
Top-class lectures and discussion panels

  • 09.12.2022
  • Event Review
Podiumsdiskussion zu den Erfolgsfaktoren der Internationalisierung von Familienunternehmen.
© FH Kufstein Tirol

Panel discussion on the success factors for the internationalization of family businesses.

On November 25, 2022, the 6th Family Business Day of the Kufstein University took place. The overall theme of the event was Internationally active: What's changing and the speakers from practice and academia provided a wide range of insights into their concepts and experiences.

Prof. (FH) Dott. Markus Weishaupt used various events such as Covid-19 or the current climate change to show that there is currently a negative mood with regard to internationalization. One would therefore assume that there is a declining interest in the economy. However, the figures show a different picture. According to WTO figures, the global volume of exports and imports reached 22,500 billion US dollars in 2021. An increase of 3.5 percent is already foreseeable for 2022. In his opinion, internationalization is therefore not over. By turning their backs on international markets, family businesses are closing themselves off to a wide range of opportunities. Internationalization continues to be a relevant strategic step for family businesses in order to leverage business potential, diversify risks, increase brand and company value and also increase their own resilience.


Ms Andrea Berghofer, Managing Director of Adler-Werk Lackfabrik Johann Berghofer GmbH und Co KG in Schwaz, reported that internationalization had taken place step by step until seven sales companies were finally established in Central Europe. Strategically, it was important to have an established domestic market (Austria) and to achieve growth through internationalization by penetrating the market in all sectors. Josef Dygruber, CEO Managing Director and shareholder of claro products GmbH, presents a similar approach. The Austrian domestic market forms a firm basis for the company's success and internationalization has, for the time being, only been driven forward in German-speaking countries. This will enable healthy and sustainable growth. Innovation and sustainability play a key role for both companies in order to position themselves in their external image and to be able to accompany their internationalization efforts.

Claude Cornaz, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vetropack Holding Ltd, presented a different approach to internationalization. Following the founding of the first company in 1911 in St. Prex, the Group has grown internationally through numerous acquisitions of several glass factories in new markets. The family always played a decisive role in these expansions and was responsible for determining the strategic steps. The roles of all family members have been written down and agreed in a family governance system, so that the long-term and sustainable positive development of the Group can be guaranteed over several generations.


During the concluding panel discussion, the success factors for the internationalization of family businesses were discussed and numerous questions were asked by the audience. The speakers were joined by Gregor Leitner, Head of Department, Foreign Trade Tyrol of the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce and Paul Schäfer, CEO Managing Director of Infominds AG, to complete the panel discussion. Internationalization per se was discussed, but reference was also made to aspects such as sustainability, corporate culture, etc., which, in the opinion of the panelists, represent a fundamental basis for any strategic orientation of family businesses. Interesting questions then arose from the audience, which were answered and elaborated on from the different perspectives of the discussion participants. The subsequent get-together provided an opportunity to exchange ideas over refreshments and snacks.