Eine Gruppe von internationalen Studierenden sitzen am Campus im Gras. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol


Welcome to the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol. This information is for students coming to Kufstein from our partner universities.


Studying is a journey, an adventure, an expedition. You have to take the steps yourself, but the FH Kufstein Tirol will accompany you and help you reach new heights.

Welcome to the FH Kufstein Tirol. After months of preparation, you have finally arrived in Austria and the International Relations Office (IRO) is here to help you on your way. We have put together this student guide to answer your most important questions about accommodation, everyday life, student facilities, grading and much more.

You will be immersed in an international environment, surrounded by Austrian and international students and staff. This experience will not only be one of the most exciting of your life – a new language, a new culture and a new lifestyle – but also a lasting one, filled with new skills, insights and friendships.

Enjoy your journey!

And if the need arises, the IRO is there for you. Please do not hesitate to contact us.


© FH Kufstein Tirol

Mag. Manuela Osterauer

Head of International Relations Office / Head of International Program

Der Park und das Gebäude der FH Kufstein Tirol mit 4 Flaggen. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol


The University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol offers a special International Program (IP) to incoming students from its partner universities. It includes lectures in English that have been specially developed for incoming students, as well as courses taught in English as part of all bachelor's degree programs. The IP lecture plan is attended by both incoming and regular students, promoting international student exchange. The subjects are taught by professors from the FH Kufstein Tirol and international guest professors and cover topics such as

  • International marketing
  • Management
  • Finance
  • Technology

The International Relations Office (IRO) regularly offers courses such as Austrian Culture and History and German Language to give incoming students an insight into Austrian history and culture as well as an easy discovery of the study location Kufstein. During their stay, exchange students receive extensive support, advice and information about the degree program from the International Relations Office of the FH Kufstein Tirol.

Eine Frau sitzt am Boden und blickt lächelnd in die Kamera. | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

NOMINATION & Application

We only accept nominations from our international partner universities, submitted by email and including the following information:

  • Name of the student
  • E-mail address of the student
  • Semester and year of exchange

Deadline Wintersemester: 31.05.

Deadline Sommersemester: 30.11.

Eine sitzende Frau trägt Kopfhörer und schreibt in ihr Notizbuch. | © AdobeStock.insta_photos
© AdobeStock.insta_photos


Please contact the Austrian Embassy in your home country for further information on visa requirements.

Drei junge Erwachsene sitzen zusammen und unterhalten sich | © FH Kufstein Tirol
© FH Kufstein Tirol

SEmester Dates

Timetable and vacation periods for our incoming students:

Academic Calendar 2024/25

Winter semester 2024/25


May 31, 2024

Orientation DAys (obligatory)

September 12, 2024 (virtual) 
September 26, 2024 (on site in Kufstein)


We ask that you arrive in Kufstein before Orientation Day.

Dates Winter semester

September 27, 2024 - February 15, 2025


November 6, 2024 (mandatory)


Dezember 23, 2024 - January 6, 2025

Subject to change.

Summer semester 2025


November 30, 2024

Orientation Days (obligatory)

February 20, 2025 (virtual) 
March 6, 2025 (on site in Kufstein)


We ask that you arrive in Kufstein before Orientation Day.

Dates Sommersemester

March 7, 2025 - July 19, 2025

Easter Holidays

April 14, 2025 - April 21, 2025

Subject to change.

Winter Semester Courses

Here you can view the current International Program for the winter semester (held in English):

International Program

International Accounting (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

• The focus of this course is to impart knowledge of the rules of international accounting according to IFRS and their direct application to the fixed assets of a company. • Furthermore, simple annual financial statements are analyzed and prepared. • The course also focuses on learning how to set up an effective internal monitoring system within the company and how to efficiently manage cash, receivables and inventories.

German Language (Group B: Intermediate Level) (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

Students will practice and expand their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Topics: daily routines, work life, hobbies, eating out, talking about the past Grammar structures: cases (nominative, accusative), modal verbs, tenses (present tense, past tense), pronouns

Build your smart device
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

• Introduction to microcontrollers, specifically Arduino • Introduction to sensors for measuring temperature and distance • Introduction to various types of • Constructing electronic circuits on a breadboard • Editing and completing existing Arduino programs • Developing your own Arduino programs and projects

Change Management (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

· The nature of change · Eight steps to successful change · Change management and organizational structure · Change strategies · Change resistance · Effective communication · Effective leadership

Rapid Prototyping Technologies, 3D-Printing, Origami & Co (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

Basics and detailed knowledge of different rapid prototyping technologies like 3D-Printing, Laser Origami, etc, related to their specific applications, materials and geometries. Which technology is best for which application? What are design requirements and new possibilities? Provide detailed information about principles, opportunities and requirements for rapid prototyping in plastics and metals. Give practical guidelines for different applications. Practical case studies support the theory.

Project Management (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

project initiation stage project planning stage project implementation stage project closing stage project handbook

Doing Business in Austria (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

Key Stakeholders of the Austrian economy (AK, WK, Sozialpartnerschaft, …) Austrian Banking System Founding a business in Austria

Cross Cultural Management (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

 Overview of the field of international business  Cultural dimensions of international business  Global business etiquette  Cultural awareness  LESCANT Model (David Victor) of country analysis recommended or required reading Instructor provided course materials Understanding Cross-Cultural Management, 3rd Edition by Marie-Joelle Browaeys & Rober Price (2015) Global Business Etiquette: A guide to international communication and customs by Jeanette S. Martin and Lillian H. Chaney (2008)

Rhetoric & Presentation (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

Students will learn how to structure a presentation, formulate powerful introductions and effective conclusions, how to formulate a sense of purpose and to draw a roadmap. Beyond, the will become acquainted with how to effectively deliver a successful presentation, to present themselves on stage, to prepare for an audience and to lead a discussions. They will apply that knowledge in various exercises.

