Studies Bachelor / Master International Business Studies
Project objectives
- Raising awareness, networking and involving relevant stakeholders at various levels, including destinations, tourism businesses, associations and employees
- Developing resilience skills and abilities in employees, tourism businesses and associations
- Strengthening economic and employment development in the tourism sector
- Promoting resilience-oriented companies and destinations to better cope with future environmental and contextual changes as well as crisis situations
Intendend results of the project
The work packages of the project include:
- Analyses & surveys on the existing resilience of the tourism industry in the project regions
- Training to become a resilience manager in tourism, supported by digital microlearning
- Cross-border knowledge exchange and network building through 3 congresses and 9 fireside chats
- Development of a resilience tool to assess the resilience capabilities of individual destinations and companies
- Communication and dissemination of the project results
- Workshop DiKIRo: Presentation, 10.10.2024 (German only)
- Workshop Resilienter Tourismus: Presentation, 16.05.2024 (German only)
- Kick-Off-Workshop: Presentation, 11.01.2024 (German only)
- Tourismus Wissen – quarterly, 39: Menschen und Mitarbeitende stärken, 01.01.2025 (German only)
- Tourismus Wissen – quarterly, 38: Zwischenbilanz des Projekts Resilienter Tourismus, 01.10.2024 (German only)
- Tourismus Wissen - quarterly, 37: Interreg-Projekt zur Stärkung der Resilienz im Tourismus, 01.07.2024 (German only)
- E-Mail: resilienter-tourismus@fh-kufstein.ac.at
- LinkedIn: Tourismus von morgen gestalten
External articles
- Das vernetzte Hotelgebäude, ÖHV-Nachlese zum 4. Kamingespräch, 20.03.2025 (Germany only)
- Mental immun in stressigen Zeiten, ÖHV-Nachlese zum 3. Kamingespräch, 08.10.2024 (German only)
- Neue Führung – Jugendliche, ÖHV-Nachlese zum 2. Kamingespräch, 18.09.2024 (German only)
- Krisensicher, SAISON - das Tourismusmagazin, 04.07.2024 (German only)
- Resilienz in herausfordernden Zeiten, ÖHV-Nachlese zum 1. Kamingespräch, 21.05.2024 (German only)
- Forschen für einen krisensicheren Tourismus, der Standard, 02.12.2023 (German only)