
Award for outstanding theses

  • 12.01.2024
  • News Study Program
Die Preisträger:innen des 2. Banking Awards mit den Mitgliedern der Jury.
© Sparkasse Kufstein

The winners of the 2nd Banking Award with the members of the jury in December 2023.

In mid-December 2023, Sparkasse Kufstein presented the 2nd Banking Award to six students from the University of Applied Sciences in Kufstein, who impressed the jury with their Bachelor's and Master's theses in the fields of Banking & Finance.

The Banking Award is a joint initiative of the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol and Sparkasse Kufstein with the aim of recognizing outstanding theses. Students of the FH Kufstein Tirol are given the opportunity to submit their high-quality Bachelor's and Master's theses to a jury of experts for review. The jury, consisting of Prof. (FH) Dr. Kristina Kampfer and Prof. (FH) Dr. Mario Situm from the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein as well as Dir. Klaus Felderer and Mag. (FH) Hannes Widmann from Sparkasse Kufstein, were able to review and assess 18 Bachelor's and Master's theses. The award ceremony took place in the Kufstein Innovation Room.


The papers dealt with current topics that are relevant to the banking industry, such as ESG (Environmental Social Governance), corporate succession and the digital euro. The Chairmen of the Board of Sparkasse Kufstein, Dir. Klaus Felderer and the Director of Studies for the Business Management degree program at FH Kufstein Tirol, Prof. (FH) DDr. Mario Situm, praised the award winners for their scientific skills / competencies and their practice-oriented solutions. “The work identified existing problems, applied methods, analyzed the results and derived implications,” said Situm. The winners received certificates and cash prizes sponsored by Sparkasse Kufstein.


Anna Katharina Gamper (1st place) 
Implementation and financing of smart mobility in a smart city

Simon Elias Gaschnig (2nd place) 
Rebranding as a strategic instrument for transforming the corporate identity of Sparkasse Kufstein

Romana Maria Gruber (3rd place)
ESG criteria and their relevance for Austrian banks in relation to real estate investments

Die Preisträger:innen für ihre Masterarbeiten:

Christoph Philipp Oberhuber (1st place)  
The digital euro: Challenges and implementation options for the implementation of a digital central bank currency

Lukas Eder (2nd place) 
Potential influence of green finance and ESG on the future financing capability of SMEs in German-speaking countries

Jennifer Koller (3rd place) 
Business model innovation in the course of family succession

The call for entries for the 3rd Banking Award is already open. Students of the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol can submit their Bachelor's and Master's theses at until September 30, 2024.