Corporate banking for small and medium-sized firms (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

· Basics of banking (bank balance sheet and income statement, the purpose of banking, risk management and regulations) · Rating & credit risk process (creditworthiness, rating categories, probability of default, rating system, information management, segregation of duties within banking appraisal process, Basel II and III) · Corporate finance (short- and long-term financing: overdraft, revolving facilities, long-term debt, leasing, factoring, debt covenants, margin grids) · Trade finance (trade credit, D/P, pre-payment, check, insurance) · Portfolio management & savings (money market, commercial papers, interest bearing account, funds etc.) · Cash Management & payment services (SEPA, electronic and online banking, cash pooling) · Securities (fixed assets, trade receivables, mobile assets, leasing, real estate, value of securities)

Career Skills Lab: Emotional Intelligence in Organisations (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

• The relevance and application of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in organizations • The concepts of purpose, value, trust and mindfulness • Applying and experiencing EQ in your student context and as core career skill

Leadership: Theory & Practice (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

• Fundamental concepts and elements of leadership in business. • Fundamental approaches to leadership (Trait, Skill, Behavioral, and Situational Approaches) • Emerging approaches to leadership (Authentic Leadership, Servant Leadership) • Application of leadership skills

Marketing (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

- Introduction to the meaning and importance of marketing in the 21st century - Focus on value for the customer - Customer Needs, Wants, and Demands - Market Research - Marketing-Mix

Information System Management (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

• Demonstrate and gain overview of IT Systems relevant for Business Management including ERP systems • Overview of Projects and Project Management Methods in the content of IT Systems • Display a critical awareness of best practice in relation to information systems development projects. • Demonstrate an appreciation of information systems used at different levels, and systems that span different business areas. • Demonstrate a deep understanding of the impact of centralized information systems on a variety of business divisions. • Conduct appropriate research into the use of information systems; understand the full life-cycle of an integrated system.

Business Planning (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

- Discovering entrepreneurial opportunities - Business Plan: Introduction, Sample Case and General Outline - Competitive advantage of small businesses - Paths to Small Business Ownership - The New Venture Business Plan - Role, need and preparation of the business plan - Developing the details of the business plan - Finding sources of financing - Preparing a targeted presentation - Preparing a targeted pitch

International Economics: Trade & Finance (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 1.5 ECTS

1. International Trade Theory (Comparative Advantage Theory, World Resources, Standard Trade Model, Firms in the Global Economy) 2. International Trade Policy (Instruments, Political Economy, Controversies) 3. Exchange Rates and Open Economy Macroeconomics (Money, Interest Rates and Exchange Rates; Purchasing Power Parity; Exchange Rate Models) 4. International Macroeconomics Policy (International Monetary Systems, Financial Globalization)

Digital Media and the WEB (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

The following topics will be covered: • Introduction to media types such as image (pixel, vector), video and audio • Introduction to technologies of web applications (HTML, XML, etc.) • Introduction to media presentation and processing in web applications e.g., by W3C standards (SVG, 3D, HTML5, etc.) • Introduction to small multimedia applications (Podcast, Video streaming (e.g. to YouTube), Image manipulation, etc.) • Introduction to technology of Geo applications in the web (such as Google Maps, etc.)

Rapid Product Development (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

Basics and detailed knowledge of different rapid prototyping technologies like 3D-Printing, Laser Cutting, etc,. Give practical guidelines for different applications. Practical case studies support the theory.

Trends in Consumer Behavior (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

The course provides an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the most recent contemporary theoretical, practical, and societal trends within consumer behavior as well as their implications on marketing strategies. It introduces current trends that will be analyzed by groups, presented and discussed in class. Moreover, it focuses on the application of trends to marketing strategies.

Sustainability and Energy Business (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

Students receive an overview of the most important terms and principles of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, national programs and accompanied reporting and control. Using the MIT Enroad simulator tool they will research and design their own program to fulfill the goals of the UN Paris agreement of climate change in a workshop. Concerning the targets of improving Renewable Energy Systems and of enhancing energy efficiency the resources and integration into infrastructure and energy markets will be discussed.

Strategic Management (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

· Introduction and Basics: Generic Concepts · Hierarchy of Goals: Various Levels · Strategic Analysis: Internal + External · Strategy Development and Selection: Generic Strategies, Strategic Options · Strategy Execution: Concepts, Tools, Cases · Appendix: Case Analysis

Case Study in Innovation (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 4 ECTS

The course delivers a combination of theory and practice and students are therefore confronted with a high workload as well as an interesting practice project for a local company. The course contents contain respectively include: · Introduction into the course including presentation of the process, the tasks and the aims of the course · Presentation of the company, its business model and strategy as well as their external and internal environment · Presentation of the practical problems and the association to innovation · Formation of groups (4 – 5 students), which are then instructed into the problem, the process and the expected outcome · Preparation of a scientific paper (including citations and source: books, scientific papers and data) to a.) to present the problem and its relevance, b.) to elaborate the state-of-the-art (theory), which shall be applied for a practical solution of the problem and c.) a recommendation/solution including a rollout plan for implementation in practice · Summary of the main results and presentation in from of the audience including discussion

Consumer Behaviour (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

Perception Motivation, values and involvement Attitudes and attitude change Decision making Group influences Social class Cultures and subcultures

Simulation Modelling (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

Each course unites is divided in a know-how and a practical part. In the more theoretically oriented know-how part, the fundamental methods and techniques of modeling and simulation (model building processes, modeling paradigms, simulation software, input data modeling, verification and validation of simulation models, output data analysis, and comparison of variants) are taught. In the practical parts the focus is on practicing the use of a commercial simulation software tool (presumably “SImul8”). Additional labs in the context of input modeling, validation, a model building tutorial, and a small project round up the practical part.

Marketing & Brand Management (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

Sales and Marketing as Managerial Challenges The Marketing Concept Sales Management The Marketing Plan Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning Product Management Brand Management Price Management Distribution Management Communications Management Marketing implementation

Austrian Culture and History (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

1. Introduction 2. Excursion Castle Kufstein 3. Excursion Innsbruck 4. Excursion Salzburg 5. Austria in the 19th century 6. Austria in the 20th/21st century

German Language (Group A beginner level) (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

Students will learn basic communication tools that enable unsophisticated communication in everyday situations. Topics: giving basic personal information, e.g. about family, hobbies, daily routines etc., dealing with everyday situations, e.g. shopping Grammar structures: basic sentences, pronouns, regular/irregular conjugation, gender, singular/plural, cases

WinterSchool Sustainable Urban Development & Community Design – International Project (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 6 ECTS

blocked compact weeks in small groups with international students including pre- & post learning: • Introduction, consolidation, background and examples in the complex of topics of the project within the framework of a conference or introductory event. • Research and analysis of framework conditions and possibilities • Development and visualization of ideas and concepts • Presentation of the results to stakeholders and/or technical experts

Academic Podcast & Scientific Infographics in Faciliy & Real Estate Management (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

• Basic components of communicative processes, message and meaning as well as content and relationship aspects of human communication • Target groups and the concept of personas in a communication process • Objectives and target group as well as structure, content and form of scientific communication using the example of social media posts, infographics, podcasts • Selection and application of simple techniques and tools for creating scientific communication using the example of infographics and/or podcasts • Independent creation of scientific communication using the example of an infographic and/or a podcast contribution

The "Me Brand” - Influencing factor for your career (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

Among other things, we will use the 12 Brand Archetypes, which are based on the research findings of C.G. Jung, to work out how the universal archetypes, which are associated with certain emotions, characteristics and goals, function in business, with managers and with customers or employees. Intangible elements such as experiences, evaluation, etc. that people associate with the "Me Brand I" are also addressed.

