Josef Ressel Center for Multimedia Analysis in Mobility
The new Josef Ressel Center at the FH Kufstein Tirol is dedicated to the analysis of visual media to solve mobility issues.
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2027
Project Manager:
Prof. (FH) PD Dr. Mario Döller
FH-Rector -
Project Members:
Robert Kathrein, MSc
Research Fellow Coding & Digital Design/Web Business & Technology, Web Communication & Information Systems/Web Engineering & IT Solutions -
Johannes Georg Larcher, MSc
Research Fellow Josef Ressel Center -
Dipl. Wirt. Ing. (FH) Alexander Schiegl
Research Fellow Josef Ressel Center -
Edwin Sertič, Bsc.
Research Fellow Josef Ressel Center -
Oliver Zeilerbauer, BSc
Research Fellow Josef Ressel Center -
Luca Jan Claudio Hauer
Research Fellow Josef Ressel Center -
Dr. Manu Gupta
Research Fellow Josef Ressel Center
Scientific Challenges
- The fusion and integration of individual observations from multiple systems concerning single objects (vehicles, animals, or people) is still not accurate enough. Consequently, machine-supported traffic counting or traffic control systems are not yet feasible in practice.
- For specific use cases (e.g., obstacle detection on railway tracks), there is a lack of the necessary data to train the intended algorithms. Therefore, it is necessary to explore how synthetic data can be generated to prepare machine vision algorithms with sufficiently large training datasets.
- Efficient and effective data processing on limited visual sensor units, e.g., for GDPR compliance and energy-saving operation.
Areas of Application
Research on these challenges will contribute to the following areas of application:
- Traffic monitoring and guidance at the local and regional level
Wildlife detection and monitoring
Establishing safe traffic areas for automated mobility - Recognition of behavioral patterns and their assessment
Detection of near misses
Detection of unsafe driving behavior
Detection of abnormal behavior of animal herds (such as flocks of sheep during a wolf attack)
Support in the search for persons suffering from dementia