Brand Management, Commercials & Valuation (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

- Brand strategies & brand strength - Brand stretching - Commercial analysis - Brand Equity & Brand Valuation - Discounted cash flow model (Excel calculations) - Brand Finance & financial value of a brand - Merging of brand strength & financial parameters (WACC, CAPM, DCF)

Innovations Management (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

What is Innovation? Types of Innovation? Strategies Sources of Innovations What does an Innovation Manager? Methods and tools for the innovation process: Creativity techniques Innovators Canvas SWOT Utility Analysis Ishikawa Business Models …

R&D Management (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

What is R&D? Job of R&D-Manager? Strategies in R&D Make or buy Intellectual properties Methods and tools for the R&D Management

Supply Chain Management (E (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

- 1-5 party logistics - Tier levels - Incoterms - Logistic basics - Value Streams - International differences in SCM


Regular Bachelor Courses

Business Simulation Game (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 2 ECTS

• Operational functions (production, marketing, logistics, supply chain management) • Market analyses and market developments • Use of analysis tools (SWOT, benchmark, market shares, cost and contribution margin analyses, etc.) • Development of strategies • Controlling and key figures

Marketing & Customer Experience (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 4 ECTS

• Importance and basics of marketing • Marketing mix factors and their orientation towards the customer • Product vs. service marketing • Importance of brands in marketing

Advertising Psychology (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 4 ECTS

The course Advertising Psychology focuses on aspects of consumer psychology that form the basis for understanding consumer behavior. The focus here is on theories of consumer behavior that originate, for example, from the areas of activating processes (emotion, motivation, attitude), cognitive processes (reception, processing, and storage of information), or decision behavior as an interaction. During the course, methods for researching market experience and behavior are presented and a cornerstone is laid for understanding the effects of communication measures. Students are familiarized with important terms such as motivation, image, emotion, cognition or activation within the framework of this course and develop various theoretical approaches (e.g. perception, emotion, learning or attitude theory) on the basis of concrete tasks. This provides a basis for the analysis of the practical implementation (e.g. color and shape effect in print advertising). In this way, students are prepared to understand consumer behavior, to recognize connections between communication, marketing and consumer behavior, and to apply and implement these findings in practice.

International Facility Management & Real Estate Development - Project & International Week (E (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 10 ECTS

2x blocked compact weeks in small groups with international students: • Introduction, consolidation, background and examples in the complex of topics of the project within the framework of a conference or introductory event. • Research and analysis of framework conditions and possibilities • Development and visualization of ideas and concepts • Presentation of the results to stakeholders and/or technical experts

Business Events (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

• Importance of meetings, congresses, corporate events and incentives • Design of corporate events and incentives taking into account the company’s vision, goals and strategies • New formats of business events • Overview of the key stakeholders of business events • Importance of corporate hospitality • Ethical aspects of business events • Trends incl. technological developments in the industry and related opportunities and challenges

Strategic Management(E)
  • Semester 1
  • 4 ECTS

This course combines management models, and strategic and innovation management. By linking these subject areas, students are prepared to analyze, discuss and reflect on organizations from the perspective of business administration. Central questions such as the definition of long-term goals, the selection of business areas or measures for survival in competition are to be jointly developed and discussed on the basis of detailed basic knowledge. In addition, the topics strategic fields, market & competition, organization and creativity/innovation and the development of business models are taught.

Information and Knowledge Retrieval (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 6 ECTS

In this integrated course, instruction is given in basic topics in the field of information retrieval. Emphasis is placed on the following: retrieval models (Boolean, vector space, probabilistic, etc.); the implementation of IR systems (layer model, visualization, access paths, algorithms); representation of content (free text search, documentation languages, special logic, indexing, etc.); web retrieval (link analysis, crawling); content-based search in multimedia documents.

English version available soon (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 4 ECTS

In this integrated course, instruction will be given in basic aspects of the operational management of IT systems. Emphasis is placed on the following: - personnel deployment planning and resource management - contract management and finance management (cost and activity accounting) - quality management and quality assurance (reviews, audits, etc.) - staff information and communication; IT strategy and IT portfolio management; - risk management; IT governance and compliance - ITIL, CoBIT - service level agreements and outsourcing - balanced score card methodology - IT management tools (ADOit, etc.)

Content & Communication Oriented Systems (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 4 ECTS

This integrated course teaches basic topics in the field of information management. This in-cludes the following focal points: Introduction of information management from a business perspective (procurement, production, sales) and its cross-functions (logistics, finance, hu-man resources, etc.); introduction of a "Content-Management-System" (CMS); core processes and functions (content acquisition/maintenance/retrieval, user administration, workflow man-agement, release mechanisms, etc.); technologies in the field of CMS (content storage and administration (databases, streaming server, etc.) Presentation of content (static and dynamic document generation), security, quality assurance, performance, versioning, etc.); Specialist requirements for CMS; Technical requirements for CMS; XML as the basic technology of con-tent management; Practical application (usability, accessibility, addition of practical aspects such as research using suitable CMS, open and closed source, etc.); Content management using the example of Typo3, ICContent 5.0, Apache Stanbol (IKS)

Fundamentals of Data Management (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 1.5 ECTS

• Fundamentals of information systems incl. economic aspect • Understanding and differentiating the structure of information systems • Identification of interfaces to mobile devices as well • Cloud computing • Technical structure and history; networks, interfaces • Structure and logical structure of programs and overview of programming languages e.g. web programming • Data security • Hardware software components • Reporting • Permissions • Testing • Technical design of systems, sensors and mobile terminals

Design 1: Digital Design Skills (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 6 ECTS

The subject of this introductory course is the technological foundations of the web and all critical implementation technologies in this context (HTML, CSS). Students are introduced to the entire development process of a web applica-tion (design, wireframing, implementation, testing, operation, and maintenance), with a particular focus on the inter-face between web design and web programming. Special focus is placed on omnipresent web technologies that are widely used, such as the HTTP protocol for communication between the web server and client, HTML, and CSS as primary tools for the display aspects on the client side. The basics of Internet programming, page coding with the markup and markup language HTML, basic formatting, tables, forms, and CSS basics (structure of CSS files, selectors, simple formatting options, dynamic display effects) are taught. Furthermore, students are taught how to create appeal-ing websites and web applications. In addition to technological standards, this also includes specialist knowledge in the areas of layout and perception, typography (readability and font formats), and color theory (color schemes and color effects). This course provides a solid foundation for students to develop their web design and product development skills further and successfully apply them in the marketplace.

Digital Transformation I: Basics (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 4 ECTS

• Introduction and history of the development of digitization • Basic concepts and basic theories of digitization • Overview of the factors influencing Markets & Companies through digitization • First digital application and implementation methods in a business context • Overview of the connections between digitization and classical business-related management functions (marketing, sales, HR, RandD, etc.)

Project Management for Technical Projects (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 2.5 ECTS

After the basic definition of the project management functions, the students are introduced to the application in practice. In particular, the tasks of the project manager as well as other roles in project teams and the most important project management tools and methods are discussed. The course content includes the project concept and project types as well as performance planning, resource and cost planning, project organization, IT-supported project documentation and the concluding project manual. The specifics of IT-based and web-based projects are pointed out and the differences are worked out in the course.

Computer Networks Lab (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 2 ECTS

Configuration of networks and components (hosts, switches, routers); planning, configuration, and testing of TCP/IP-based networks; subnetting

Web-based Information Systems (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

- Classification of web-based information systems. - Consideration and differentiation of content-oriented and communication-oriented information systems on the basis of their characteristic properties and application examples. - Representative representatives of the respective classes of web-based information systems. - Application of web-based information systems in the business environment and on the Internet on the basis of case studies.

Computer Networks (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

Principles: Network Software, Network Hardware, Reference Models; The Physical Layer: Guided Transmission, Wireless Transmission; The Data Link Layer: Framing, Error Detection, Elementary Protocols; The MAC Sublayer: Multiple Access Protocols, Ethernet, Wireless LANs; The Network Layer: Design Issues, Routing, Internetworking, The Network Layer in the Internet; The Transport Layer: Services, UDP, TCP; The Application Layer: Principles, some protocols, e.g. DNS, Email, HTTP/HTTPS

International Economics (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 4 ECTS

• Classical and modern trade theories • Agglomeration advantages and choice of location • Welfare effects of tariffs and trade quotas • Balance of payments, current account and capital account • Measurement and determinants of exchange rates • World Trade Organization and Monetary Union • Globalization and worldwide supply chains

Trends in International Business (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

• Presentation of the currently most important and most discussed trends in business • Development of theories, models, methods and solutions for these current trends • First application examples and best practices for these trends • Mutual exchange and presentation of contents and solutions

Cross Cultural Management (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

• Concept of culture and cultural models • Sensitization to international and multicultural working environments - Building on culture-specific characteristics according to Hofstede, Trompenaars, Thomas, etc., the meaningful use of management tools adapted to cultural charac-teristics is developed in order to be able to work successfully in international teams and to contribute to the solution of intercultural conflicts

Finance Lab (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

• Basics of modern portfolio theory • Risk and return profiles of selected asset classes • Properties of shares, bonds, indices, options and futures

Finance & Investment (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

• Valuation methods for bonds and shares as well as financing and investment deci-sions of companies (including discounting methods, e.g. net present value, internal rate of return) • Interest rates and the significance of interest rate developments on international financial markets • Valuation of bonds and shares

Project Management (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

The course follows the logic of the project management process, starting with the fundamentals of project management, the definition of projects and the differences that occur in reality. A general project management methodology will be introduced and specific methodologies will be examined. The students will set up model projects in groups based on standard project management practices and develop case studies, The students learn to apply planning techniques for general projects and special techniques that are applicable to the planning of event projects.

Finance & Investment (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 2 ECTS

• Valuation methods for bonds and shares as well as financing and investment deci-sions of companies (including discounting methods, e.g. net present value, internal rate of return) • Interest rates and the significance of interest rate developments on international financial markets • Valuation of bonds and shares

Digital Transformation & Artificial Intelligence I: Basics & Tools
  • Semester 1
  • 3 ECTS

• Introduction and history of the development of digitization • Basic concepts and basic theories of digitization • Overview of the factors influencing Markets & Companies through digitization • Overview of the connections between digitization and classical business-related management functions (marketing, sales, HR, R and D, etc.)

Digital Trends in Sports, Culture & Events (E)
  • Semester 1
  • 5 ECTS

The digitization of the sports industry is covered. In particular, the digital staging of sport, the digital interaction and thus pluralization of communication channels with the sports consumer and the production of new digital sports products are focused on. In addition, it is discussed how the digital infrastructure and digital platform influences the competitive environment of sport. In the context of cultural management, the consequences of digitization for fictional imaginary worlds in art and culture are outlined. Examples from the fields of virtual reality and social media show the potential of digital technologies for experiencing cultural offerings and the emergence of new audiences. However, the loss of cultural diversity through the algorithmization of knowledge and cultural memory is also being discussed. In addition, the course deals with the digitization of events. Special focus is placed on the effects of digital technologies on existing and new event formats and on the visitors’ world of experience as well as on the event planning areas of marketing, security, infrastructure and event evaluation.


Summer Semester courses

Here you can view the current International Program for the summer semester (held in English):

International Program

Applied Internet of Things (IoT) - a hands on course (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

- Basics components of an IoT system - IoT architecture - Study of different use cases (e.g. smart city, smart farming, smart building, alpine monitoring etc.) - Data visualization & analytics

R&D Optimization Tools (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

- Cultural and strategical background for R&D and purchasing - TCO - Product Teardown - Value Stream Mapping - R&D Setups

Information System Management (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

• Demonstrate and gain overview of IT Systems relevant for Business Management including ERP systems • Overview of Projects and Project Management Methods in the content of IT Systems • Display a critical awareness of best practice in relation to information systems development projects. • Demonstrate an appreciation of information systems used at different levels, and systems that span different business areas. • Demonstrate a deep understanding of the impact of centralized information systems on a variety of business divisions. • Conduct appropriate research into the use of information systems; understand the full life-cycle of an integrated system.

Finance Lab (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

• Basics of modern portfolio theory • Risk and return profiles of selected asset classes • Properties of shares, bonds, indices, options and futures

Strategic Cost Management (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Sessions 1-2 Strategic Cost Management Framework • Introduction to cost management • An overview (Nature, objectives, scope and significance). • Scope of management accounting, financial accounting and cost accounting. • Scope of management accounting in organizational decision making process Readings: • Handouts to be provided by the instructor Sessions 3-4 • Cost concepts (Basic terminology) • Direct and indirect cost • Cost object • Fixed, variable, semi variable, semi fixed cost • Segragation of fixed and variable cost from semi variable costs • Opportunity cost • Sunk cost • Avoidable and un avaoidable costs • Controllable and non- controllable cost • Use of cost types in strategic and operational decision making process Readings: • Handouts to be provided by the instructor Session 5 Use of non-financial information and qualitative information in business decision making Readings: • Class discussions from the Annual Reports of Companies Sessions 6-7 • Overhead Allocation And Apportionment using traditional cost system • Homogenous Plant rates and Department rates Over and under absorption of overheads Readings: • Handouts to be provided by the instructor • Numerical exercises • Case study discussion Sessions 8-9-10 Introduction to Activity Based Management (ABM); Activity Based Costing (ABC) Readings: • Handouts to be provided by the instructor • Numerical exercises • Case study discussion Sessions 11-12 Customer Profitability Analysis (CPA) Concept of customer profitability analysis Use the concept of Activity Based Costing analyse for CPA Readings: • Case study discussion Sessions 13-14 Group work by the students on case studies by the students and presentations by them. Instructor will evaluate and give feedback Quiz 1 Sessions 15-16-17 • Absorption and Variable costing: • Cost-volume-profit analysis: break-even point including multiple product breakeven point • Margin of safety • Profit planning for earning a target income • Use of Cost-volume-profit analysis for competitive analysis Readings • Handouts to be provided by the instructor • Numerical exercises • Case study discussion Sessions 18-19-20 Relevant cost and irrelevant cost for decision making (including sunk cost, opportunity cost, incremental cost, differential cost, marginal cost) • Pricing and product mix including limiting factor • Make or buy decisions • Special order costing • Export order costing • Other decision making • Use of relevant cost analysis in strategic product positioning Readings • Handouts to be provided by the instructor • Numerical exercises • Case study discussion Sessions 21-22-23 Budgetary control: Nature, Uses and advantages of budgets. Choice of forecasting tools and assumptions in the budgeting process. • Functional and Master budgets. • Fixed and Flexible budgets,Cash Budget • How budgetary control can make us ‘cost leader‘ Readings • Handouts to be provided by the instructor • Numerical exercises Sessions 24-25 Standard Costing: Meaning and significance. Meaning and relevance of Variance Analysis Determination of standard costs Material, labour, overhead and sales variances Readings • Handouts to be provided by the instructor • Numerical exercises Sessions 26-27 Introduction to Target costing and Life Cycle Costing Readings • Handouts to be provided by the instructor Sessions 28-29-30 Group work by the students on case studies by the students and presentations by them. Instructor will evaluate and give feedback Quiz 2

Digital Media and the Web (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

The following topics will be covered: • Introduction to media types such as image (pixel, vector), video and audio • Introduction to technologies of web applications (HTML, XML, etc.) • Introduction to media presentation and processing in web applications e.g., by W3C standards (SVG, 3D, HTML5, etc.) • Introduction to small multimedia applications (Podcast, Video streaming (e.g. to YouTube), Image manipulation, etc.) • Introduction to technology of Geo applications in the web (such as Google Maps, etc.)

Consumer Behavior (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Perception Motivation, values and involvement Attitudes and attitude change Decision making Group influences Social class Cultures and subcultures

Doing Business in Austria (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Key Stakeholders of the Austrian economy (AK, WK, Sozialpartnerschaft, …) Austrian Banking System Founding a business in Austria

Change Management (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

· The nature of change · Eight steps to successful change · Change management and organizational structure · Change strategies · Change resistance · Effective communication · Effective leadership

German Language (Group B: Intermediate Level) (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Students will practice and expand their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Topics: daily routines, work life, hobbies, eating out, talking about the past Grammar structures: cases (nominative, accusative), modal verbs, tenses (present tense, past tense), pronouns

Career Skills Lab: Emotional Intelligence in Organisations (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

• The relevance and application of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in organizations • The concepts of purpose, value, trust and mindfulness • Applying and experiencing EQ in your student context and as core career skill

Sustainability and Energy Business (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Students receive an overview of the most important terms and principles of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, national programs and accompanied reporting and control. Using the MIT Enroad simulator tool they will research and design their own program to fulfill the goals of the UN Paris agreement of climate change in a workshop. Concerning the targets of improving Renewable Energy Systems and of enhancing energy efficiency the resources and integration into infrastructure and energy markets will be discussed.

Business Planning (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

- Discovering entrepreneurial opportunities - Business Plan: Introduction, Sample Case and General Outline - Competitive advantage of small businesses - Paths to Small Business Ownership - The New Venture Business Plan - Role, need and preparation of the business plan - Developing the details of the business plan - Finding sources of financing - Preparing a targeted presentation - Preparing a targeted pitch

Simulation Modelling (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Each course unites is divided in a know-how and a practical part. In the more theoretically oriented know-how part, the fundamental methods and techniques of modeling and simulation (model building processes, modeling paradigms, simulation software, input data modeling, verification and validation of simulation models, output data analysis, and comparison of variants) are taught. In the practical parts the focus is on practicing the use of a commercial simulation software tool (presumably “SImul8”). Additional labs in the context of input modeling, validation, a model building tutorial, and a small project round up the practical part.

Basics of Electronics (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Chemical, physical and structural fundamentals of electronic. Electronical measurement units: voltage, current, resistors and power (calculation and meaning) transformer, battery technology, loading technology, types of soldering processes, connectors

Austrian Culture and History (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

1. Introduction 2. Excursion Castle Kufstein 3. Excursion Innsbruck 4. Excursion Salzburg 5. Austria in the 19th century 6. Austria in the 20th/21st century

Sensory Marketing (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

The course provides an in-depth knowledge of the science of sensory marketing. Beyond, it focuses on the application of theories and models to real life cases, discussions as well as implications and limitations of the models. It includes a number of team exercises, case studies and group work. We share knowledge, engage in discussions and create new perspectives and ideas in class.

German Language (Group A: Beginner Level) (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Students will learn basic communication tools that enable unsophisticated communication in everyday situations. Topics: giving basic personal information, e.g. about family, hobbies, daily routines etc., dealing with everyday situations, e.g. shopping Grammar structures: basic sentences, pronouns, regular/irregular conjugation, gender, singular/plural, cases

Behavioral Economics (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Research in recent decades has cast doubt on the mainstream economic conception of humans as rational decision makers. Our course studies the ways that psychology influences people in their economic roles – as consumers, business managers, investors, voters and so forth. We investigate the consequences of this irrationality for the individuals themselves as well as for society as a whole. In particular, we examine its implications for the efficient, or inefficient, functioning of markets, financial and otherwise. Course focuses include behavioral finance, cooperation and fairness.

Rapid Prototyping Technologies, 3D-Printing, Origami & Co (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Basics and detailed knowledge of different rapid prototyping technologies like 3D-Printing, Laser Origami, etc, related to their specific applications, materials and geometries. Which technology is best for which application? What are design requirements and new possibilities? Provide detailed information about principles, opportunities and requirements for rapid prototyping in plastics and metals. Give practical guidelines for different applications. Practical case studies support the theory.

Electronics Lab (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Calculate an measure voltage, current, resistors, capacitors, building full functional electronic devices and connectors

Corporate Banking for small and medium sized firms (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

· Basics of banking (bank balance sheet and income statement, the purpose of banking, risk management and regulations) · Rating & credit risk process (creditworthiness, rating categories, probability of default, rating system, information management, segregation of duties within banking appraisal process, Basel II and III) · Corporate finance (short- and long-term financing: overdraft, revolving facilities, long-term debt, leasing, factoring, debt covenants, margin grids) · Trade finance (trade credit, D/P, pre-payment, check, insurance) · Portfolio management & savings (money market, commercial papers, interest bearing account, funds etc.) · Cash Management & payment services (SEPA, electronic and online banking, cash pooling) · Securities (fixed assets, trade receivables, mobile assets, leasing, real estate, value of securities)

Project Management (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

project initiation stage project planning stage project implementation stage project closing stage project handbook

Sponsoring (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

• History, theory, of sponsorship • Sponsorship – Sponsor Side • Sponsorship – Receiver Side • Elements of developing a sponsorship plan

International Business (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

· Introduction to International business · Internationalization process · International business: theory and practice · The political, legal, economic and technological environment · International sociocultural environment · International ethical and ecological environment · International strategic issues · International marketing

Strategic Management (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

· Introduction and Basics: Generic Concepts · Hierarchy of Goals: Various Levels · Strategic Analysis: Internal + External · Strategy Development and Selection: Generic Strategies, Strategic Options · Strategy Execution: Concepts, Tools, Cases · Appendix: Case Analysis

Cases in Turnaround Marketing (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

- Introduction to the theoretical concept of company crisis and turnaround situation. - Analyzing the strategical and tactical options to manage the turnaround. - Working on different case studies concerning turnaround marketing.

Rhetoric & Presentation (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Students will learn how to structure a presentation, formulate powerful introductions and effective conclusions, how to formulate a sense of purpose and to draw a roadmap. Beyond, the will become acquainted with how to effectively deliver a successful presentation, to present themselves on stage, to prepare for an audience and to lead a discussions. They will apply that knowledge in various exercises.

Conflict Management and Business Mediation (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Conflicts • Background and definitions • Escalation models • Conflict solution models • Diagnosis tools & diagrams Mediation • Principle approach of mediation • Phases in a mediation process • Communication tools & techniques Non-violent communication (NvC) • Concept of non-violent communication • Feelings / observations / needs / requests • Practical training and application of NvC • Application: giving feedback with NvC Special topics in business mediation & conflict management, e.g. • Application to specific fields • Additional communication approaches • Alternative and related approaches

Blockchain and Cryptofinance (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Blockchain Basisc Crypto Finance Blockchain Use Cases

The "Me Brand" - Influencing factor for your career (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

mong other things, we will use the 12 Brand Archetypes, which are based on the research findings of C.G. Jung, to work out how the universal archetypes, which are associated with certain emotions, characteristics and goals, function in business, with managers and with customers or employees. Intangible elements such as experiences, evaluation, etc. that people associate with the "Me Brand I" are also addressed.

Brand Management, Commercials & Valuation (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

• Brand strategies & brand strength • Brand stretching • Commercial analysis • Brand Equity & Brand Valuation • Discounted cash flow model (Excel calculations) • Brand Finance & financial value of a brand • Merging of brand strength & financial parameters (WACC, CAPM, DCF)

3D Design (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

• Basics of creating 3D models • Introduction of the CAD software Solidworks • Possibilities for creating and editing individual parts • Possibilities for creating and editing assemblies • Design rules for additive manufacturing • Exporting 3D models for 3D printing and laser cutting


Regular Bachelor Courses

Investment & Finance for Energy & Sustainability Management (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 4 ECTS

• Investment decision as a process in the entrepreneurial environment • Static and dynamic procedures of investment calculation • Profitability ratios of the profitability calculation • Case studies of investments in the generation and distribution grid sector as well as in sales and customer projects • Energy and environmental protection services from the supplier and customer point of view • Contract design of different service models

Marketingmanagement & Controlling(E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

In order to impart in-depth marketing knowledge, students are taught the principle of market-oriented business management. Marketing as a management task has to cover different areas - planning, controlling, monitoring and coordination define only some of the important aspects in the area of marketing management. Marketing controlling takes on the task of questioning the effectiveness and efficiency of this already mentioned market-oriented business management. The main issue here is whether the formulated goals will be achieved or whether the selected measures represent the optimal way of achieving them. In order to measure the achievement of objectives, students are given an overview of possible KPIs in various areas of the company and can apply situation-relevant KPIs. The stu-dents should be able to ask these questions, answer them and respond to the respective results. The product management system is also addressed as a snap-shot and the associated company-internal processes are dealt with.

Content Creation(E)
  • Semester 2
  • 2 ECTS

The Content Creation lecture takes up basic terms, theories and concepts of content creation, which are further explored in the exercise. Students learn the basic concepts of content marketing (e.g. graphic and visual design, photo, video) for relevant channels.

R&D Management (WP)(E) (WP)*
  • Semester 2
  • 2 ECTS

• Core processes in the development area • Challenges in the development area against the background of existing market requirements • Levels of development management (strategic, tactical, operational) • Management of the development area with qualitative and quantitative approaches (Lean Engineering, Model Based System Engineering). QM etc.)

Web Security and IT Governance (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

The course teaches basic topics in the field of web security. This includes cryptographic pro-cedures, security in transport protocols (HTTPS, SSL and TLS), threats (e.g. code injection, cross site scripting, cross site request forgery) and appropriate countermeasures. Using ready-made, prepared web applications (e.g. JuiceShop), students attempt to exploit threats and security holes to gain a better understanding of the security of web applications. Based on these examples, countermeasures for selected threats are discussed (e.g. input validation, prepared statements). Students are also introduced to security problems at network level (e.g. ARP spoofing, denial-of-service attacks, etc.). In the subject area of IT Governance, students are taught the basics of IT governance. To this end, important processes and organizational structures are discussed so that business and IT can be aligned with each other. Basic terms are discussed, as well as the classification of IT governance into corporate governance. Furthermore, frameworks and standards (e.g. Cobit, ITIL) are discussed.

Marketing and Sales (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 2 ECTS

• Importance and tasks of marketing in the 21st century • Fundamentals of capital goods, consumer goods and services marketing • Marketing plan • Market research • Market segmentation/positioning • Strategic marketing • Marketing mix

Fundamentals of Information Systems (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 1.5 ECTS

• ERP lifecycle management • ERP enterprise resource planning • SCM supply chain management • CRM (customer relation management) • Production planning and control • Application integration, long-term archiving • PDM (Product data management) • PLM (Product Lifecycle Management)

Fundamentals to Economics (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 5 ECTS

Introduction to Business Administration component: • Overview and context analysis of the most important subareas in business administration • Subject and fundamentals of business administration: • Operational functional areas • Business decision theory • Fundamentals of management and ethics • Fundamentals of personnel and organization • Marketing Fundamentals • Fundamentals of: • Constitutive company decisions such as legal forms, location decisions, types of mergers and acquisitions and choice of business segment. • Functional business decisions: Materials management, production management, marketing. • Fundamentals of business value creation processes and functions (value creation architecture and structure). • Fundamentals of market, process and strategy oriented management. Applied Economics component: • Economic thinking and marginal analysis • Efficient allocation of scarce resources • The market model and market equilibrium • Macroeconomic variables (GDP, inflation, and unemployment) and their interrelationships Selected macroeconomics issues: • Elasticity and welfare • Cost functions and optimal corporate production • Price setting and market structures • Short-term macroeconomic fluctuations: The business cycle • Money, the ECB, and inflation • Long-term economic growth • International relations and trade

Mixed Reality Technologies & Applications (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 6 ECTS

In this course, students will get to know the concept of Mixed Reality and will be able to clas-sify the different forms of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. The respective available technologies in terms of hardware and software systems (e.g. development environments) are introduced and the basic implementation techniques are described using specific examples. The course deals with the conceptual level of mixed reality applications (e.g. story develop-ment and interaction options) as well as the implementation of the applications (e.g. 3D mod-elling and programming).

Investment and Financing (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 1.5 ECTS

• Introduction to financial management • Economic business processes (investment, financing and risk management) • Differences in financing needs for: Enterprises, public budgets and private budgets • Structure and legal basis of the credit business of credit institutions • Supply of credit to the credit markets • The European Central Bank • Execution and processing of credit transactions, e.g. credit types • Company assessment and analysis • Collateral, credit agreement and credit decisions • Introduction to investment calculation • Goals and tasks of a modern investment calculation • Fundamentals of business investment decisions • Static methods of investment calculation • Dynamic methods of investment calculation

Supply Chain Management (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 2 ECTS

The course aims to introduce the subject of logistics, the scope, areas and value of which cover the globalized and networked economy on a strategic and operational level. • Goals and conflicting goals in logistics against the background of the following framework conditions • Levels of logistics (functional service function, coordination, flow rationing, supply chain) • Storage/warehousing • Demand planning • Internal and external transport • ABC/XYZ analysis • Approaches like Kanban, JIT/JIS, value stream analysis • Order picking • Types of order control • Procurement, production, distribution and disposal logistics • Supply chain management • Procurement, production, distribution and disposal logistics • Supply chain management

Innovation Management & Product Development (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

• Strategic relevance of innovation (competitiveness) • Structured handling of innovations (innovation-promoting organizational forms, corporate culture, management forms) • Importance of product development for companies • Scope and integration of product development in companies • Design forms of the product development process and organizational forms • Approaches in product development with regard to concept, concept and elaboration such as functional analysis, QFD, specification, FMEA, concept evaluation (quality approaches) and production transition • Variant management and approaches for the representation of external complexity • Management of target costs

Project Management (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 1.5 ECTS

• Presentation of the specifics of the project organization and the organizational integration into, impact on, or resulting problems in companies. • Imparting basic project management methods, such as • Planning of goals, structure, time, costs and organization • Performing environment, risk and interdependency analyses or project controlling/communication in the various phases of projects (start, implementation/controlling, conclusion) on the basis of a selected project management standard. • Addressing the relevant social skills for successful project work and the mediation of successful practical projects and typical pitfalls. • Classification of the terms project management, program management and multi-project management.

Design 2: Digital Design Tools (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 6 ECTS

Editing and design basics in Adobe, such as - General program functions and work interfaces - Drawing tools - Layer technique - Selection functions - Crop tools - Colors and formatting - objects - Image editing - Composing - Texture/ Patterns/ Artboards - Alienation - Backgrounds - Text editing - Template creation - Rulers, guides, grids - Import / export / vectorization - Wireframing, handling wireframing technologies - Mockup design and implementation using Photoshop, Illustrator, or XD - Icon and pictogram design: Dos and don'ts

English version will be available soon (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 4 ECTS

• Ethics and morals in theory and practice • Discussion of orthodox management approaches (among others: principal agent theory, shareholder value approach) from an ethical perspective • Soft- vs. hard-law and its influence on the sustainability of management decisions • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Human Resources Management (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 2 ECTS

The course deals with the following topics: historical development of personnel management, tasks of personnel management, personnel planning, recruitment, release, selection, assessment, development, incentive and remuneration systems, personnel organization and controlling. New developments in personnel management. In addition, the course deals with the role and handling of volunteers and the resulting challenges for personnel management.

IT-Security Lab (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 2 ECTS

Contents of this course are: - Threat environment: Goals of IT security, types of attackers and attacks, planning and managing IT security - Cryptography and cryptographic system standards: symmetric and public/private key encryption, digital signatures, Hashing, authentication, digital certificates, TSL/SSL, IPSec, wireless security - Access control: passwords, biometric methods, role-based access control, identity management - Firewalls: principles, static packet filtering, stateful packet inspection, NAT, intrusion detection and - Prevention systems, firewall architectures and management - Host and Data Security: host hardening, vulnerability and exploits, vulnerability testing, data protection and backups - Application Security: hardening applications, web server attacks, email security - Incident and Disaster Response: incident response, laws and regulations, business continuity planning

IT-Security (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

Contents of this course are: - Threat environment: Goals of IT security, types of attackers and attacks, planning and managing IT security - Cryptography and cryptographic system standards: symmetric and public/private key encryption, digital signatures, Hashing, authentication, digital certificates, TSL/SSL, IPSec, wireless security - Access control: passwords, biometric methods, role-based access control, identity management - Firewalls: principles, static packet filtering, stateful packet inspection, NAT, intrusion detection and - Prevention systems, firewall architectures and management - Host and Data Security: host hardening, vulnerability and exploits, vulnerability testing, data protection and backups - Application Security: hardening applications, web server attacks, email security - Incident and Disaster Response: incident response, laws and regulations, business continuity planning

Digital Trends in Sports, Culture & Events (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 5.5 ECTS

The digitization of the sports industry is covered. In particular, the digital staging of sport, the digital interaction and thus pluralization of communication channels with the sports consumer and the production of new digital sports products are focused on. In addition, it is discussed how the digital infrastructure and digital platform influences the competitive environment of sport. In the context of cultural management, the consequences of digitization for fictional imaginary worlds in art and culture are outlined. Examples from the fields of virtual reality and social media show the potential of digital technologies for experiencing cultural offerings and the emergence of new audiences. However, the loss of cultural diversity through the algorithmization of knowledge and cultural memory is also being discussed. In addition, the course deals with the digitization of events. Special focus is placed on the effects of digital technologies on existing and new event formats and on the visitors’ world of experience as well as on the event planning areas of marketing, security, infrastructure and event evaluation.

Trends in International Finance (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

The students are able to: •build up financial knowledge related to current financial technologies. • understand and interpret financial articles. • understand and classify current trends in practice. • strengthen their analytical skills.

International Management in Sports, Culture & Events (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

The content of the course is in-depth knowledge of the complex global sports market and its various models as well as their effects, potentials and challenges for sports management. The tension between national, European and global identities calls for diversity management from cultural institutions in program design as well as in personnel management. In cultural management, internationally active cultural organizations are introduced, and the specific action potentials of cultural diversity are pointed out. In the context of the theory of transculturality, the opportunities and limits of transnational concepts such as the World Cultural Heritage and the European Capital of Culture are examined and their effects on regional cultural offerings discussed. The course also deals with the global influencing factors and effects of internationalization on the event sector and the resulting challenges for organizers. The focus is on authenticity, sustainability and event destination development.

Digital Transformation & Artificial Intelligence II: Markets & Companies
  • Semester 2
  • 4 ECTS

• Development and change of markets, industries and business models through digitization • Influence of digital trends on customers, competitors and market performance • Effects of digitization on classical business concepts of: Companies, organization, management, culture, etc. • Reflection and adaptation of classical business theories and models to digitization (life cycle, value chain, 5-forces, etc.)

Business Simulation Game (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 2 ECTS

• Operational functions (production, marketing, logistics, supply chain management) • Market analyzes and market developments • Use of analysis tools (SWOT, benchmark, market shares, cost and contribution margin analyses, etc.) • Development of strategies • Controlling and key figures

Production Management (WP)(E) (WP)*
  • Semester 2
  • 2 ECTS

• Core processes in the production area • Challenges in the production area against the background of existing market requirements • Levels of production management (strategic, tactical, operational) such as location decision, in-house and external production, order management, work system design, production planning and control (PPS), personnel management • Lean management • Management of the production area with qualitative and quantitative approaches (QM approaches)

Current Issues in Sports, Culture & Events (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 2.5 ECTS

The course deals with the current topics and challenges of sport, such as the production of sport, the changing consumption of sport and the development of new sports products. The cultural units focus on the social challenge of participation in art and culture. An empirical survey of the group of “non-attendees” provides an overview of the research into this underexposed segment of the public and critically presents the concept of cultural competence for discussion. In addition, the course deals with current topics in the field of events, e.g. gender and diversity management, corruption and the development of new event formats.

Managerial Economics & Individual Decision-making
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

• Economic growth, social inequality and ecological conditions • Efficient allocation of scarce resources • Market model and market equilibrium • Strategic interaction and social dilemmas • Elasticity, pricing and market types • Welfare analysis of state interventions

Digital Transformation & Artificial Intelligence II: Markets & Companies
  • Semester 2
  • 3 ECTS

• Development and change of markets, industries and business models through digit-ization • Influence of digital trends on customers, competitors and market performance • Effects of digitization on classical business-related concepts of: Companies, organi-zation, management, culture, etc. • Reflection and adaptation of classical business theories and models to digitization (life cycle, value chain, 5-forces, etc.)

Fundamentals of Business Administration & Economics (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 6 ECTS

• Overview and context analysis of the most important subareas in business admin-istration • Subject and fundamentals of business administration: o Operational functional areas o Business-related decision theory o Fundamentals of management and ethics o Fundamentals of Human Resources and organization o Marketing fundamentals • Fundamentals of business-related management: o Constitutive company decisions such as legal forms, location decisions, types of mergers and acquisitions and choice of business segment o Functional company decisions: Materials management, production management, marketing • Fundamentals of business value creation processes and functions (value creation architecture and structure) • Fundamentals of market-, process- and strategy-oriented management • Microeconomics and the behavior of managers and companies • Price and product policy of companies • Elementary principles of game theory • Company organization • Market forms and market entry • Decisions under uncertainty • Behavioral economics • Economy of digitization • External accounting: o Structure of the accounting system o Fundamentals of operational accounting: Tasks, sub-areas and basic concepts o Commercial accounting system: From inventory to opening balance sheet o Double-entry accounting system: Posting business cases to inventory and profit and loss accounts o Organization of bookkeeping (chart of accounts, sales tax, etc.) o Principle of period purity and accruals and deferrals • Internal accounting: o Objectives and basic concepts of cost and revenue accounting o Fundamentals of cost and revenue accounting: Tasks, components and subareas o Structure of cost accounting (cost elements, cost centers, cost objects) o Contribution margin accounting

Digitization in Energy & Sustainability Management (E)
  • Semester 2
  • 4 ECTS

• Basic programming knowledge for data preparation • Analysis and presentation of information from data sets
